Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Salt Lake City ~~~ Tabernacle Organ

The Tabernacle organ was first played during the October 1867 general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In the 150 years that have followed, it has served as the iconic backdrop for meetings and events broadcast throughout the world. This famed instrument has influenced Latter-day Saint music, culture, and worship.

 Brigham Young asked 35-year-old Joseph Harris Ridges to build the organ for the Tabernacle. 

Before the Industrial Revolution, organs were considered one of the most complicated man-made creations. Ridges only ever built two organs—the first in Sydney, Australia, and the second in the Salt Lake Tabernacle.

“I am very proud of that organ, as proud as the proudest father could be of a distinguished son, and I have the satisfaction of knowing that when I am laid away to rest that that organ will continue to stand as a memorial of the trials and difficulties that were overcome by the pioneers, breathing out strains of sweet music to delight future generations.”

—Joseph H. Ridges 



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