Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Wasatch Academy


On April 4, 1933, the Administration Hall was destroyed by fire.

 Classes were housed temporarily for the remainder of the year.

"I Lift Up My Eyes To The Hills"

by Katy Hansen

Coming down the highway and over Hilltop,
I see the wide expanse of Sanpete Valley
Spreading out before me—
Clean, white, snow-covered,
Cerulean blue above.
My memory reaches back to a long, long time ago
When I first rode down this hill.
It was June, and I had never seen such green,
Valley and mountain.
It seemed that all the freshness in the earth washed over me,
Lifting my spirits.
I felt then, as now, with gratitude,
That God is truly here.
I let my mind play farther back—beyond memory—
To those who came in much less comfort, in crude wagons,
Wheels slipping over rocks and ruts,
Sliding through mud, carrying every impulse
To riders on hard seats.
Every turn of those determined wheels must have brought questions
Mixed with fear—
What will life be like in this strange place?
Can we endure?
But as the riders raised their eyes and saw the valleys and the hill,
There was the same fresh green that I first saw.
They smelled the same sweet air perfumed with juniper and sage.
I’m sure they had the same quick thought,
That God is here!
They’ve come, students and teachers,
For these one hundred years.
Young minds are keen for learning, and older ones share wisdom.
Warm hearts, eager for friendship and for love,
The Wasatch family –born a hundred years ago—
Together still.

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