Saturday, January 7, 2017

Anne Marie Ebbesen

Birthdate: 11 Nov 1780
Mepling, Vejle, Denmark
Death: 6 Feb 1870
Mt. Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah

Parents: Ebbe Knudsen and Anna Micelsen

Pioneer: 1 Sep 1855
Jacob F Secrist Co Wagon Train

Spouse: Jes Olesen
Married: Jes Olesen 1801
Frederica, Denmark

Death Spouse: 26 Aug 1842
Mejsaling, Vejle, Denmark


 Ebbe Jessen: 13 Jun 1801 - died as a child

Anne (Bertelsen) 30Sep 1804

Maren: 9 Jul 1807

Ole: 24 Jul 1809

Margaret he Dorthea (Nielsen): 6 May 1813

Ebbe: 8 Apr 1816

Dorthea: 3 Mar 1820

Mads Peter: 22 Apr 1822

Dorthea Johanne: 2 Mar 1825

Jes: 18 Sep 1826

Johanne Marie (Jensen): 20 May 1829

Annie Marie was born in Demark. She was married to Jes Olesen but when she came to America her surname became Jessen. Their ftrst three children were born in Fredericia, a sea coast town near enough that they could work on a farm. Their next eight children were born in Mejling, a few miles southwest of the larger city of Vejle.
The last  child was born in the neighboring village of Buttercup. .
In 1842, Jes died leaving Anne Marie a widow at the age of sixty-two with her
youngest being thirteen years of age, and when the message of the Mormon Church was accepted by several of her children and Anne Marie., she was baptized on September 9,1951. 

Three of her children left for the United States.  In 1854, Anne Marie borrowed money from the Perpetual Immigration Fund and left Denmark on December 16, that year. She had turned seventy-one by the time she boarded the ship" James Nesmith".

Anne Marie was an inspiring mother accepting such change at an older age to
come to Utah alone and to encourage her children in their quest. It was a life of endurance and example, a grand goal for every mother.

also see

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