Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Ole Hansen and Barton Brothers Cremery 1892

It stood where Wasatch Academy Arts Studio Stands now 

Snippets about the creamery taken from History of Mt. Pleasant by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf 

Ole Hansen and the Barton Brothers organized a Creamery Company, which was the first in Mt. Pleasant, and the third in the Territory. History of Mt. Pleasant p 172, Longsdorf 

"The Mount Pleasant Creamery has been running more pleas­antly for the milk producers than for the stockholders. A gentle man interested therein states that they had found out that unless a sufficient supply of milk could be procured, a creamery could not be a financial success.  History of Mt. Pleasant p 179, Longsdorf 

Borg and Ole Clemen­sen had a harness shop near the Beaumann home, and Abner Crane had a blacksmith shop near where the Crane home is now. Ole Hansen and Kimber Barton had a fine creamery where the hotel is now. James Burns was the sheriff and Thomas Braby was marshal. Mr. Oman drove the mail wagon. John Fredrick Fechser ran the mill.
Things have changed since 1890, "we have automobiles now," said Mr. Web Green.
History of Mt. Pleasant p 324,  Longsdorf  (1935)

Some of the early Main Street stores which need only be men­tioned in passing, were Brown & Acord, the creamery stations managed by Peter Matson and Ole Hansen, and James B. Porter's book store a block east; Tarvey's notion store, Arrowsmith notion store, Aldrich Brothers in the Progress Building, W. O. Ash & Company, Hardware, which started as a tin shop and developed into a leading hardware store, located in part of the building used by the Consolidated Furniture Company. History of Mt. Pleasant p 329  Longsdorf  

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