Friday, April 2, 2021

The meeting of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean ~~~ Submitted by Larry Staker

 This is fascinating -- a remarkable video from a cruise ship taken where the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean meet. The Straits of Juan del Fuego, at the tip of South America, (South of Argentina and Chile) is where the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean meet without mixing. So why do these oceans' waters not mix? 

Because there is a huge difference in salinity between the clear water of the Pacific Ocean that comes from melting glaciers, is cool and low in salt, while the water from the Atlantic Ocean has a high salt concentration from many rivers along the East coast of South America. Therefore, the two oceans have different densities, which makes the waters almost impossible to mix.

Also, during stormy conditions, mostly in winter (summer in the northern hemisphere) there can be as much as a 6-foot difference between the two oceans. Now the question is, which ocean is which?

If you look in the background of the final pictures, you'll see a landmass in the distance.  That's South America, so the cruise ship was heading from West to East. The Pacific is blue. 

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