Thursday, December 26, 2019

from our archives: ..........PAULINE RASMUSSEN RETIRES

My mother-in-law, Alice Hafen saved many clippings that we like to share with you.  However, she didn't always save a date as well.  Perhaps someone can help fill in the blanks.

I do know that Pauline Rasmussen was my Kindergaarten teacher.  I will not share with you what year that was other than it was a long time ago.  I also remember how she scolded me when I accicentally flipped a shovel full of sand from the sandbox into Tyler Tuttles face. 

Lee R. Christensen comments:
Kathy: Great to see your Web site honoring Pauline Rasmussen. She was a legend in her own time. My mother, a grade school teacher herself, always considered Pauline the "best".
You have an early picture of Pauline - Pauline Monson - with Carre Hafen as a child with friends.

Back Row L to R: Hazel Anderson, Lucile Rolph, Etta Rolph and Carrie Nielsen

Front Row L to R: Ada Jensen, Cloe Swenson, Elouise Poulson and Pauline Monson
This picture was taken on Charley Renborg's porch.
on second west and third south; southeast corner of intersection

 Pauline, even then, is showing us how to sit in her classroom. Her son, Granny Peterson, was the quarterback on the football team with Carrie's son Neil who was, in today's terminology ,a wide receiver. lee

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