Saturday, April 30, 2022

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Christian Sorensen Family


the following history is taken from the book "They Followed Their Faith" (Christian Sorensen Family History)  with Helen Read, Editor and Owen Stewart, Publisher

Chreston was born in the neighborhood of Frederikshaven, the most northern harbor in Denmark in Arling Sogn.  He was the youngest child in a family of 14 children.  His parents died early in the life of the boy, his father when he was 3 and his mother when he was about 10 years old.

This misfortune put Chreston in the hands of his aunt, who did the lad the best she could.  They lived in a rural district where company for the boy was scarce.  He helped his aunt care for a few geese (domesticated) kept on the bit of ground which they called their "Gaard".  From the reports of Chreston in  later years as  told to his own children, the goose herding was no snap for a child, and he was none too successful as a herder.

Schools were primitive and far apart in the Northern part of the little kingdom of Denmark in that early day. He read the Danish well, but did not write.  Early in his teens circumstances forced him to leave adopted aunt's home and seek employment, such as he could do , wherever an opportunity was afforded, usually on a large farm or "Horgaar", where nearly all ages could find something to do. 

This was a  rough life and a tough one, especially for a child.  He showed the effects of rough treatment more or less all his life.

At a large ranch called "Rordal" he approached manhood.  He spoke well of the ranch and the people who worked there.  That he did his job or jobs well was evidenced throughout his life, in the fact that whatever he undertook to do for himself or others, regardless of pay or re numeration, he did masterfully and well.  When he finished a job, whether about the home or on the farm, whether for himself or others, he did it well and would not leave the job until well done. 

It was in Rordal that he met a modest and delightful young lady, also employed on said farm.  An affinity grew between them which became stronger with the passing years.  They became lovers, which in due time resulted in marriage.  This maiden which he wooed and wed, came from the north of the peninsula of Denmark. 

In that section, a new religion emanating from the United States, was being preached by missionaries who had been sent there, among other places.

There was something fascinating about this religion as well as the ministers who taught it.  This new cult won not a few followers, and in a short time much enthusiasm prevailed.  Church branches were organized and many new converts joined, among which were the parents of the girl who later wedded the young man,  Chreston Sorensen.  Whether Chreston as aware of this fact does not appear, but his wife had been baptized and was a member before she knew Chreston Sorensen.  Whether Chresten's conversion occurred earlier or later when the young couple was married and and frequented the gathering of the new Church is not known.  With these gatherings, some opposition arose, and the greater the number of new converts, the greater the notoriety of the new cult and the greater the opposition on the part of the general public, until the opposition became strong and turned into persecutions.

It became quite unpopular to be seen in the company and association of the new Church.  In fact, the large farm where they both worked had many employees, all of whom shunned and belittled this young couple. The result of which persuaded them to leave the ranch, but then what?

The missionaries from the United States persuaded the new Saints that in America were opportunities galore, a vast country with plenty of vacant ground, open to settlement and homemaking by anyone who cared to make the venture emigrating.

It should be noted that the parents of Christena Jensen, Jens  Jensen and his wife Marianne Jensen, and two sons, Carl and Albinus Jensen were among the first converts in Northern Denmark to the new LDS Church.  Two younger daughters, Johanna and Villirene (also recorded  as Willerena) were later baptized when old enough.

So the entire Jensen family became members.  All came too America except the father Jensen who became sick and gave up the thought of leaving his native country due to the state of his health.

Chreston and Christena decided to emigrate as soon as they could raise the necessary funds to pay their transportation.

For some years after the Mormon Saints located in Utah, local government of the New  Territory was left to them.  Accordingly, Brigham Young was elected the first Governor and continued such for a time, but opposition to this status arose, and under the guise that the Saints were practicing polygamy and advocating this practice, laws were passed by the Congress against this practice, and provided further that the Governor of Utah should be appointed by the President of the United States.  It was further alleged that the Saints were disloyal to their country and were actually in rebellion and working against the United States.  This in time resulted in organizing a body of Armed Forces for the purpose of sending them to Utah to quell the rebellion and subdue the uprising.

This body of U.S. Soldiers was known as Johnston's Army. It was alleged that Mormons refused obedience to Gentile law, that Federal officials had been virtually driven out of  Utah and others threatened with violence. With the advice of his Cabinet, President Buchanan determined that Brigham Young should be superseded as Governor and that an Armed Force should be sent to the Territory to set things right and compel the Saints to maintain law and order.

As a result of of this trouble,  all the Elders in the Mission fields were called home to Utah and all emigrations stopped.  This gave Chreston Sorensen and wife a chance to breathe and as much as possible prepare for their financial needs for  emigration.  If and when such an opportunity should come.

In January 1859, the Mission President of Scandinavia, returning from a visit to England, announced with great joy that a communication had been received from Brigham Young announcing that emigration to Utah, which had been stopped due to the Johnston Army war trouble, would be resumed, and that the Saints would have the privilege of crossing the Plains in the United States, either with ox teams or handcarts.  Accordingly, President Carl Windeborg and co-laborers went to work at once preparing for the emigration of a large company of Saints the following spring ~~ 1859, and through the generosity of some  o more well-to-do Saints, opportunity was given many of the poorer Saints also.  The cost, as announced in the Scandinavian Stjerne (Stjerne means Star ~~ a Scandinavian newspaper for members of the LDS Chuch) of January 1, 1859, would be, for those who would cross the Plains with the handcarts,$75.00 for each individual.  For those who expected to cross the Plains with oxen and wagons it would be $100.00.  Eight persons would be assigned to each wagon,  and about 3 or 4 with each handcart.  Those intending to go were asked to send their money and number of names in each family or group.  Money  was to be sent in advance to America to pay the necessary expenses to cross the Plains.  This was joyful news to the Sorensens.  The family now consisted of father, mother and baby, Patrena, less than 6 months old.

On Friday, April 1, 1859, a company of Scandinavian Saints, consisting of 355 souls, including 224 Danes, 113 Swedes, and 18 Norwegians, sailed from Copenhagen Denmark, on the steamer, :"L.N. Hvidt", in the charge of Carl Wederborg  and Niels Wilhelmsen.

After a rather stormy voyage over the North Sea, the company reached Grimsby, the emigrants continued the journey by rail the same day to Liverpool.  On April 7 they went on board the ship "William Tapscott".  Captain Bell was in charge.  Here they were joined  by British and Swiss emigrants.  Elder Robert F. Neslen was appointed president of the company with Henry H. Harris and George Rolayar, counselors, and a number of other assistants.

On Monday, April 11, 1859, the ship lifted anchor and was tugged out the "Messey" into the open sea with its precious cargo of 726 souls.  Songs of joy resounded from all parts of the ship as it was pulled out into the sea.  But these were subsequently succeeded as usual, by a different chorus, as those well know who make their first voyage on a restless and turbulent ocean.  As a rule, each and all make their contribution to the delight of the teaming fish looking for such generous contributions. 

It has been reported that the company was blessed with good weather and a pleasant trip, but the writer, who is the oldest son of Chreston and Christena Sorensen, was told by his Mother Christena that they had a dangerous trip, that at one point hundreds of monstrous glaciers or mountains of floating icebergs, drifting southward across the path or course taken by the ship, and it was deemed wise to steer southward a thousand miles or more to be safely clear of the dangerous icebergs.

The voyage lasted 31 days.  The health of the passengers was good, and only one death occurred on board.  There were 2 births and 19 marriages.  It is worthy of note that every day on the voyage the people were called together for prayer, morning and night  at 8 o'clock.  On Sundays three meetings were usually held on deck, and fellowship meetings were held in each ward two nights a week.

The monotony of the voyage was also relieved with singing, instrumental music, dancing, games, etc., in which, of course, the young people took a leading part.  The elderly were naturally interested spectators.  There were 9 different languages spoken in this group and also a great variety of manners, costumes and peculiarities.  Yet the voyage was agreeable and successful.

Upon the arrival of the Company in New York, it was pronounced by the Declair and Govt. officers to be the best disciplined and most agreeable company that had arrived at that port.  Arriving safely in New York Harbor, the emigrants landed in Castle Gardens on Saturday, May 14, 1859.  On the same day in the evening, most of them continued the journey by steamboat up the Hudson River for Albany, whence they traveled by rail  via Niagara Windsor in Canada, Detroit in Michigan, and Quincey, Illinois, to St. Joseph, Missouri, where they arrived on the 21st of April.

On the afternoon of that day they boarded the steamship "St. Mary", which brought them up the Missouri River to Florence, Nebraska, where they arrived on the 25th in the morning.  The whole route through the States was one which no former company of emigrating Saints had ever taken.  Bro. Geo I. Cannon, and those who assisted him in the emigration business that year, were quite successful in making arrangements for transportation by direct rail to St. Joseph, instead of, as at first contemplated, shipping them to Iowa City.

On their arrival at Florence, the Saints were organized into temporary districts and branches with presiding officers over each, whose duty it was to look after the comfort and welfare of the group which encamped at the place.  Prayer meetings were held twice a week in most of the branches.

winter facing them.  When the crops were gathered their employment ceased, and while the proverbial hungry wolf oft passed their submerged home, and whose howl could often be heard in the distance, they and their food supply were safe against their hunger depredations.

Of course, the home was crowded. of course, the inconvenience was great, but the true honored and cheerful Danish  adage which says, "Where there is heart room there is home room".  proved here to be a veritable fact.  So winter dragged its weary length along, and the two families managed to get by, nor suffered from either cold nor hunger, nor want of company and friends.

When Spring work began, the Sorensens were ready to  meet the challenge  and would accept work of any kind or nature, they never debated the wage nor the kind of pay with their employers.  They could do any kind of work incident to farming life at that time, from milking of a cow, driving  a team, hauling hay, harvesting grain or even hauling muck from corrals.  Thus went the summer, galloping by, and the autumn found them with food supply ample for the winter and some to spare, should circumstances require. 

Willerena Jensen Sorensen 

The meeting of the sisters was a tender one, having been separated for ten years, and now meeting again so far from home made it even more genuine and touching.

Plurality of wives was in flower, and the older men were taking unto themselves a second wife.  Christena no doubt anticipated her husband would seek another wife to fulfill the higher order of marriage.  She no doubt thought about it , discussing it with her husband ~~ why should he not take Willerena as his second wife ~~ they would be able to live in greater happiness and compatibility than if he were to marry someone else.

Christian and Christena were married September 12, 1870.  Willerena was nearly 16 years old when she married Christian Sorensen, who was thirty five years of age.  The difference in age at that time did not seem so outstanding then as it might today.  Girls married younger then than they do today. 
For the next eighteen years Willerena was a good wife, helping in the fields, helping Christena at home with the household chores of washing wool, spinning, cording, making clothes, soap and candles, preparing meat for the winter and a thousand and one things there were to do to keep two households  stocked and provisioned for the hard winters and a lot of little hungry mouths to feed, as well as to bare children and take care of those they already had.

Everyone had to work in the fields or at home.  The time was valuable in the summer for farming and wrestling from the soil those foods needed to feed the family, while the wintertime was when indoor work could be done.  Every girl had a job and was expected to work according to her ability, while the boys could haul wood by the loads for the hungry fireplaces, logs for barns and fences, and timber for the barns, homes and sheds. 

Two years after Willerena and Christian were married, they sent to Denmark for her mother and father, but the father would not leave his homeland.  He was old and wanted to stay there and die there, which he did two years later, in the year 1874.  The mother, Mary Ann (Larsen) Jensen, desired above all things to come to Zion and to see her two daughters and their families.  She made the journey as her daughters had done.  She arrived here in 1872 and lived with her two families for five years, when she passed away on September 8, 1877.

When Willerena had five children and life just seemed to be smiling on the family, all hell was turned loose, and Satan did his best to perpetuate it on each, as if these poor souls had not had enough to endure in fighting the wilderness, the elements and the Indians.  Persecution by a government that claims any man can worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience seemed unfair.  These noble people believed the Lord when he said the new and everlasting covenant was plurality of wives and were practicing and believing only that which their prophets had done and preached.  These men married their wives, acknowledged their children, cared for them and raised them to become good citizens.

In the spring of 1888 the U.S. Marshal posted guards around the house of Willerena Sorensen, and then forced the door open.  Only the frightened children were there; to their dismay.  They questioned the children all they could.  Caroline was questioned as well as Elsie and George.  such questions as "Where is your mother?"  "Where is your father?"  "Does he come to the house often?"  etc. etc.  They gave as few answers as they could, because they knew the results if they were to talk too much. 

After frightening the children nearly to death, the brave Marshal and his posse of deputies deployed themselves around Christin's house, and there the husband was found.  He was forced to get out of bed and go through a grilling, which lasted for some hours.  He then was arrested and most of the children of the two families were subpoenaed to appear in court.  They traveled the rest of the night to get to court in Spring City by nine o'clock the next morning.  The court was held, and Christian Sorensen was bound over to the court in Salt Lake City. 

Sometime later he appeared in Salt Lake City and was sentenced to 90 days in jail and a fine of $90.  He was sent to prison but was released early because of good behavior.  The $90. was hard for the family to raise.

When Christian got home from prison, just a few days before Christmas, a happy party was given in his honor.  The family felt to rejoice and he felt happy to be home and to greet all his friends and neighbors, but he showed uneasiness all evening, which made his family wonder why.

He knew the marshal was watching him, and if he so much as showed any fidelity toward his second wife, he'd be sent back to prison for a much longer time.

In the blackness of night, a wagon slipped out of the corral with provisions and blankets, carrying three people headed northward.  A man was escaping with his wife and fifteen year old daughter from the ever watchful eyes of the law.  He must dispose of his wife until the persecution had died down, and that was the only way to do it.  From Mt. Pleasant to Evanston, Wyoming was a long hard trip on the father and daughter, but more so for the wife, who was carrying her seventh child.  The miles traveled each day were few and the road rough. (Note: Willerena had a daughter, Hannah, born August 24, 1874.  Hannah died August 27, 1874.)

Through the love for her husband she was seeking an exile, seeking a new home in a strange place where she knew on one, and better still, no one knew her, where she had no friends and dared not make any, where she could not have her husband with her in her coming ordeal, where her soul companion, helpmate and consolation would be her young daughter.

At Evanston a shack was rented on the fringe of the town, down by the river.  The shack was run down and a horrible looking place, but with plenty of homemade soap and warm water, mother and daughter got it cleaned up ~~ but one thing they could not wash away was bedbugs.  Willerena said they could not live there with the bugs, but the father could not locate another house in the town or out of it.

One's heart goes out to a harried and frightened individual who must go through all that Willerena went through.  But the story is not ended ~~ it goes on for years and years.  When the baby, whom the mother named Geneva, was born, she was a weak, sickly babe, due to the hardship, worry and privation the mother had gone through.  The baby was near to death's door, when her father clandestinely visited them, and through faith and prayers the child was made well, and lives today as a living testimony of the power of God.

When the baby was six weeks old the mother could stand the separation no more.  she felt she could not be so far away from her family and live under the primitive conditions she had there.  Christian sent her the money to travel from Evanston to Nephi, Utah, on the train.  While on the train she kept her face turned as much as possible or looked out of the window, for fear someone might recognize her and tell  the officers.  She imagined she recognized an officer of the law, which made her so afraid she almost got off the train with her little family, knowing she had no more money to take another train. 

When she arrived in Nephi, Utah, William Sorensen was there to meet her with a wagon.

After the wagon ride of thirty miles they finally got to Mt. Pleasant in the middle of the night.  They had purposely timed it that way so no one would see and recognize her or Elsie.  She slipped into her little home and, with a flickering lamplight, went from one child to another, to gaze upon their faces, as the tears streamed down her cheeks and all the craving of a mothers heart to grab up her little Andrew and cover his little dirty face with kisses.  She wanted to hug her nine year old Josephine and cuddle George to her bosom and tell Caroline what a fine job she was doing as a little mother to the family she was forced to repudiate, because the law had been passed saying a man could not have two families but had to renounce and forsake them or go to jail.

Before morning the trip was started again, only this time Grass Valley in Sevier County was the destination.  They were left there for the summer, where Willerena and Elsie labored in the fields to earn enough to keep body and soul together.  Her nursing babe and the lack of proper food was too much for their strength, so her husband arrived with a wagon and took her to Central Utah, where they were visiting some friends.  While there a man who sold salt in the towns of southern Utah, came  to the door, recognizing Christian and his wife, as he had visited them in their home at Mt.  Pleasant.  With fear the "Salt Man" might begin talking, the couple slipped out of town that night and sped in hast to Manti.

In Manti a shack was rented in the eastern part of town, just south of the present temple site.  For two years this became home for Willerena and her two daughters, Elsie and Geneva.  Elsie was growing into young womanhood, and  in Manti she had many friends among the  young folks and was popular with the young men of the ward.

Years later she spoke of those days and the many friends she left there.  Willerena was called "Wash-woman Jensen" because that was the way she earned her meager living for her two children and herself.  She had to use the name Jensen so no relationship to the Sorensens would be suspected by anyone. 

Willerena must have been a wonderful person, and very likable, because at Evanston she made so many friends that Elsie in later years said they could not have lived there had it not been for the help  of the friends God had raised up  for them. 

In 1890 the Church issued its Manifesto, declaring to the world it was forsaking the practice of plurality of wives because the laws of the land had been made forbidding it, not because it was not still a divine commandment of God, not because the Church repudiated the doctrine, but because God had said we must obey the laws of the land, and the condemnation would be upon the heads of these who prevented the fulfillment of the commandments.  Perhaps it served its purpose in helping to populate the desert, to build up a strong church to test the faith of the faithful, and to build up physical empire in the wilderness. 

Willerena lived to see most of her children grown up and some of them married.  She saw some  of her grandchildren born, and life tasted sweet to her now, having tasted the bitter.  On September 12, 1902 she passed away having contracted consumption due to her starvation, privation and overwork which weakened her body's resistance.  Life had been hard and cruel to her, but she proved faithful to the end.

Christian followed his wife Willerena in death about four years later, on February 17, 1906, and Christena followed her husband seven years later March 2, 1913.

The family reunion must have been one of great rejoicing when all three were able to meet in their beautiful home  beyond the river, with those children of the sister wives, who had  been called earlier  in their lives.  The family unity, love  and solidarity was only begun on this earth.  The Christian Sorensen family  shall continue to grow, and because of their faithfulness shall be a mighty force for good in the Celestial Kingdom of God throughout the eternities to come.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Norma June Johnson

Norma June Johnson, 83 passed away in her home surrounded by family on April 10, 2022. Norma was welcomed to the other side by her parents George and Priscilla Seely, sister Maggie Harward, brother Cork Seely, sister Mona Taylor, daughter Leslie Ratliff, and granddaughter Brandy Whala. She is survived by daughters Cathie (Ed) Shepherd of St. George, Utah and Keri (Mike) Elkington of West Jordan, Utah, brothers Bob (Thelma) Seely of Mt. Pleasant, Utah, Tuff (Zelrae) Seely of Taylorsville, Utah and John (Evon) Seely of Winchester Hills, Utah, sisters Patsy Harrill of Carson City, Nevada and Sandra Hansen of Corinth, Texas, eight grandchildren and six great grandchildren.

Norma was born on January 3, 1939, in Mt. Pleasant, Utah. She was the third of nine children of George and Priscilla Seely. She was close with her brothers, sisters and cousins growing up and continued to have strong relationships with them throughout her life. She graduated from North Sanpete High School in 1957 where she was a baton twirler in the marching band.

Norma married Jay Christensen in 1957 and had her wonderful daughters. She later married Trent Johnson. She had many adventures moving around Nevada, Utah, and even to the Virgin Islands. Norma enjoyed working out of the home at various jobs including in the control room at the Salt Lake County Jail, as a seamstress at Utah Sportswear in Mt. Pleasant, and her favorite job was a waitress at The 50 Club in McGill, Nevada.

Norma cherished the many connections she made over the years and always stayed in touch via telephone and writing letters. She never forgot a birthday and was a very generous gift-giver. She spent time with family playing games, playing cards, planting flowers, drinking coffee, and visiting and laughing a lot! She even attended an Aerosmith concert with her grandkids and was a huge fan of Steven Tyler. She enjoyed being involved in her community and spent many great times line dancing and walking with friends. She was involved in the Daughters of Utah Pioneers organization, performed abundant temple work at the Manti Temple and delivered Meals on Wheels. Her time at home was spent making gifts with embroidery and reading. Some of her favorite authors were John Grisham, Sidney Sheldon, David Baldacci, and Harlen Coben.

Norma maintained an exceptionally positive attitude despite many battles with cancer. Instead, she would tell you how much she enjoyed watching Karl Malone and John Stockton beat the Bulls, how amazing Doctor Tudor was for treating her cancer, or how much she enjoyed eating at Chuck-a-Rama with her family following treatments.

Norma spent the last four years of her life living with her daughter Cathie, and son-in-law Ed, in St. George, Utah. She loved St. George, always surrounded by family. She will be remembered as a tough lady, sweetheart, and will be missed and fondly remembered.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Nanalee Larsen Cook ~~~ A Friend to All


Nanalee Larsen Cook

01/31/1943 ~ 4/15/2022


Sunrise on Good Friday, April 15, 2022, found Nanalee Larsen Cook peacefully “walking the rainbow” to be embraced by a welcoming party of heaven celebrating her arrival.  She will rise again because of the Easter gift of Jesus Christ to us all. Nanalee was born to Merrill and Leila Larsen in Spanish Fork, Utah, on January 31, 1943.  She received her elementary education degree from BYU, where a cherished roommate, Sheryl Wilson, christened her “Neen,” a nickname she loved. On June 5, 1965, she was sealed for time and eternity to Mark Evan Cook in the Manti Utah Temple.  

Easters gone-by found the family watching The Ten Commandments and The Sound of Music (annual TV specials). Baskets of treats, always including reminders of Christ, were hidden in creative locations including the dryer, oven and fireplace.  While driving together in our 1979 wood panel station wagon, songs from the abbey blared full blast from an 8-track tape.

At times when her children begged forgiveness for being a “problem like Maria” (one is almost “always late for everything”), our mother’s classic reply was always: “There’s nothing to forgive.”  With painful awareness of imperfections which he constantly asked her and the Lord to forgive, Mark’s great tribute to Nanalee was honestly stated: “Any other woman would have murdered me!”

These are a few of Nanalee’s favorite things: 

Our kind Heavenly Father of whom she said:  “Trust Him.

Our older brother Jesus Christ of whom she said:  “Follow Him.

Her family to whom she said:  “I love each of you dearly!  Please love and help one another.

Friends from all walks of life, including Moroni Elementary where she taught for at least 100 years!  Secretary Linda Larsen called her yearly at 4 a.m. saying, “Let me be the first to wish you Happy Birthday!”  Former teachers Joyce Finlinson and Flo Mitchell cheered her last days with their faithful visits.  To them she says: “Thank you.”  To generations of former students she says: “Yo! Work hard, keep trying, and never give up.”  After retiring from teaching, Nanalee also served as a member of the North Sanpete Board of Education. 

One student was her pen-pal of many years, sending beautiful drawings from prison where she occasionally visited him.  Of his situation she humbly said: ”There, but for the grace of God go I.”  To us she says:  “Love and watch over those whose sins are different than your own.”

Her horses King and Patty, miniature yorkie Abby, and cat named Little Foot were pleasant company for her.  She loved Native American history and decor.  Grandchildren’s concerts, sporting events and programs were also among her very favorite things. 

Nanalee belonged to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The “good news” of  the gospel was her guide in life, and she served in many callings. With Mark, she served in the Manti Temple as an ordinance worker beginning in 2003 until moving to Fargo, North Dakota, for a full-time senior mission. Together they served in three states and in the Bismarck Temple from February 2007 to August 2008. Throughout their mission they received visits and important family support.  In addition to sharing her testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, she enjoyed volunteering at a local school with many refugee children from Africa, and overseeing social events for the single young adults.  Upon returning, she again served as an ordinance worker in the Manti Temple until the Covid-related closing in 2020.  

Children born to them are: Stephanie Leila (deceased) (Scott Stevens – Ephraim); Valerie (Gerald Mills- Bountiful); Heath (deceased) (Holly Allred Cook Larson – Spring City); Kevin (Angie Hansen – Mt. Pleasant); Austin (Natalie White – Moroni); and Joseph (Ricci Allred – Moroni).

Grandchildren: Skyler Stevens, Sydney Stevens Stilson (Weston), Shaylynn Stevens Anderson (Cody), Shantel Stevens Taylor (Matt); Anthony Mills, Michael Mills (Emily), Thomas Mills, Heather Beutler (Landon) Nathan Mills; Ashley Cook Rosenlof (Mark), Quincey Cook Bird (Rhett), Layne Cook (Andie), Morgan Cook & Afton Cook; Wyatt Cook & Kaylee Cook; Tynlee Cook, Hallee Cook, Porter Cook; JJ Cook (deceased), PJ Cook, Kash Cook, Madelaina Cook & Celine Cook. 

Great-grandchildren: Gabriel and Luka Mills; Shandon, James & Addison Anderson; Gracie, MaKrae, Max & Grady Rosenlof; Kayzer & Josie Bird.

Nanalee is also survived by her brothers Bruce and Wayne Larsen, and in-laws Jewel Hatch, Molly Lamb, Roger, Lawrence, Tracy, Orson & Daniel Cook and their families. 

The family requests that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the St. Joseph Indian School in South Dakota. As a family we express our heartfelt gratitude to all who were a part of her life and wish we could include you each by name.  A special thanks to Dr. Eileen Jackson, Shauna, and all the caring and exceptional healthcare workers at Sanpete Valley Hospital who attended her passing.

A viewing will be held on Friday evening, April 22nd, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Moroni Stake Center, 82 North Center Street. Saturday April 23rd a viewing will take place from 9 to 10:30 a.m. with funeral services beginning at 11 and internment at the Moroni cemetery to follow. Online condolences and Live Zoom Link at in her obituary.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Bevin Ace Blackham ~~~ Has Passed On


Bevin Ace Blackham

4/18/1949 ~ 4/14/2022

Bevin Ace Blackham, born April 18th, 1949 to Ace Walter and Norma Mikkelsen Blackham, passed away April 14th, 2022.

Bevin married Carol Jean Christensen Blackham on June 20th, 1969. On April 20th, 1993, they were able to take their two children to the Manti Temple where they were sealed for Time and All Eternity.

Bevin was the proud father of Dawn (Kerry) Coates and Austin Blackham. Nothing made him more proud than his grandchildren. When he had good health, he loved helping people and treasured going on safaris with his family.

Bevin worked for Road Runner Travel Trailer, Ron Green Chevrolet, and for Snow College in the Fire and Safety Department. He worked as a Deputy Fire Marshal for the state of Utah. At these jobs he made a lot of friends, but ended up making just as many enemies. After retirement, because of health issues, he worked at Walmart and Terrel’s, where he made even more friends. He loved working with his hands, be it fire suppression systems, automobile mechanics, wood working, leather working, photography, or tinkering with little puzzles. He loved to build and set off rockets, and always got so excited when they would launch new space projects.

No animal came into his life that wasn’t a friend – aside from black widows or rattle snakes. A lot of his life he has had pets and critters, many to the dismay of his wife.

Bevin is survived by his wife Carol Blackham, his sister Faye Ockey, sister-in-law Lois Tucker, his daughter Dawn (Kerry) Coates, and son Austin Blackham. His ten grandchildren, Brandon (Shalie), Rebekka, Alex, and Carson Coates. Kylee (Kelli) Julander, and James, Madison, and Justin Blackham. As well as two great grandsons, Carter and Gunner Coates.

He cheated death eight years ago, and we are all so grateful that we got that extra time with him.

Services will be held Wednesday April 20, 2022 at 11am at the Moroni Chapel, with a visitation from 9:30 to 10:30am.

Click Here to Watch Live. The Live Zoom Link will activate at 10:45 a.m. MST prior to services on 04/20/2022

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Shirley Angie Nay Millar ~~~ A Neighbor and Friend


Shirley Angie Nay Millar

10/17/1929 ~ 4/4/2022

Shirley Angie Ney Millar, 92 of Mt. Pleasant, UT, passed away the morning of April 4, 2022.  She was welcomed home to the arms of her Savior.  She was born October 17, 1929 to August Angus & Victoria Johana Sorensen Ney in Mt. Pleasant, UT. 

Shirley graduated in 1948 from Wasatch Academy, in Mt. Pleasant.  While at W.A. she was a faithful member of the Spanish Club, Girls’ Glee, and Tigerettes.  After graduating she worked at First Security Bank in Mt. Pleasant.  She was later employed by Mt. Pleasant City as a Librarian at the Carnegie Library.

As a righteous member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints she served as a primary teacher in her younger years.  She loved attending Book of Mormon study night with her sister Carol.

She married Alexandar G. Millar, May 28, 1968 in Mt. Pleasant.  Alex had diabetes, and Shirley was always a great caregiver. Together they farmed and had a large garden, and shared many vegetables, especially potatoes and peas, with the community.  She had a love for animals, and loved the baby lambs born in the spring.   She cared immensely for her dogs, they kept her busy. 

In the years after Alex passed, she enjoyed spending time with her two sisters. Together they

attended Daughters of the Utah Pioneers meetings, and enjoyed the history and stories.

Shirley loved her sisters dearly and adored her younger brother.

Aunt Shirley loved children and primary songs. She enjoyed visits from her great-nieces and great-nephews, and always had a treat to share. She was always so kind.  Shirley was known for her friendly smile and sweet personality.

Survived by many nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews, great-great-nieces, and great-great-nephews. James & Jan Reese, and Lynn & Evva Beesley were her main caregivers for many years.  They loved and cared dearly for Aunt Shirley.

Preceded in death by her parents; husband Alex; Sisters Cleo Ney, Victoria Seeman, Carol Beesley; Brother Merril A. Ney.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday, April 13, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. with a viewing starting at 10:00 a.m. at Rasmussen Mortuary. Interment in the Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery under the care of Rasmussen Mortuary.

A very sincere and grateful thanks to the Good Life Senior Living, and Gunnison Hospice Care for the care and compassion that was given.

To Watch Funeral Live Click Here. The Zoom link will activate at 10:45 am MST on 4/13/2022

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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Day honors oldest residents, talks about history of post offices


      MT. PLEASANT—Two of the city’s oldest residents were honored during a Pioneer Day celebration last Saturday, centered on the theme of “Fond Memories of the Post Office.”

LuDene A. Hamilton, 90, and Joe Jensen, 91, hold a pillow displaying Mt. Pleasant’s zip code of 84647 at the city’s Pioneer Day celebration last Saturday. The two were honored as two of the oldest residents in town as the community celebrated Mt. Pleasant’s historic post office, which opened in 1864. Photo by Dave Hebert.

      LuDene A. Hamilton, 90, and Joe Jensen, 91, both had good memories of postmasters over the years.

      Hamilton’s favorite postmaster was Ed Monk, who served from 1965 to 1985. “He was a good family friend,” she said.

      “Ray was a problem solver!” said Jensen about his favorite postmaster, Ray Bohne, who fixed the hydroelectric plant up the canyon when no one else could.

      Jensen was born on December 7, 1941, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked, and is the youngest of nine children. Seven of his brothers served in World War II. He has memories of Bohne picking up letters that Jensen’s mother had written to her deployed sons.

      During World War II, the cost to mail a postcard was 1 cent. A regular letter cost 3 cents, and an airmail letter was 6 cents.

      Jensen has been married to Gwendolen (nicknamed Glow) for 69 years. He is a retired English and journalism teacher. He spent his working years in California but returned to Mt. Pleasant upon his retirement.

      Hamilton and Jensen both graduated from high school in 1949.

      These city gems lived when gas was a tiny fraction of what it is today. Hamilton remembered when it was only 25 cents a gallon, and Jensen remembered the days when he was charged only 22 cents per gallon.

      The mail service in Mt. Pleasant started in 1864 with David Candland as the first postmaster.                                    

      Prior to the construction of a post office, the U.S. Postal Service tried serving remote towns out of buses. Before Mt. Pleasant had mail delivery services, the mail for city residents was delivered only as far as Moroni. Residents would walk to Moroni to pick up their own mail and often get the mail for their neighbors as well.

                The Pioneer Day events were hosted by the Mt. Pleasant Historical Society.