Monday, November 1, 2021

Abner and Malvina Clemensen Crane

Malvina Clemensen Crane

 Mrs. Malvina Clemensen Crane Seely, 88, a prominent businesswoman, church and club worker, died at her home Thursday afternoon after a brief illness. Mrs. Seely was born January 21, 1855, in Langeland, Denmark, the oldest child of Ole Nicholas and Marie Johansen Clemensen. After embracing the L D S faith in their native land, her parents and their four children emigrated to America in 1862. The Clemensen family spent the first winter in Utah in the pioneer fort, and in the spring of 1863, Mr. Clemensen built a small home for his family on the corner of First South and First West streets.

see the home below:

She was the mother of five children, of whom only one daughter survives, Mrs. E. W. Wall of Mt. Pleasant. She also is survived by three grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild, and a brother, George M. Clemensen of Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake Tribune November 13, 1943

  • In some sources, their surname is spelled "Clemmensen", "Clementsen" or Klemmensen's" Death date recorded
    He came on the ship, Unknown in 1862 with his wife, Ane Marie, and children: Hansine, Martin G., Niels Erastus, and Sara Johanne.  in Mt. Pleasant Ward records.

John R. Murdock Company (1862)

  • Age at Departure: 34

    • Melvina Clemensen Crane 
      the oldest daughter of George Clemenson who married Abner Crane.

    The following are snippets from Mt. Pleasant History Book

  • The first Ice Cream sold in Mt. Pleasant was made and sold on July 4, 1881, by Abner Crane and his wife. Snow for the freezing was brought from the East Mountains. (160)

  • Mr. and Mrs. Abner Crane, and daughter Annie (Mrs. Ed. Wall), and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Nielsen, claim the distinction of being the first passengers going to Salt Lake City from Mt. Pleasant. They, as guests of Superintendent Welby, boarded the train late in the afternoon and arrived in Salt Lake City at 2 a. m They were the only passengers on the train.(169

  • Five Civil War Veterans had been listed among Mt. Pleasant's prominent citizens, Abner Crane, James Wilson, Dr. W. W. Woodring, Henry Coates and James Monroe. The last of these, James Monroe, died in 1922.  

  • Head of Household

Traveled with 


A Tie
is decided.
Mrs. Anne Porter Nelson and Mrs. Malvina Clemenson Crane Seely, two of Mt. Pleasant's Pioneer women will be honored by their families and friends this week in observance of their birthday anniversaries.  (some is cut off)

Anne Porter Nelson died July 23, 1948.

Malvina Clemenson Seely died 11 Nov 1943 (the same year as the above article)

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