Monday, January 22, 2018

John Brewer Caves

John Heinerman tells of his involment with John Brewer, who found an ancient tomb in central utah that housed two giant mummies in stone sarcofiguses. This tomb also contained ancient records written on gold, lead, copper, and stones. These ancient records were stored in stone box's covered with cedar bark and pine pitch. The AHRF had some carbon dating done on the bark that covered one of the box's. The date came back at 50 to 350 BC. This video shows our report on the carbon dating of this stone box Armed with this information I decided there was enough information to support this story so I went searching for anyone and anything that had to do with this find. This video is the story of just one of the people involved in this story. To learn more about Brewers cave you can go to our forum and web sites at: http://www.ancienthistoricalresearchf... or you can visit us on our Facebook page at ancient historical research foundation


  1. My grandpa was John Brewer my mom is kayleen Brewer I wanted to get more of the story on this piecing it all together hopefully find this thing with the info my mother has as well

    1. Do you know if either giant was wearing a ring one one of their fingers. Possibly a golden colored ring.

  2. My grandpa was John Brewer my mom is kayleen Brewer I wanted to get more of the story on this piecing it all together hopefully find this thing with the info my mother has as well

  3. Johny Brewer is my grandpa would love to hear more facts about this me and my mother have been exploring this more recent he use to take her out to his search areas

  4. Websites are down; would like to know more


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