Friday, December 20, 2019


Peter found this wonderful document among his mother's (Alice Peel Hafen) things.
We believe it to have been written by Peter's grandmother, Maggie Ericksen Peel
as she was listed as one of the last secretaries as noted.
You will find many of your ancestors busily working in the Sunday School.

It reads:  The first S.S. in Mt. Pleasant was organized in the fall of 1859 with Bro. George Farnsworth as Supt. and Bro. L.B. Reynolds and James Wilson assts.

This organization continued until the Spring of 1861 and was discontinued on account of Indian troubles.  It was reorganized in 1864 and again discontinued until 1869; after which Hans P. Miller was Supt. for some time.  He was followed by Hans J. Shultz.  The officers in 1879 were Lauritz Larsen Sr. as Supt and John Tidwell, Asst. Supt.  In 1881 the ward was divided.  E.A. Day appointed Supt. of the North Ward S.S. with S.B. Reynolds and Christian Jensen, Assts.; Olof Sorensen, Sect and Rasmus Mickelson, Asst. Sect.

In 1881 C.N. Lund Sr. was made Supt. of the South Ward S.S., C.J. Anderson, Asst. and Soren N. Christensen, Sect.  In December 1887 the S.S. was reorganized.  George Christensen, Supt., C.J. Anderson and F. Clark, Asst. Supts., Lauritz Larsen Jr. Sect., Olaf Anderson, Acct. Sect. and Treas., Louisa Anderson, Librarian and Lydia Hasler, Asst. Librarian.  A change was made in the north ward in 1890.  Abram Johnson was chosen Supt., E. Kofford, Asst. Supt. and  W.E. Watson, Sect.  In the south ward C.W. Sorensen was chosen Supt., Lauritz Larsen Jr., Asst. Supt, A. Merz, Sect.

In the fall of 1892 another change was made when both wards were united again with George Christensen, Supt. and Abram Johnson and Ferd. Clark, Assts., A Merz, Sect, John Hansen, Asst. Sect.

In 1894 D.C. Jensen was appointed Supt. with A. Johnson and F. Clark, Assts., A Merz, Ethel Seely, Assts.

In 1898, C.J. Jensen was made Supt., R.W. Livingston and S.C. Rasmussen, Assts.

The present officers are Supt. C.J. Jensen, L. C. Rasmussen and Henry Hasler, Assts.  Maggie Ericksen, Secty and Winnie Candland Asst., Mina Hasler, Librarian and Charley DeGraff, Asst.

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