Thursday, March 23, 2023


murdered by Thomas Ivie
May 11, 1859


The First Murder

On the 11th day of May, 1859, on the south side of the street of what is now known as Main, between State and First West, a certain Thomas Ivie, assaulted with a fire brand, Isaac Allred, a church veteran and also a member of Zion's Camp, breaking Allred's skull, and inflicting other injuries upon him, causing his death the following day. The dispute had resulted from a quarrel over the difference of a small herd bill. On the 12th day of May, Thomas Ivie was arrested and taken to Manti, where he was bound over by Justice Elisher Averett. On the 13th of June, a grand jury was impaneled which on the 14th presented a true bill for murder against Ivie. A trial jury was then chosen and the case proceeded; the trial lasted until the 16th when it was admitted to the jury, who returned a verdict of guilty, and on Friday, June 17th, Judge Garner Snow pronounced a sentence of death upon the prisoner. Ivie appealed his case to be tried be¬fore Judge Eccles, and on the 3rd of July, Sheriff A. Tuttle left Manti with the prisoner for Camp Floyd. Ivie was kept at Camp Floyd for sometime, then turned loose. He went to Missouri, where he quarreled with a brother-in-law, who killed him and left his body in a corn field to be devoured by the buzzards. This happened about a year after he left Utah. Isaac Allred was buried in Ephraim. 
  page 44  History of Mt. Pleasant by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf

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