Sunday, March 13, 2022

When Did Mt. Pleasant Claim To Be The "Hub City" of Utah? ~~~ And When Did The Manti Messenger Refute The Claim?


The Mt. Pleasant Pyramid May 23, 1919 introduces 
"Mt. Pleasant Is The Hub City"


In August of 1922 The Manti Messenger 
came up with a different view.


L to R:  Peter Hafen, Lon Larsen, Jack Shepherd setting up an archery shoot at the Old Armory in Mt. Pleasant.


THOSE WERE THE DAYS  .........REGULAR 19 cents, ......ETHEL 24 cents a gallon at the CORNER CONOCO

Americans are cancelling road trips, running fewer errands and finding they do not have to drop their children off at school following widespread closings.

Gasoline prices have tumbled as global economic weakness and “stay at home” orders have limited driving and trimmed crude oil prices, gasoline’s key ingredient. Lower demand translated to the local gas price index falling for five weeks by 51 cents, the biggest drop since Feb. 22, 2016.

Queen City Bottling Company 

Mt. Pleasant  Pyramid - March 20, 1914

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