Monday, March 14, 2016

Madsen Photograph Album

Sometimes you just have to go through all your stuff that you have left in boxes in storage to find some real gems.  Because we are remodeling, I went through some old boxes and came up with this photo album.  It was given me by Joann Hafen Granger.  I may have posted some of these before.  During this next week I plan on scanning all of them and posting them here so all the Madsen Clan can sort through them and perhaps use them to do their family history work.
 Hilda's House 
(also her father Andrew Madsen home)


Hilda and Showman Longsdorf

Annie Madsen Pearson and her husband Andrew Pearson and Hilda
 Neil M. Madsen

Annie Wilcox Madsen


Annie Madsen Pearson and Emma Frandsen Lamont 


Anthon and Neil Madsen 

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