Earliest Records
Isaiah Cox, son of Issiah and Henrietta James Cox, born June 5, 1859. The family had just arrived at Mount Pleasant, and was camped in a covered wagon, on the banks of Pleasant Creek.
Edward Dalley, son of Edward and Elsie Aldrich Dalley, born
July 27, 1859.
Mc Carl Johansen, son of Peter and Annie Christina Johansen,
born September 5, 1859.
Joseph Beck, son of Hans C. H. Beck and Maria Rasmussen
Beck, born September 8, 1859.
Cinthia Nielsen (Mrs. D. R. Fitger), daughter of Fredrick and
Christina Nielsen, born August 15, 1859.
Sarah Jorgensen (Mrs. James Borg), daughter of Jens and
Christina Jorgensen, born September 18, 1859.
Isaac Allred, died May 12, 1859, as the result of a blow on
the head. He was buried at Ephraim.
Josephine Hansen, daughter of James and Johannah Hansen,
drowned May 13, 1859. Buried in a city lot.
Louis J. Jensen, died September 18, 1859. Assistant Church Historian, Andrew Jenson, states this was the first natural death, and the first adult buried in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery.
Christie Marie Jorgensen, mother of Mrs. Mary Beck, died in 1860, and is supposed to have been the first woman buried in the cemetery.
A double wedding, that of Martin Bohne and Adellia Wing, and of Henry Bohne and Julliet Day, was solemnized by Dr. Joseph Wing, father of Adellia, March 26, 1866. The ceremonies were performed in the fort, at the home of Abraham Day, the father of Julliet. These are supposed to have been the first marriage ceremonies performed in Mount Pleasant.
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