Tuesday, August 23, 2016


It appears from the limited record of the first administration that land matters, boundary lines and fences, were matters of concern. This from the record of March 7, 1869, "Moved and seconded that the south fence of the old field be removed to the north side of the street. Carried. Moved and seconded that the fence around the old field be rebuilt and that the land be squared up. Carried."

That the original council had extensive jurisdiction and varied duties is evidenced by a resolution April 4, 1870.

During the ten-year term of Joseph Page, considerable atten­tion was given to street and bridges. The supervisor, Paul Dehlin, "complained that he couldn't get teams to go after timber for bridges." Cyrus Wheelock suggested that they request the Bishop to make a call on the brethren. Someone else proposed to levy a tax instead. The proposition to tax won the day, and one-half per cent tax was levied.

In January 1871, the City Council granted to A. Day & Com­pany, the right to take water from Sanpitch River, to water land on the west side of the river to Moroni. The city had jurisdiction in those days three miles south and three miles east to the Colo­rado state line.

There is an odor of booze comes floating over the years since Joseph Page's administration. On December 24, 1873, a license was granted to A. O. Neyberg.

The "old settlers" as they are called in the record, had appro­priated the waters of the five creeks to lands lying below town. Appropriations were made of surplus water to higher lands by the "new settlers" and then the trouble began. At first appeared a spirit of generosity and the city council was inclined to grant liberal appropriations. During the six year term of C. N. Lund, the question evidently became one of bitter controversy. The record is fairly saturated with water.

I do not know what salaries were paid to the city officials in those days, whatever they were, I am sure they were earned in meetings with water-masters, aggressive appropriators of water, and "old settlers" and in carrying on their shoulders the burdens of all the irrigation systems in those days of struggle.

In 1889, the citizens were ordered to move their wood piles off of the streets.

While John Carter was mayor for two years, Plat "C" was added to the city. An estimate of the cost of building a water­works system was made at $20,949.64.

Cemetery improvement was given attention. A suggestion made by N. S. Nielsen was formulated as a motion and" carried to enclose the cemetery in a fence and the next spring, M. F. Rosenburg was authorized to obtain three hundred trees from Proctor's for plant­ing in the cemetery.

In January 1894, the city entered into contract with the Mt. Pleasant Electric Light Company for electrical service for lighting streets, and the old oil lamps were discarded. The first year's service cost was $441.00. In the same year, mention is made of a fire department.

During N. S. Nielson's term, 1896-1897, they had their hands full of business in connection with floods. A site for a flood dam cost $50.00 the record shows, and the expense items for 1896 con­tains one for $868.00 for damages caused because of the dam.

Ferdinand Ericksen's administration effected the purchase of a building from the school, made over into the City Hall, and created the first debt that appears on record. A note for $1,000.00 was given.

While John H. Seely was mayor, a piece of ground containing a spring, adjoining the cemetery, was purchased, and the water piped into the cemetery.

During George Christensen's term, they had no small job on their hands in constructing the waterworks system. A bond of $1,800.00 was floated but the system was not completed until the administration of H. C. Beaumann.

When James Monson became mayor, we were still wading in mud and getting up town as best we could. Sidewalk paving districts 1, 2 , and 3 were created, and sidewalks constructed.

While Ferdinand Ericksen was mayor, Mt. Pleasant voted to abolish the liquor traffic.

While James W. Anderson was mayor, the electric light plant became an accomplished fact. A bond of $38,000.00, was voted.

Daniel Rasmussen was mayor during the construction of the Carnegie Public Library. The City Hall was remodeled to its present condition. The bonded debt amounted to $56,000.00. The waterworks bonds were refunded by a serial issue so that one $3,000.00 bond could be paid each year, and one bond was paid.

The flood gave W. D. Candland and his associates financial and other troubles. A $25,000.00 bond issue was voted for the purpose of piping pure spring water into the waterworks system.

And now my friends, we are in the hands of the undertaker. (Note: The mayor at that time, Bent R. Hansen, was also an undertaker. )

1 comment:

  1. In reference to the last sentence: I did not know Dan had a sense of humor. Took at least one class from him North Sanpete 1937.


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