Thursday, June 24, 2021

Brigham Young's Visit to Mt. Pleasant


 File:Brigham Young by Charles William Carter.jpg

Author: Talula Nelson

September 12, 1865, President Brigham Young, some of the Twelve apostles, and a number of Elders 
visited us.
Rasmus Frandsen and I (Andrew Madsen) fitted up a suitable four-house team and wagon and took our Brass Band to Fountain Green where we met them coming by way of Moroni.  We headed the procession and furnished the music.  When we reached Mt. Pleasant on our return, the band gave great stress in their efforts and the chords of music were sounded with great success.  Many people came to meet us and they formed in line on both sides of the Main Street, extending over nearly three blocks cheering our leader and his party as they passed by between the throng of people. Large arches were made for them to pass under, and many large banners were arranged and a number of smaller ones, all giving honor to the occasion.  As they neared the home of our Bishop where the party was first escorted, they were met by the Sunday School children.  Never before was such beautiful singing heard?  They were led by Superintendent H.P. Miller.  They sang that favorite song of the Latter-day Saints,  “We Thank Thee Oh God For A Prophet.”  There was a meeting later in the bowery and nearly every soul within our midst attended the meeting.  The brethren addressed us and pronounced blessings upon the people.
An enjoyable meeting was held and a spirit of joy filled our souls.  The principal speakers were Orson Hyde, D. H. Wells, George Q. Cannon, Joseph M. Young, and Wilford Woodruff.

President Young was not feeling well and, being tired and worn out from the trip, did not say much. After the enjoyable meeting, they continued on through the county, accompanied by our band.  
This was the most interesting official visit ever made by the leaders of our Church.
The leader of the Brass Band was James Hansen.  John Waldernas and “Fiddler” Nielsen were the other members of this 3-
Piece band.
William S. Seely
Taken from the Personal History of Andrew Madsen and the Early History of Sanpete County and Mt. Pleasant, Utah 

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