Monday, August 15, 2022

HER MAGIC TOUCH ~~~ Elizabeth J. Story


Photos added by Kathy

Christinia Jacobson
About the Author:

Elizabeth J. "Beth" Story, 93, was born June 11, 1916, in Mount Pleasant, Utah.

She and her husband, Worth Story, moved to Cheyenne in 1937, where they resided throughout their lives. She was first lady of Cheyenne during the years her husband was mayor of Cheyenne in the late 1950s to early 60s.

She was a lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Beth wrote many winning stories for the "Saga of the Sanpitch" which documented the history of Utah's Sanpete County by publishing first-hand accounts of her ancestors who had lived in that area.

She was a member of the Artist Guild and was an accomplished watercolorist. Many of her works are displayed in homes and offices throughout Cheyenne and Utah. She also won several prizes at various art shows in Wyoming. One of her "poppy" paintings is embedded under plastic on a bench near the entrance of Cheyenne's City and County Building on Carey Avenue.

Beth is survived by her two daughters, Mary Ellen Kerr of Richmond, Calif., and Leah Beth Higgins of Eugene, Ore.; her son and daughter-in-law, Roy Worth Story and Jackie of Cheyenne; four grandchildren, Lyndah (Larry) Martell of Albuquerque, N.M., Kayne Bancroft of San Francisco, Amber Story of Broomfield, Colo., and Cody Story of Denver; her great-granddaughter, Lauren Martell of Albuquerque; and a sister, Maud Downard of Price, Utah.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Worth Story; parents, Clarence and Farrie Jacobsen; and three sisters, Olive Honocks, Christy Reynolds and Katherine Jacobsen.

Soren Jacobson Family

Annie Jacobson Wall 

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