Tuesday, January 7, 2025


This Synopsis was read at the thirty sixth Annual Celebration of the
 Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Historical Association.
Read by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf

Exercises held in Mt. Pleasant North Ward Chapel
James Larsen presided.
Guests of Honor seated on the stand:

Oldest Lady:  Mrs Mary Willcox aged 95 years 9 months (a pioneer of Utah 1847, a pioneer of Hambleton in 1852, and Mt. Pleasant in 1860)

Oldest Man:  Rudolph N. Bennett age 83 years and 5 months (a pioneer of 1859 the only man still living whose name is on the Pioneer Monument.

The program:

Selection: North Sanpete High School Band led by Henry Terry
Prayer:  R. N. Bennett (a beautiful impressive prayer)
Vocal Solo with orchestra accompaniment:  "Calm is the Night" by Wilma Hafen
Talk:  James Monsen "Caring for our relics" (made in the Danish language and interpreted by C. W. Sorensen.

He extended thanks of the Association to J.H. Stansfield, a Norman, Amelia Jensen and Hilda Longsdorf for the part played by them in reconstructing the Fort Wall in miniature for the Association.

A paper prepared by Mrs Melvina Crane "Fun in the Good Old Days" was read by her.

A paper "Memories of Freighting Days" was read by N.S. Nielson.

Address:  Judge Ferdinand Ericksen of Salt Lake City.  Judge Ericksen was a former member of the Board of Directors and the Treasurer during construction of the Pioneer Monument.  He also read a sketch of schools as he knew them to 1890.

Vocal Solo:  Floyd Young of Fairview with piano accompaniment by Ernest Staker

Talks:  Dr. Samuel H. Allen and Amasa Aldrich both former residents; now of Salt Lake.  The spoke reminiscently of school days, dance days, and wash days, etc. in Mt. Pleasant.  (Dr. Allen died the following September)

Overture:  North Sanpete High School Orchestra 

Benediction:  Pres. S. M. Nielsen of North Sanpete Stake

The meeting adjourned to Mt. Pleasant Carnegie Library where relics were displayed and old-time refreshments served.

The days activities were concluded by a dance in the Hansen Armory Hall where the receipts of the dance were $77.50, expenses were $71.70 with cookies donated by member of the committee.

Members who had passed to the beyond during the year 1925-26:
Mr. Hazzard Willcox
Mr. Washington Averett
Mrs. Hannah Anderson
Mr. John Knudson
Mrs Isaac Phipps Smith
Mr. William H. Seely
Mrs Peter Micklesen
Mrs. Dorothy Bramstead Swensen

During 1926 Mrs Annie Peel Candland, a board member died and James Borg, a board member removed to Salt Lake City.

signed:  Hilda M. Longsdorf, Secretary


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