Tuesday, July 21, 2020


In some places, especially in large Gadianton run cities... it will not go away. Instead, it will continue to increase ...like a roller coaster, up and down... but, continually downward until a state of mobocracy replaces law and order.

Interesting, that is exactly what Orson Pratt and others described...

Elder Orson Pratt
That war, we must remember, was only one solitary judgment, compared with what will come, and that, too, in the near future. It has been revealed that the time will come in the history of our nation, that one State will rise against another, one city against another, even every man's hand shall be against his neighbor, until the whole Republic will be in general commotion and warfare. How and when this will take place, the Lord, in his wisdom, has not told us; but it is sufficient for us to say, that he has told us of the facts that such and such will be the case.

For aught we know, the fulfillment of this prophecy may grow out of politics. If the people are very nearly equally divided in politics, this feeling may run so high, in years to come, as to be the direct cause of war. And if this should be the case, it would very naturally spread to every neighborhood in the Union. One class of political opponents would rise up against the other class in the same city and country, and thus would arise a war of mobocracy. Discourse by Elder Orson Pratt, delivered in the Eighteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, Feb. 25, 1877.

Elder Moses Thatcher, June 16, 1882
"I have seen the end of this nation and it is terrible. I will tell you in the name of the LORD that a secret band will sap the life out of this nation."

Interview by Dr. Poulson with David Whitmer, Deseret News, Friday, August 16, 1878

Question: When will the temple be built in Independence?
Answer: Right after the great tribulation is over.
Question: What do you mean by that?
Answer: A civil war more bloody and cruel than the rebellion. It will be the smashing up of this nation, about which time the second great work has to be done, a work like Joseph did and the translation of the sealed plates and peace all over.

Discourse by President John Taylor, delivered at General Conference, Salt Lake City, October 6, 1879.

Need we be surprised that they should trample underfoot the Constitution of the United States? No; Joseph Smith told us that they would do it. Many around me here knew long ago that they would do this thing and further knew that the last people that should be found to rally around that sacred instrument and save it from the grasp of unrighteous men would be the Elders of Israel!

...Were we surprised when the last terrible war took place here in the United States? No; good Latter-day Saints were not, for they had been told about it. Joseph Smith had told them where it would start, that it should be a terrible time of bloodshed and that it should start in South Carolina. But I tell you today the end is not yet. You will see worse things than that, for God will lay his hand upon this nation, and they will feel it more terribly than ever they have done before; there will be more bloodshed, more ruin, more devastation than ever they have seen before.

We see in New York, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, Baltimore and many other   Gadianton run cities that mob rule (mobocracy) has already taken over... According to the prophecies and scriptures, this will lead to the destruction of America as a Nation.

We are witnessing it now.

  We removed political content.

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