Tuesday, October 17, 2023

THE OLD DANCE HALL ~~~ Wilford Wheeler ~~~Saga of the Sanpitch 1985

Wilford Wheeler   Fairview, UT    

 Come on down, come one and all Next Saturday night to the old dance hall.

 Now choose a partner and don't stand still Come dance with the gang in a plain quadrille;

 A waltz, a two-step, a fox-trot, too; But don't miss the dance, whatever you do! 

We'll hire a fiddler and he'll fiddle all night 

And we'll play and dance by the coal oil light.

 We'll just pay a ticket of twenty-five cents The ladies won't pay, but only the gents. 

Bring all your children and bring out your wife Come join with us for the time of your life. 

Now when we gathered on Saturday night And the lights were lighted but not too bright, 

Now to start things out without any flaw  The fiddler tuned up with "Turkey in the Straw„

 We'd all choose a partner and join with all And listen and swing to the caller's call. 

Now bow to your partner and do--si-do Now swing your partner as round you go. 

Now pass your partner, take the next pretty maid Now swing her around, then all promenade. 

Then as we danced and listened to the call The caller would call, "All circle round the hall."

 The music would change without a note false As we all changed partners and joined in a waltz.

 Then someone would say, "Please play one with pep," Then we'd choose someone else and do the two-step. 

But if things slowed down or started to drag It was either a fox-trot or else it was rag.


Wilford Wheeler 

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