Sunday, April 3, 2022

Obituary  Salt Lake Tribune September 20, 1934.

Mrs. Emma Allred West, 76, one of the original group of pioneers who settled Mt. Pleasant, died at a late hour Tuesday night of heart failure following a long illness.

Mrs. West was born in Ogden, October 15, 1857, a daughter of Isaac and Emma Dewey Allred. Her parents were among the early settlers of Ephraim and then came to Mt. Peasant with the original group of settlers in the spring of 1859. They also lived in Moroni and Richfield and were establishing settlements in the Sevier valley when driven out by the Indians in 1866. She lived in Nephi until her marriage, March 11, 1875, to Thomas West of Mt. Pleasant. They lived at Chester until moving to Mt. Pleasant in 1895. Mrs. West died in 1921.

Mrs. West was a charter member of the Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Historical association and had served as a director more than 20 years. She was first counselor in the Chester Relief Society during her residence there, and was treasurer in the Mt. Pleasant North ward Relief Society nine years.

Surviving are a daughter and two sons; Mrs. Burke, McArthur and Thomas Wilford West, Mt. Pleasant and Ray West, Payson; ten grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, and a brother, Thomas Hayward, Bountiful.

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