Thursday, December 21, 2023

Book "Mount Pleasant" Sold at the Relic Home ~~~ A Nice Christmas Gift


                      $25.00 At the Relic Home.


The chief motive in compiling this history is to perpetuate the story of a people who rendered a great service, and the one great desire is that the account be as accurate as possible, although, no doubt, much remains untold, the information as given is authentic, yet, it would be strange indeed if some errors have not crept in. Realizing some would read the story with adverse criticism, only material has been used which had been recorded, or has been related directly by those who knew. A great deal of time has been taken in carefully checking with histories written by Levi Edgar Young, TulIidge, Orson F. Whitney, Andrew Jenson, Peter Gottfredson, and W. H. Levar, as well as church and city records.

Had it not been for material collected by Andrew Madsen, a member of the first group of settlers in Mount Pleasant, it is doubtful this account would have been compiled, as much of the information could not after the lapse of years have been obtained. Mr. Madsen was assisted by his son, Neil M. Madsen, both of whom passed into the Great Beyond before completing the work. Later, other pioneers have been consulted and reliable information obtained wherever possible. Joseph Monsen, a member of the first pioneer committee, gathered much data used in the volume.

To all who have offered suggestions I extend my appreciation and most sincere thanks. First, to the committee of the Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Historical Association, especially President James Larsen, James Monsen, Daniel Ras­mussen and Ella Tuft Candland, for their interest, and encouragement to continue the work begun by my father and brother.

To my friends, Andrew Rolph, Malvina Crane Seely, and William Olson, now numbered among the oldest citizens of the community, who have with their reminiscences supplied me with much interesting material.

To those who have taken the task of typing the many sheets of manuscript and otherwise assisted me, Louise Madsen Watts, Ina Larsen Jones, Evelyn S. Jensen, Alice Madsen Pannier, Olive Anderson Griffiths, Anne Madsen, Wayne Petersen, and to Mr. Dean Petersen and Mr. Thomas B. Doxey of the N. S. H. S. for aid received from their department.
  The Latter Day Saints Church and the city officials for access to their records.
     To Rev. G. Grey Dashen and W. K. Throndson for their histories of "The First Presbyterian Church and Wasatch Academy."
Also to Miriam T. Nielsen for her constructive criticism, advice, and patient assistance.
I am especially indebted to Charles J. Jacobsen, for sketches, layout and design.

Without the aid of these friends, this volume could not have been com­pleted. May the reading of it bring pleasure to each of you, and awaken some kindly thought of some one who long since may have passed into a New World, but who still lives in the pages of this book.

Hilda Madsen Longsdorf,


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