Every once in a while we will find the name of a person who has no biographical history on file at the Relic Home. And Yet, we know from the "History of Mt. Pleasant" by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf that they played an important role in the beginning of Mt. Pleasant. Edward Cliff is such a person. Below you will find his family group sheet, his obituary and also a few snippets of history from "Mt. Pleasant History".
July 30th, the Sunday School was organized, Joseph Stanford was president. George Farnsworth, Edward Cliff, Jeremiah Page, Anthon H. Lund, Sisters Charlotte Hyde, Susan Holly,
….. Anderson, Janet McArthur, teachers. It was commenced August 6th, with 150 scholars. George Farnsworth had taught Sunday School in the old bowery as early as 1860.page 98 Mt. Pleasant History
First City Election
The title "Great Salt Lake City," was shortened by legislative enactment, January 1868, to Salt Lake City. This year, Mount Pleasant became an incorporated city through an act passed by the Utah Legislature, February 20, 1868. The first municipal election was held May 5th. The following is copied from the first volume of the records of Mount Pleasant city council: "Organization of Mount Pleasant City Council 1868, May 5th. The following persons were duly elected on the 5th of May to serve in the following offices, viz. W. S. Seely, Mayor; Councilors, Jacob Christensen, Peter M. Peel, Jens Jorgensen, N. Peter Madsen, and Joseph Page. Peter 1. Jensen and J. W. Seely, Magistrates. The following motion was made by Joseph Page, seconded by Jacob Christensen that George Farnsworth be recorder, car'd. Moved by P. M. Peel, seconded by Joseph Page, that Andrew Madsen be city Treasurer, Car'd. Moved by N. P. Madsen, seconded by Jens Jorgensen that Edward Cliff be city Assessor and Collector. Car'd. Moved by Joseph Page, seconded by P. M. Peel that O. Seely be city Marshal, Car'd. The above persons were duly sworn before Wm. S. Seely, Mayor. Moved by Jacob Christensen and seconded by Joseph Page that this council adjourn to this night weke. Car'd." (Note: The name "Seeley" is also recorded as "Seely." ) pages 125-126
Sanpete Stake Reorganized
July 4, 1877, Sanpete Stake was reorganized by President Brigham Young. Canute Petersen was made president, with Henry Beal and John B. Maiben, counselors. At the same time, Mt. Pleasant was divided into two wards, with W. S. Seeley as Bishop, and Jacob Christensen and William Reynolds as counselors of the south ward. Jacob Christensen served until August 1880, when Peter Mogensen (Monsen) was installed. Orange Seeley was appointed Bishop of the north ward, but in a very short time he was called to go to Emery County, and N. Peter Madsen with P. M. Peel and Edward Cliff as counselors were chosen to act.
"We cannot speak too highly of the work of the committee. which was composed of the following ladies and gentleman: the Bishop, George Farnsworth, C. H. Wheelock, C. J. Anderson, Ed. ward Cliff, James Gunderson, Mrs. Margaret F. C. Morrison, Mrs. Caroline Simpson and Mrs. Bothilda Nielsen. Although themselves getting up in years, they labored assiduously in making the party a grand success, and the most pleasing and enjoyable
time ever witnessed in our city. F. E.
"Mount Pleasant, July 19, 1890." p 170
Mt. Pleasant City Council, from the organization in May, A. D. 1868, under a charter granted by the Legislature of Utah, February 20, 1868, to the first Monday in January 1939, inclusive:
1868-9. Mayor, W. S. Seely; Councilors, Jacob Christensen,
Peter M. Peel, Jens Jorgensen, N. P. Madsen and Joseph Page.
1870-1. Mayor, Joseph Page; Councilors, Abraham Day, Cyrus
H. Wheelock, Andrew Madsen, Alma H. Bennett and Joseph
S. Day.
1872-3 Mayor, Joseph Page; Councilors, Andrew Madsen, C. H.
Wheelock, Orange Seely, A. H. Bennett and Joseph S. Day.
(1) William F. Reynolds.
1874-5. Mayor, Joseph Page; Councilors, Orange Seely, Peter
Mogensen, A. H. Bennett, Andrew Madsen and Paul Dehlin.
(2) John Waldermar.
1876-7. Mayor, Joseph Page; Councilors, Andrew Madsen,
Orange Seely, A. H. Bennett, Peter Mogensen and
Christian N. Lund.
1877-8. Mayor, Joseph Page; (3) W. S. Seely; Councilors,
Andrew Madsen, A. H. Bennett, Peter Mogensen, C. N. Lund,
(4) John Carter, Edward Cliff, (5) and J. W. Seely.
1879-80. Mayor, W. S. Seely; Councilors, Andrew Madsen,
A. H. Bennett, Peter Mogensen and N. P. Madsen.
1881-2. Mayor, W. S. Seely; Councilors, Andrew Madsen,
A. H. Bennett, Peter Mogensen, (6) Soren Jacobsen,
J. W. Seely, N. P. Madsen, (7) Edward Cliff.
1883-4. Mayor, W. S. Seely; Councilors, Andrew Madsen, J. W.
Seely, Edward Cliff, A. H. 'Bennett, (8) E. A. Day, (9) J. K.
McClenahan, Soren Jacobsen, (10) Joseph Page.
1885-6. Mayor, C. N. Lund; Councilors, Andrew Madsen,
John Carter, Hyrum Winters, Soren Jacobsen, Mortin
Rasmussen, (11) Niels L. Lund.
1887-8. Mayor, C. N. Lund; Councilors, Andrew Madsen, Soren
Jacobsen, L. J. Jordan, Alif Ericksen and S. H. Allen.
1860, Orson Hyde; 1877, Canute Petersen; 1900, C. N. Lund:
1914, A. Merz; 1923, S. M. Nielsen; 1936, H. C. Jacobs.
1859, William S. Seely; Counselors, James Harry Tidwell, Peter
Jorgen Jensen, Perry McArthur, and Justus W. Seely.
July 4, 1877, Orange Seely, appointed Bishop; November 17, 1877. Niels Peter Madsen, appointed Bishop; Counselors, P. M. Peel and Edward Cliff.
1877, W. S. Seely, Bishop; Counselors, Jacob Christensen, Wm. F.
Reynolds, C. N. Lund, Peter Mogensen (Monsen).
Mt. Pleasant City Council, from the organization in May, A. D. 1868, under a charter granted by the Legislature of Utah, February 20, 1868, to the first Monday in January 1939, inclusive:
1868-9. Mayor, W. S. Seely; Councilors, Jacob Christensen,
Peter M. Peel, Jens Jorgensen, N. P. Madsen and Joseph Page.
1870-1. Mayor, Joseph Page; Councilors, Abraham Day, Cyrus
H. Wheelock, Andrew Madsen, Alma H. Bennett and Joseph
S. Day.
1872-3 Mayor, Joseph Page; Councilors, Andrew Madsen, C. H.
Wheelock, Orange Seely, A. H. Bennett and Joseph S. Day.
(1) William F. Reynolds.
1874-5. Mayor, Joseph Page; Councilors, Orange Seely, Peter
Mogensen, A. H. Bennett, Andrew Madsen and Paul Dehlin.
(2) John Waldermar.
1876-7. Mayor, Joseph Page; Councilors, Andrew Madsen,
Orange Seely, A. H. Bennett, Peter Mogensen and
Christian N. Lund.
1877-8. Mayor, Joseph Page; (3) W. S. Seely; Councilors,
Andrew Madsen, A. H. Bennett, Peter Mogensen, C. N. Lund,
(4) John Carter, Edward Cliff, (5) and J. W. Seely.
1879-80. Mayor, W. S. Seely; Councilors, Andrew Madsen,
A. H. Bennett, Peter Mogensen and N. P. Madsen.
1881-2. Mayor, W. S. Seely; Councilors, Andrew Madsen,
A. H. Bennett, Peter Mogensen, (6) Soren Jacobsen,
J. W. Seely, N. P. Madsen, (7) Edward Cliff.
1883-4. Mayor, W. S. Seely; Councilors, Andrew Madsen, J. W.
Seely, Edward Cliff, A. H. 'Bennett, (8) E. A. Day, (9) J. K.
McClenahan, Soren Jacobsen, (10) Joseph Page.
1885-6. Mayor, C. N. Lund; Councilors, Andrew Madsen,
John Carter, Hyrum Winters, Soren Jacobsen, Mortin
Rasmussen, (11) Niels L. Lund.
1887-8. Mayor, C. N. Lund; Councilors, Andrew Madsen, Soren
Jacobsen, L. J. Jordan, Alif Ericksen and S. H. Allen.
p 235
1860, Orson Hyde; 1877, Canute Petersen; 1900, C. N. Lund:
1914, A. Merz; 1923, S. M. Nielsen; 1936, H. C. Jacobs.
1859, William S. Seely; Counselors, James Harry Tidwell, Peter
Jorgen Jensen, Perry McArthur, and Justus W. Seely.
July 4, 1877, Orange Seely, appointed Bishop; November 17, 1877. Niels Peter Madsen, appointed Bishop; Counselors, P. M. Peel and Edward Cliff.
1877, W. S. Seely, Bishop; Counselors, Jacob Christensen, Wm. F.
Reynolds, C. N. Lund, Peter Mogensen (Monsen).
The older members of this association will remember that prominent amongst those serving as school trustees were William Reynolds, Edward Cliff, N. P. Madsen, Peter Mogensen, Andrew Madsen, Alma Bennett, Paul Dehlin, John Carter, C. J. Anderson, and C. N. Lund. All will admit they had a difficult task to perform, but, without remuneration, they did the best they could under the then existing circumstances, for the furtherance of education. Some of them, particularly Hon. C. N. Lund, lived long enough to render valuable services for the public schools at a time when more favorable conditions prevailed. All these self-sacrificing pioneers, not only in education but in building a new municipality in all that the word implies, are deserving of the gracious thanks and reverence of all succeeding generations. p 271
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