Saturday, August 27, 2016

Levi Burt Reynolds

REYNOLDS, LEVI BURT (son of James Burkley Reynolds and Eliza Ann Lawrence of Maryland).

Born Feb. 22, 1831, Fayette, Ind. Came to Utah 1851.

Married Hannah Johnson Sept. 4, 1853, Pleasant Grove, Utah (daughter of William and Elizabeth Johnson of Lye, Worcestershire, Eng., who came to Utah 1850).

She was born Jan. 5, 1832.

Their children: Hanna E., m. Don Carlos Seely;

Charlotte L., m. William H. Seely;

Levi B., m. Emilie Rosenlund;

Harriet Anna, m. Henry Spencer;

James B„ died;

Francis M., m. Diantha Andersen;

Rosa May, md. Moroni Farnsworth;

George Willard, m. Augusta Lewis;

Fritz Earl, m. Nellie Moore;

Jesse B., m. Emilie Petersen.

Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. )

President 66th quorum of seventies;

missionary to Kentucky 1881-83.

Miller and carpenter. Died July 1, 1903.

(info found in Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah)

(Levi came to Utah with his brother, William Fletcher Reynolds in the James C. Snow wagon train company of 1852:

William F Re[y]nolds Anna Renolds Enis Renolds George W Renolds Levi B Renolds, 5 in family, 1 wagon, 4 cows.

The following are excerpts from Mt. Pleasant History by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf:

Fortunate were the pioneers in having among them so many fine musicians, who willingly contributed their talents toward the amusement of the colony. John Waldermar played the violin, flute,

and cornet. James Hansen, who prior to his coming to Mount Pleasant, had belonged to the Brass Band in Salt Lake City, also played the violin, flute and cornet. Lars Nielsen, known as Lars Fiddler, played by ear, became very popular and had many
invi­tations from other settlements to locate there. He, with John Waldermar and James Hansen, played for all the important gatherings held in Mount Pleasant during the first sixteen years.

Among other prominent pioneer musicians, who also contributed necessary pioneer music were Levi B. Reynolds, violinist; George Nielsen, tambourine; Orin Clark, the Jaw Bones of an Ox on a stick; Alma Staker, Bone Clapper; Rudolph Bennett, Triangle; Bent Hansen, Bass Fiddle; Soren Hansen, Clarinet; Andrew Bram­sted, Violin; and August Mynear, Violin.  p.63

November 21st, (1863) the 66th quorum of Seventies was organized at a meeting in the home of John Tidwell, Sr. The following were chosen as Presidents: Henry McArthur, P. M. Peel, N. Peter Madsen, Levi B. Reynolds, Orange Seeley and Nelson Tidwell.  p.82

During this year John Fredrick Fechser, William and Levi Reynolds erected a flour mill on Pleasant Creek, about midway between Main and First North on First East, just above the old fort, Pleasant Creek affording the water with which to operate the mill This' mill was known as the City Mill and was operated for a number of years by Mr. Fechser, who later sold to the Reynolds Brothers, and the mill became known as the Reynolds Mill. It was built on the north side of the stream with a spillway on the south side. The water, passing into a tunnel, furnished power to run a chopping mill, owned by August Lundberg, west of State Street. p133

In 1884, a group of jolly young people left Mt. Pleasant in five covered wagons, each carrying a bride and bridegroom to be, for they were all enroute to Salt Lake City to be married and had decided to make an outing of the trip. At Thistle station, where they camped the first night, they were caught in a heavy snow storm, and later in Salt Lake valley the drifted snow covered all traces of the road. They had to dig one wagon, not belonging but traveling with the group, out of the snowdrift. They camped the second night at Dunyons, and were three days on their trip to Salt Lake City, where, on the 14th day of February, they were married. The couples were: Wm. D. Candland and Annie Peel, Bert Rey­nolds and Emily Rosenlund, (This is the son of Levi Burt Reynolds) Edward Day and Maria Johnson, Silas McArthur and Stena Jensen, Richard H. Spencer and Annie Reynolds. Their return trip to Mt. Pleasant was made by way of Salt Creek Canyon. Returning home, they gave a wedding dance in the dance hall over the Co-op Store, to which almost everyone in Mt. Pleasant was invited. p 162

They proposed to get a church bell before the next year. A committee was appointed to get men and teams to level the north side of the church square, and to further beautify the grounds by planting suitable shade and pine trees. A committee was also appointed to supervise the painting of the fence." Note: The fence was built by Levi and William Reynolds, and was extra high. p164

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