Hi All, I just received my COVID booster shot and my annual flu shot. I may well regret this, but I can’t resist commenting on Facebook. I have now joined with more than 96% of all MD’s across America in being fully vaccinated for COVID!!! As I reflect on my life, I have been vaccinated for Smallpox (Now eradicated due to vaccine), Typhoid, Diphtheria, Polio (Now virtually eradicated due to vaccine), Tetanus, Pertussis, Mumps, Measles, Shingles, Pneumonia, Flu and I am sure others I am forgetting. I might add that many of these received less scrutiny by FDA than the COVID vaccine. During my lifetime, the average life span has risen by more than 10 years in America. It is believed by many that a significant portion of this increase is due to vaccines. I am so grateful for the brilliant scientists that made this possible and stopped so much human suffering. I still recall kids suffering terribly from polio…….believe it or not, some refused to let their kids get the vaccine! Spending my working career in animal agriculture, vaccines have been a miracle in providing wholesome, affordable food to the World. I do recognize that unfortunately and sadly there has been some rare negative effects from ALL of these vaccines.
I think one must also remember that supplements are regulated very little by any government agency. You can almost put dirt in a capsule and at least insinuate that it may help with some malady. Sadly, some of the stuff being sold as a healthy supplement is absolute nonsense. I heard a quote the other day that conspiracy theories kill lots of people. I am grateful I had the opportunity to receive the vaccine and I think it is wonderful it was provided to all our fellow citizens for free. Friends, regardless of your beliefs or individual approach I hope you all stay safe and healthy!
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