Monday, July 16, 2018

THINGS FROM TIMES YOU AND I NEVER SAW ~~~~ Submitted by Larry Staker

These are vintage treadmills in the 1920's.

A hair dryer in the 1920 Salon.  What a contraption!

Chester E. Macduffee next to his newly patented, 250 kilo diving suit, 1911

A Strongwoman balances a piano and the pianist on her chest.

A Gibson Girl in her corset in the early 1900's.  Those poor women.
This was one fad That really hurt a lot of women for life.

A single Paddy Wagon.  Never knew they had such a vehicle!  This is way cool.

Here is an early motorhome, built in 1926.

 Camping out in 1918 

 At least this one won't be quite as dangerous as the old single wheeled models.
Look in the trailer over the back wheel.  They have their baby in there! 

This was the approved way to change the street lamps in 1910.  Cool! 

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