Sunday, January 10, 2021

From Our Archives: A Group Celebration


GROUP AT A CELEBRATION (titled on the back)
Names on the back, but not in order: John Nicholson, Knute Thurklesen, Peter Fredericksen, Peter Monson, Oscar Barton, Joseph Johansen, Geo Larsen, Joseph Wise, Dolph Bennett, Mason Larson, Elijah McClenahan, Thomas Ivie, John Stansfield, Ellertsen, Ellisher Brandon, PeterA. Larsen, Charles Averett, James D. Meyrick, Edward Zabriskie

It is my guess that this was a re-enactment with white men dressed as Indians. The names listed were some of the first settlers to Mt. Pleasant. Also of interest is the posters in the background advertising "Ten Nights in a Bar Room".


  1. I am curious where you accessed this image. Rudolphous Bennett played an active, even prominent role in the Black Hawk War, and shows up scores of times through the years in the G. E. Anderson images taken at the Black Hawk Indian War Veterans Encampments. Bennett often dressed up as an Indian in the re-enactments."Dolph" Bennet is 12th from the left, back row,directly under the U. S. flag.

  2. This photo is in our archives at the Relic Home.


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