Monday, November 2, 2015

The Refiner's Fire

Since Peter has come home from the hospital, many friends have stopped by.  I only took pictures on two occasions.  Mitch Christensen, who worked as an electrician on the maintenance crew has been a very special friend over many years.  Peter and Mitch relived those Moroni Processing years with fond memories and also some very horrifying and miraculous memories.

Mack Wilkey stopped by on a Sunday afternoon.  Peter has always looked up to Mack.  Mack has been so very encouraging to our whole family.
I wish I could say that Peter is all well and that there will be no more hospital time, but now we are looking at at least six weeks of radiation and chemotherapy.  We will accept what comes and know that the Lord is looking after us and our journey will only strengthen our faith in Him.
A good friend of ours, Shane Hall also stopped by.  He made the following video for the L.D.S. Church.  It is entitled the "Refiner's Fire".  He takes a piece of iron, and with his masterful touch, fashions it into a beautiful rose; all the while a dear sister tells of her family's battle with cancer and adversity. 

 Neither Peter nor I consider ourselves roses, but we can certainly identify with the hammering, pounding, the firing, stretching and molding going on in the video.  I hope you will watch the video. 


Thank You so much for your faith and prayers on our behalf.

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