Tuesday, December 24, 2024


 How many Christmas Eve's do you remember?

My children will never forget Christmas Eve when Santa Claus and Rudolf were flying over Frenchy's house. 

Rudolf's nose was blinking bright red.  Me and my two oldest children were waiting in the car as Peter

 delivered a goody to Frenchy.

Frenchy's real name was Victor Dahis, but everyone called him Frenchy.  He was a small single man

 that lived in the southwest of town.  He had an accent and it may have been French. He made his living

 by painting houses.  

  Peter would go duck hunting and deliver the ducks he had killed to Frenchy. But this Christmas Eve

 was special because he took him a beef roast.  


 Then I just caught a glimpse of a red light flashing in the sky.  I told my kids that I thought it might 

 be Rudolf's bright nose. They quickly got out of the car and took a look.  They were anxious to know if

Santa and his reindeer had passed over our house and perhaps, since we were not home, he didn't stop.

Oh my, how I wished I hadn't told them about the flashing red light.  It almost spoiled Christmas that



 Peter told me that Frenchy that night had been working on a "paint by number" scene.  Frenchy was

 so proud of how it looked.  Then, he showed Peter one of his non "paint by number" paintings.  Those

 were very very good.

A few years later Frenchy's family showed up and took him to live with them.  

Shortly after that, a neighbor of Frenchy brought to the Relic Home a very small washer and ringer 

that they had left behind.

I did some research on Frenchy and will add it here.



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