Tuesday, February 4, 2025

THE HISTORICAL MARKER ~~~Janell Harris ~ Wales, Utah


Janell Harris

Wales, Utah

Saga of the Sanpitch 



On a desolate spot, it stands alone,

A silent edifice of stone.

A place to pause, if you're so inclined

To satisfy your curious mind.

You may earn £ in a kinship of your own.

A metal breastplate it proudly wears,

Tarnished with age, but still it bears

The names of those who passed this way

That fatal day.

This spot is theirs.

Your pulse may quicken as you read

Of Indian battle or incredible deed,

And reflect past history as it was made.

Here on this spot where lives were lost

A debt was paid.

As in reverent solitude you stand.

In remembrance of those who walked this land.

Setting imagination free, you almost see

A feathered headdress in a tree,

2 moccasined footprints in the sand.

The heritage of the past has grown

In this sheltered valley, we have known.

As the wind whispers voices quietly,

all that is left for us to see

Is this a silent edifice of stone.

= T4, =

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