Sunday, August 14, 2022

Mt. Pleasant Relic Home and Blacksmith Shop Gets Spruced Up



Alan Pitt Chinking the Blacksmith Shop

photo by Gloria Albreicht  



The Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Association has been given two significant donations this past year. Also, visitors have been giving us donations at the door. These donations along with a yard sale have allowed us to make some much-needed improvements.

 Alan Pit has power washed and cleaned both the blacksmith shop and the cabin behind. He has been chinking both cabins and made needed repairs. We are very thankful for his expertise.

"What is Chinking?" you may ask.


Today’s chinking is comprised of flexible, elastic, and long-lasting synthetic material, effectively sealing the space between log courses, even as the home settles over time — as long as it’s properly applied.  Chinking is the white stuff.

What did the Pioneers Use? 

Chinking was often made of mud, clay, sand, mixed with water (or “spit” as some pioneer recipes called for), hog, goat or cow hair, corn cobs or husks, grass, hemp, or oakum (frayed rope), or even livestock manure or buffalo chips.  

We invite you to come and see the most recent improvements.  

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