Nanalee Larsen Cook
01/31/1943 ~ 4/15/2022
Sunrise on Good Friday, April 15, 2022, found Nanalee Larsen Cook peacefully “walking the rainbow” to be embraced by a welcoming party of heaven celebrating her arrival. She will rise again because of the Easter gift of Jesus Christ to us all. Nanalee was born to Merrill and Leila Larsen in Spanish Fork, Utah, on January 31, 1943. She received her elementary education degree from BYU, where a cherished roommate, Sheryl Wilson, christened her “Neen,” a nickname she loved. On June 5, 1965, she was sealed for time and eternity to Mark Evan Cook in the Manti Utah Temple.
Easters gone-by found the family watching The Ten Commandments and The Sound of Music (annual TV specials). Baskets of treats, always including reminders of Christ, were hidden in creative locations including the dryer, oven and fireplace. While driving together in our 1979 wood panel station wagon, songs from the abbey blared full blast from an 8-track tape.
At times when her children begged forgiveness for being a “problem like Maria” (one is almost “always late for everything”), our mother’s classic reply was always: “There’s nothing to forgive.” With painful awareness of imperfections which he constantly asked her and the Lord to forgive, Mark’s great tribute to Nanalee was honestly stated: “Any other woman would have murdered me!”
These are a few of Nanalee’s favorite things:
Our kind Heavenly Father of whom she said: “Trust Him.”
Our older brother Jesus Christ of whom she said: “Follow Him.”
Her family to whom she said: “I love each of you dearly! Please love and help one another.”
Friends from all walks of life, including Moroni Elementary where she taught for at least 100 years! Secretary Linda Larsen called her yearly at 4 a.m. saying, “Let me be the first to wish you Happy Birthday!” Former teachers Joyce Finlinson and Flo Mitchell cheered her last days with their faithful visits. To them she says: “Thank you.” To generations of former students she says: “Yo! Work hard, keep trying, and never give up.” After retiring from teaching, Nanalee also served as a member of the North Sanpete Board of Education.
One student was her pen-pal of many years, sending beautiful drawings from prison where she occasionally visited him. Of his situation she humbly said: ”There, but for the grace of God go I.” To us she says: “Love and watch over those whose sins are different than your own.”
Her horses King and Patty, miniature yorkie Abby, and cat named Little Foot were pleasant company for her. She loved Native American history and decor. Grandchildren’s concerts, sporting events and programs were also among her very favorite things.
Nanalee belonged to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The “good news” of the gospel was her guide in life, and she served in many callings. With Mark, she served in the Manti Temple as an ordinance worker beginning in 2003 until moving to Fargo, North Dakota, for a full-time senior mission. Together they served in three states and in the Bismarck Temple from February 2007 to August 2008. Throughout their mission they received visits and important family support. In addition to sharing her testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, she enjoyed volunteering at a local school with many refugee children from Africa, and overseeing social events for the single young adults. Upon returning, she again served as an ordinance worker in the Manti Temple until the Covid-related closing in 2020.
Children born to them are: Stephanie Leila (deceased) (Scott Stevens – Ephraim); Valerie (Gerald Mills- Bountiful); Heath (deceased) (Holly Allred Cook Larson – Spring City); Kevin (Angie Hansen – Mt. Pleasant); Austin (Natalie White – Moroni); and Joseph (Ricci Allred – Moroni).
Grandchildren: Skyler Stevens, Sydney Stevens Stilson (Weston), Shaylynn Stevens Anderson (Cody), Shantel Stevens Taylor (Matt); Anthony Mills, Michael Mills (Emily), Thomas Mills, Heather Beutler (Landon) Nathan Mills; Ashley Cook Rosenlof (Mark), Quincey Cook Bird (Rhett), Layne Cook (Andie), Morgan Cook & Afton Cook; Wyatt Cook & Kaylee Cook; Tynlee Cook, Hallee Cook, Porter Cook; JJ Cook (deceased), PJ Cook, Kash Cook, Madelaina Cook & Celine Cook.
Great-grandchildren: Gabriel and Luka Mills; Shandon, James & Addison Anderson; Gracie, MaKrae, Max & Grady Rosenlof; Kayzer & Josie Bird.
Nanalee is also survived by her brothers Bruce and Wayne Larsen, and in-laws Jewel Hatch, Molly Lamb, Roger, Lawrence, Tracy, Orson & Daniel Cook and their families.
The family requests that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the St. Joseph Indian School in South Dakota. As a family we express our heartfelt gratitude to all who were a part of her life and wish we could include you each by name. A special thanks to Dr. Eileen Jackson, Shauna, and all the caring and exceptional healthcare workers at Sanpete Valley Hospital who attended her passing.
A viewing will be held on Friday evening, April 22nd, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Moroni Stake Center, 82 North Center Street. Saturday April 23rd a viewing will take place from 9 to 10:30 a.m. with funeral services beginning at 11 and internment at the Moroni cemetery to follow. Online condolences and Live Zoom Link at in her obituary.
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