Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Mt.Pleasant Pioneer Day 2021 ~~~ Held August 28th

 Our annual PioneerDay was postponed from the usual March date because of the Covid Virus.  

 It was a beautiful day despite the smoky haze that enveloped the valley. 

 There were a few new faces, but the crowd was small. 

 The program was "Dancing Through Time".  

The dancers came from the BYU Dance Program with one dancer from Mt. Pleasant.  

They demonstrated a variety of classic ballroom dances and also some exotic Latin dances.

Each Pioneer Day we honor the oldest lady and the oldest man in the audience. 

Oldest Lady:  Roberta Olsen Sorensen

Roberta Olsen Sorensen

Judith Daniels Jackson pinned on Roberta's corsage. 

The oldest gentleman  was Mack Wilkey

Judith Jackson (President of our Association)  pinned a boutonniere on Mack.

  • Two Minky blankets were given away.  Tickets for the drawing were 
  • sold during the week before Pioneer Day: 
  • They were won by Lesley Keisel and Connie Ames.

  • "Minky Blankets" blanket soft as mink.

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