Saturday, July 8, 2023

How to Hang a Horseshoe

 Tudy Barentsen Standlee and her husband Wayne came to the Relic Home and chided me for having the horseshoe (on the front door ) hanging round side up. She and Wayne rehung the horseshoe on the spot.  And that is how I met Tudy! 

She was and is a "God Send".

Horseshoe Up or Down?

Do you hang a horseshoe up or down for prosperity or protection? Horseshoe luck comes to those who hang the horseshoe up in many traditions because the prongs are pointing to the heavens. There’s also the connection with the upward prongs symbolizing the horns of sacred livestock such as oxen. Note the similarity between the ancient Norse rune Uruz (the letter and shape U) and the horseshoe. Uruz is a protective symbol that also brings abundance and strength, like the horseshoe symbol.

Still others claim the horseshoe should be turned down because if the horseshoe is turned up, fairies sit in them and wreak havoc on a household or barn. Horseshoe up or down? It’s up to you! My family always hung them up so as to “catch the luck”.

How to Hang a Horseshoe for Good Luck Ritual

Once you’ve acquired a horseshoe from ebay, amazon, or an antique store, hang it for good luck and protection. Old horseshoes are the most powerful. Here’s how to hang a horseshoe for good luck:

  1. Charge the horseshoe by holding it in your hands and visualizing it glowing bright with protective and abundant energy.
  2. Ask your ancestors/gods/universe to bless the horseshoe with luck and protective powers.
  3. Hang it above the door to your home or barn by nailing it in with seven nails. Seven is a lucky number and is best for horseshoe luck.
  4. Believe horseshoe luck and protection are blessed upon you and your household.  

How did a wise old blacksmith get a horseshoe?

  • The legend goes that a wise old blacksmith was hard at work one-day making horseshoes when he attracted the attention of the devil. The devil, of course, has hooves himself and he decided he would try getting them shod. The blacksmith recognized the devil and nailed on red-hot shoes, driving the nails deep into the devil’s foot.

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