Monday, May 8, 2023

Teacher Appreciation Week ~~~Jon Hafen

 This last week was Teacher appreciation week, so I want to thank the teachers of NSSD for all that they do for students. Being in the school allows me to see what may be those on the outside don’t see. I can tell you teachers care & give up a lot of personal time for our children. They aren’t paid after 3:30, yet they still continue to work hours beyond this time by helping students after school, & responding to phone calls & messages from parents and students long after they’re home with their own families. They aren’t compensated for the assignments they grade on weekends because students may have turned in assignments at the last minute on a Friday. I can assure you that many are giving so much of their own time to our kids. They care for our kids, they worry about our kids, they devote, sacrifice, & lose sleep at night for our kids. We have good teachers in this district.

Teachers, thank you for your efforts! You are now at the end of another quarter & another school year. Thank you for the things you do when you truly shouldn’t have to. Some of you show a great amount of grace when you accept end-of-quarter work that is actually late & should have been turned in weeks/months ago. That is extremely kind of you! Others of you hold your students more accountable & won’t allow late work from your students. That too should be commended! You’re teaching valuable lessons about accountability & punctuality. No matter which teacher you are in these examples, you care about your students well being & success. Thank You! I personally don’t think we show enough gratitude for all that you do.
Students, one of the best things you could ever do at this crazy time as we close out another school year would be to not wait until the very last second to submit your assignments, (we’re actually already there, but don’t delay any longer) Doing this can be one of the greatest things you will ever do for your teachers, I promise.
Thank you again teachers for all that you do, seriously.
All reactions:
Zachary Michael Hafen, Ron Porter and 18 others

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