Saturday, May 28, 2022

Postcards Sent Home

 Have you ever put something away in an old dresser

and then forgotten that you ever had it?  I was looking

for some old curtains that I had used years ago and then 

found an old postcard and greeting card album

that my Grandmother Rigby had.   Over 20 years ago

this album had been passed on to me by a sister-in-law.

The two postcards that I have posted here were 

sent to Grandma Rigby back in the 1930s or 1940s.  

My dad had gone to Utah State Agricultural College

 to learn carpentry.   

When World War II broke out,  he was then able to go to 

San Diego and work at Consolidated Aircraft.   

This was all before I was born. 

My mother and dad would often talk about these experiences.  

My mother told me that when they lived in Logan

they lived next to the Logan Temple. She said it was

on the same block. 

 Well, now the temple and surroundings take up the whole block.  

During their time in San Diego, they lived in a housing development in

 Linda Vista California where my father worked building airplanes.

  The houses in Linda Vista were built just to accommodate

 the workers at Consolidated Aircraft.

The Memorial Day after my mother passed away, 

my husband and I as well as our youngest son, Jon and also Peter's mother, 

Alice flew down to San Diego.  

I had found an old address from a friend that my mother had when living in Linda Vista.  

I was hoping to see the home in which they had lived.

  We walked up and down the sidewalks talking to all who were outside in that area. 

 Soon one younger woman said, "You better go talk to my Grandmother Eps".  

It turned out that Grandmother Eps was who my mother called "Epsy".  They

had been good friends and neighbors.  She pointed out 

the house where my mother and father lived. Just for a few moments, 

I could feel my mother's spiritual presence there.  

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