Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Autobiography and Journals of Christian Nielsen Lund Sr.

May 1896 ....following his missionary blessing ....

We were in all ten or twelve and 7 or 8 had gone on to meet us in Philadelphia.
In the evening we attended and entertainment given at Heber Iversons, as his brother, James F. Iverson was going with us. 

Lund p 40 001_editedLund p41 001_edited
Lund p42 001_editedLund p43 001_edited
Lund p44 001_editedLund p45 001_edited
Lund p46 001_editedLund p47 001_edited
             Sticks that fell from the trees, for firewood.  I lingered here a while and went and
             visited Niels Anderson, a son of Anders Jeppeson, where I  stayed 3 years when a boy.
             I had a pleasant visit here and returned to Kolding for the night.

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