Thursday, October 7, 2021

What Was The Cheapest Edible Thing To Put In A Sandwich 50 Years Ago?


Don’t know about 50 years ago but a little more than 60 years ago this is what we could afford to eat.

I was 4–5. My dad’s showbiz career crashed and he was trying to make a living as a traveling salesman for a while. We were broke. All we had was soft white ‘bread’ and mustard. Yum! (Not)

The bread was about 20 cents a loaf for 26 slices. A 10-ounce glass jar of mustard (the mustard came in jars that could double as drinking glasses!) about 19 cents.

Figure 2 tablespoons to an ounce so the jar could make 20 sandwiches or about a penny a sandwich. The bread cost about .8 cents a slice.

There you go. Mustard sandwich. A little more than two and a half cents. Enjoy.

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