Saturday, November 3, 2018

Eliza McKee Faucett Ivie

Eliza McKee Faucett Ivie was the wife of James R. Ivie who led the first group of Settlers to Mt. Pleasant.  in 1859 James R. Ivie had been chosen at Ephraim as leader for the company of pioneers who settled Mount Pleasant, and that he faithfully filled that position until W. S. Seeley was chosen bishop of the colony.  James and Eliza later moved on to Scipio where James R. Ivie was killed by the Indians 

Faucett, Eliza

I am so sorry for the readability of the following history.  
It was converted to jpeg from pdf and  became 
blurred in the process. 
Eliza 1_editedEliza 2_editedEliza 3_editedEliza 4_editedEliza 5_editedEliza 6_editedEliza 7_edited

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