Monday, April 20, 2020

M. G. Rolph and Co. 1880

           Magnus Gustavus Rolph, Alan Mills, Henry Mills,
               Chas Mills, James Jesson, Harvy Tidwell

ROLPH, M. G., proprietor Mt. Pleasant Cigar Factory, son of Mons and Bengta, was born in Sweden December 21, 1861. 
The family came to Mt. Pleasant by ox-train in 1866. At the age of 16 he engaged in the mercantile business with his brother, N. A., who died in New York City in 1886. 
He continued the business till 1892, when he sold out and purchased sheep, which venture was not a success. July 15, 1896, 
He opened his present cigar factory, where he employs two men and does a good business, his brands are Queen City Gem, Sanpete Famous, Peerless and Honest Five. 
He owns the post office building and a place on either side of it. Is a member of .the A. O. U. W., holding the office of guide.  
Was member of the City Council four years and Deputy United States Marshal one year. 
Married in Logan April 28, 1888, to Annie, daughter of John and Karn Knudsen.  She had three children: Ettie, Lucille and Annie, and died in this city October 8, 1891.
History of Sanpete
Published by W. H. Lever in 1898
Prominent Citizens of Mt. Pleasant

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