Sunday, January 12, 2025




When you knelt this morning on your knees to pray,
Did you ask God's blessings on Pioneer Day?
Did you come to greet them with a smiling face,
To dispell the shadows on their resting place?

Welcome Grandma with your locks of gray,
Welcome Grandpa to our feast today;
Cheer the Old Folks, Greet them with your call.
Welcome to our banquet, welcome one and all.

In life's battle always you've be brave and true.
You have fought and conquered wrought for me and you.
You have fought the hostile Indian where the cactus grow.
You made the desert blossom like a rose.


We will cheer the old folk; make them glad today.
Fill their hearts with sunshine help them on their way.
Little deeds of kindness proves of power to save,
Tis better far than garland strewn upon their graves.



Some have crossed the river in the year just passed.
They have been faithful in their children, faithful to the last.
We will cheer the old folks in the path they've trod,
They've be en faithful to each other, faithful to their God.

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