"The happy custom, originated in Salt Lake City a number of years ago, of amusing the aged by inviting them to participate in a party, has been adopted in this, our city. A few weeks since a committee of a number of our worthy people was selected to prepare a programme and make arrangements for an enjoyable time. They at once went to work with a will and yesterday was the date appointed for the pleasant event.
"At 12 o'clock sweet strains of music by our brass band were heard at the spacious bowery on the meeting-house square, welcoming the invited guests, and soon afterward over three hundred sat down to partake of the bounties of life, which had been plenteously provided.
"There were present two over ninety years old, seventy-five over seventy years old, and eighteen over eighty years old. Badges were placed upon their breasts, white, blue and red-designating the ages.
"Twenty-four young ladies dressed in white, with blue ribbon tied in a bow around their left arm, were seen rushing about the tables with genial and pleasant countenances, each trying to outdo the other in serving and waiting upon the aged, who were seemingly relishing their dinner.
"All the widows, about seventy in number, and the missionaries were there. The wives and husbands of those
"The happy custom, originated in Salt Lake City a number of years ago, of amusing the aged by inviting them to participate in a party, has been adopted in this, our city. A few weeks since a committee of a number of our worthy people was selected to prepare a programme and make arrangements for an enjoyable time. They at once went to work with a will and yesterday was the date appointed for the pleasant event.
"At 12 o'clock sweet strains of music by our brass band were heard at the spacious bowery on the meeting-house square, welcoming the invited guests, and soon afterward over three hundred sat down to partake of the bounties of life, which had been plenteously provided.
"There were present two over ninety years old, seventy-five over seventy years old, and eighteen over eighty years old. Badges were placed upon their breasts, white, blue and red-designating the ages.
"Twenty-four young ladies dressed in white, with blue ribbon tied in a bow around their left arm, were seen rushing about the tables with genial and pleasant countenances, each trying to outdo the other in serving and waiting upon the aged, who were seemingly relishing their dinner.
"All the widows, about seventy in number, and the missionaries were there. The wives and husbands of those
over seventy, and the invited guests, made up the party.
All creeds and denominations were included, no partiality having been shown in extending invitations, the committee having requested the presence of all the old people in our community. Our citizens in general made manifest their liberality in subscribing the needed supplies.
"After all had satisfied the inner man, great quantities of food were yet remaining. This was distributed among the sick, who could not attend.
"At 2 p. m. all gathered in the meeting house, where a very interesting program, consisting of speeches, songs, music by the brass band, violin duets by our accomplished musicians, Mr. Almertz and Miss Beckstrom, recitations, etc., was rendered.
"Twenty-nine presents were distributed among the most aged.
which made their hearts glad.
"The feeble and infirm were conveyed to and from the party
in carriages provided for that purpose. .
"In the evening a dance was given in the Assembly Hall, where
all, young and old, who desired, shook the light fantastic toe.
"Bishop C. N. Lund and counselors graced the party with their
presence and had a kind word for all.
"We cannot speak too highly of the work of the committee. which was composed of the following ladies and gentleman: the Bishop, George Farnsworth, C. H. Wheelock, C. J. Anderson, Ed. ward Cliff, James Gunderson, Mrs. Margaret F. C. Morrison, Mrs. Caroline Simpson and Mrs. Bothilda Nielsen. Although themselves getting up in years, they labored assiduously in making the party a grand success, and the most pleasing and enjoyable
time ever witnessed in our city. F. E. (Ferdinand Ericksen)
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