Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Our Relic Home Is Also a Family Research Resource Center


Mr. and Mrs John Waldemar

For many years the Mt. Pleasant Rellic Home has been  seen as a  place where relics from pioneer times are housed.  This is correct.  However,  most recently, the public has shown more and more interest in the Relic Home as a family research facility.   This was one of the main goals of the original board members of the Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Historical Society; to preserve history as well as artifacts.  Within our collection we have hundreds of family group sheets which were begun by the first descendants of the original pioneers.  These family group sheets were entered into a giant ledger which is approx. 18'' by 36'' . 
                                                See image  below (just one half page)

The first recordings were started in the year 1909, which is  the same year the Pioneer Monument was erected in front of the Carnegie Library and the original Pioneer Historical Society was formed. This was all a part of the 50 year celebration of the pioneer settlement in Mt. Pleasant.

The picture above is just one half of a family group sheet. Family histories are also abundant within the walls of the Relic Home.    These histories are in the form of family books as well as  individual histories in folders.  Photos of those original pioneers as well as  following generations also adorn the walls of the Relic Home.
We have a photo copy machine on site so that anyone wanting copies can get them.

 It is a delight for many who come to visit and find, very unexpectedly, histories and photos that they never knew existed before. 

Because we are a small home and space is limited, we have been encouraging the donation of histories rather than artifacts. However, we still accept artifacts that are truly unique; something that we don't already have.
Simpson Family 

With modern technology via the internet, we can share histories and photos with others around the world.  We have developed this blog with more specialized links such as Hamilton School Photos and Mt. Pleasant Tombstones.  There are also links to the David R. Gunderson Collection, Lee R. Christensen Collection, Alice Hafen's Photos From the Past and Hilda's Scrapbook. The links to these specialzed pages can be found listed under our header above.  We encourage everyone to check in daily to find something new.  We keep our content diverse so that there will be something for everyone.  Even scrapbookers will find some of our victorian pictures and postcards a treasure that they can use in their own scrapbooking.  We encourage the sharing of these materials in their original form as we believe our Pioneers would have us do.  Anyone wanting to donate to our cause can do so at the Relic Home or contacting us at .

We would love to hear your comments and also help you share  or discover YOUR FAMILY HISTORY !!!!

Hamilton School Photos                                                                                               

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