Friday, February 18, 2022

COME TO ZION Lucille Seely Mt. Pleasant, Utah

 The following Story was taken from "Saga of the Sanpitch" 1975

COME TO ZION Lucille Seely Mt. Pleasant, Utah  

 Long, long ago in the far-away country of Denmark lived a happy family; a father, a mother and two small daughters. The father, John Knudsen, was born in Oslo, Norway October 17, 1828. The mother, Karen Anderson Knudsen was born January 28, 1829.

John was a tailor by trade and a good one at that. He could mend a tear in wool or any fabric, and when he had finished the mend could not be found. Karen was religiously inclined but was not satisfied with her religion. Shortly after their marriage two Mormon missionaries visited their home, and Karen knew this new religion was the answer to her prayers. At first John refused to listen to their message and said, “Those missionaries are just trying to break up my family.”

 Karen pleaded with the Lord to open John’s eyes and heart to this true message and as John began to treat the missionaries with more kindness she knew her prayers had been answered again. Karen was overjoyed one morning when John very seriously told her that he knew they were true messenger from God, and as soon as it could be arranged they would both be baptized.

 After their baptism they could think of nothing except, “Come to Zion.” Their many friends and relatives thought they had taken leave of their senses, but both were willing to face anything that might come to them for the sake of the Gospel. In later years Karen often spoke of her beloved Vaile, where lily-of-the-valley and other beautiful flowers grew wild in profusion. The decision they made to come to Zion was the greatest choice they ever made. As they disposed of their home and beloved belongings, they chose only the necessities to bring on the sailing ship. 

Karen was expecting her third child when she embarked on this perilous journey. When about midway on the ocean, many of the children became ill and little Hannah passed away and had to be lowered into the mighty Atlantic. Days and weeks passed and finally, after sailing the calm and rough sea for six weeks, they landed in New York. They crossed the plains with other pioneers in 1864 and Karen gave birth to a son en-route. The next day she was up mixing bread and looking after the needs of her family. This son was named John, after his father.

 After a long and tedious journey they reached Zion, and their dreams had come true. How happy they were to see the valley of Sanpete! They chose Mt. Pleasant as their new home. They traded a feather tick and a bed for a city lot at 3rd South and 2nd West where they built a little adobe house, which was added upon through the years. 

They managed to buy some land and settled down to be earnest hard working farmers. Everything went well until their little Marie became ill and passed away; but John and Karen had faith in God and knew they had done the right thing by embracing the gospel and coming to Zion. They still had little John and were soon blessed with another baby girl they named Annie. 

She was a joy of their saddened hearts and grew into a lovely young woman. She was talented in music and played the organ and sang very well. She married Magnus Rolph on the 28th of March, 1888 in the Logan Temple along with some friends, Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Aldrich. Magnus and Annie set up housekeeping in the upstairs above his store on Main Street. Within a few years they were the proud parents of three daughters, Etta Althea, Edna Lucille and Anna. 

When Anna was lonely 3 weeks old death came and snuffed out the life of her beloved mother, Annie, John and Karen’s last girl. They had promised their daughter, Annie that they would take the little girls and rear them together. This they did, even though they were sixty-four years old. Karen always counted her blessings by saying “The Lord has been so good to me. He gave me three girls and took them away, but He gave me three more.” 

They had another son, Andrew, after their arrival in Mt. Pleasant, and when he and John were grown and moved away they still had their three little granddaughters to bless their home.

 Karen knew the Bible well and spent much time attempting to open the eyes of her relatives to the beauties of the gospel she had found and loved so dearly, but to no avail. John and Karen loved their religion as life itself, and their prayers at all times were that they might be true to the end, which they proved to be. John did some tailoring in Mt. Pleasant, but he did not make much money. Most of the time he did his work for nothing or accepted very little pay. 

He was always helping the sick and those who had death in the family, but he never brought a disease home. Karen and John did not have much of this world’s riches, but enjoyed good health, service to others and their Heavenly Father. These riches could not be bought with money. 

Karen was a good cook and made the best butter in the valley. Her chicken dinners on Sunday and tapioca pudding with whipped egg whites on top served in the long-stemmed bowl was a family favorite. She was a good housekeeper and wanted things in order. After her beds were made-and that was early-nothing could be laid on them, not even a hat. She insisted on everyone wearing an apron. When she cooked a meal, her cooking utensils were always washed and put away before the meal was served. 

Sunday was the girls’ day off. All she asked of them was that they attend Sunday school and sacrament meeting. If they did this, they could go to the depot and see the trains come and go. This was really a highlight in their young lives. Thirty years after the death of her daughter, Annie, Karen passed away quietly at the age of 93 and was buried on John’s birthday. John lived 5 more years and enjoyed visiting the Manti Temple, which he helped to build. In January 1926, John attended church and within the week he was also taken home in a quiet way to join Karen; he was buried on her birthday. Yes, they were happy they had COME TO ZION and now they were together again and could enjoy the fruits of their labor forever. Source: This story is taken from family records and the authors own personal experiences. 

Lucille Seely, born March 8, 1890.

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