Sunday, March 10, 2019

Marriage Certificates of the Children of Annie Marie Sophie Clausen Rambo

Several years ago Pat L. Sagers brought into the Relic Home a history of her ancestors who had lived in Mt. Pleasant.  I wasn't acquainted with the name "Bristol or Cambron" so I didn't give it more attention at the time. I catalogued it and put it on our library shelf.  One day while browsing the collection of histories and going through the names I noticed the name Charles Rambo.  I recognized that name because he owned the house  that my mother and dad bought when they were first married.  It was the house I grew up in.  

So I took home the book and read through it and was so delighted that most of the people who were in the book were at one time Mt. Pleasant residents. There were  names that were not all that common to the histories I was used to seeing. 

 The book is copyrighted; so I called Pat Sagers and asked for permission to post some of the research she had done on our  blog.  Thankfully she agreed.

The "Pioneer of the Month" coming up in April is  that of Annie Marie Sophie Clauson.  Annie   came to America and to Utah as a child and lived with the William S. Seely family in our  Relic Home for eight years. 

The marriage certificates that follow are of her children who married into local families.  The text comes from Pat's book "The FamilyHistory of William Bristol, Ane Marie Sophie Clausen, Joseph Cambron and Their Descendants". by Pat L. Bird Sagers.  

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