Friday, July 22, 2022

Watson Christian Houtz

It appears that Ann Seely was never married to Watson Christian Houtz.

Watson Christian Houtz, a veteran Elder of Mount Pleasant, Sanpete Co., Utah was born April 19, 1840, 
in Union County, Pennsylvania, the son of Christian Houtz and Susan Palan [Susanna Pawling].
  He emigrated to Utah with his parents in 1848, crossing the plains in Lorenzo Snow's company. 
 En route Bro. Snow married Bro. Houtz's sister. 
 His parents died in Salt Lake City, 
and Bro. Houtz was located with strangers at Springville, Utah Co., 
where he was baptized when about twelve years of age.  
In 1865 he made a trip back to the Missouri River as a freighter. 
 In 1866, while freighting between Utah and California,

 he was taken prisoner by the Indians on the Muddy, 
but finally got the drop on the chief with his gun and ordered him to
 scatter the Indians, which action gave Bro. Houtz
 a chance to escape with his life.  
Altogether Bro. Houtz spent twelve years of his life freighting in 
California, Utah, Nevada, and Montana. 
 In 1876 (Oct. 2nd), he married Sophie Bohn (a native of Denmark), 
who bore him seven children, namely, 
Lafayette W., 
and Nellie.  
His wife was born in 1850 in Copenhagen, Denmark, and emigrated to Utah in 1856,
 crossing the plains with handcarts together with his mother and four brothers.

(LDS Biographical Encyclopedia by Andrew Jenson, Vol. II, 1914.)


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