Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Life's Lessons Learned ~ Dallin H. Oaks
Dallin H. Oaks in his book "Life's Lessons Learned" tells about his childhood years. For two of those years he lived with his grandparents and worked on their farm for five years. He tells of the influence of his grandmother who would tell him stories of her pioneer ancestors who had lived in Castle Dale, Utah. It tells us of his link to Mt. Pleasant and the Seely Family. I quote: "When she (his grandmother) was six and a half years old, her father, Abinadi Olsen, received a mission call from "Box B" in Salt Lake City. He was called to preach and teach in the Samoan islands, a place so unknown and far away from Castle Dale that his pioneer mother knit him pairs of heavy wool socks to wear on his mission. In January 1895, Abinadi obediently left his wife and four children, my grandmother, being the eldest. During his absence of three and a half years, his faithful wife, Hannah, my grandmother's mother labored as a school janitor, house cleaner, and dressmaker to support him and their family"..
"Hannah's cheerful obedience to a prophets's call was inborn. Her parents, Orange and Hanna Olsson Seely, had done the same. In 1877, they were happily established in Mount Pleasant, Utah where Orange was serving as a bishop and where their industry had earned them what Hanna later described as the finest home in Mount Pleasant. Then President Brigham Young called for leaders to go east over the mountains to colonize what is now Emery County, at that time barren and unpromising. Obediently, Orange and a pioneering party set forth over the mountain in October 1877. Two years later, Orange moved Hannah and their seven children, then ages one to sixteen, constructing their own wagon road as they struggled up the steep canyon. They spent their first year in a one-room log cabin with a dirt floor. Many years later, toward the end of her long life, Hannah wrote:
"The first time I ever swore was when we landed here. I said, 'Damn a man that would fetch a woman to such a God forsaken country.'"
"Some may wonder why I find those words so faith promoting. They speak to me of a great-great-grandmother who did not deny her very moral emotions but nevertheless went forward in obedience to do what she was called to do. She and her husband, who gave long and honored service in the Church community, and state legislature, are great examples of the fruits of obedience to priesthood direction."
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
MOUNT PLEASANT The Business of a Thriving Burg
The Salt Lake Herald. (Salt Lake City [Utah) 1870-1909, March 27, 1892,
MOUNT PLEASANTThe Business of a Thriving Burg
The Immense Lumber and Wool Interests
List of Her Principal Houses
Mount Pleasant dates her history back
to the 29th day of April 1859 when seven
pioneers with their families located on
what is now the city creek. It has had its ups
and downs but finally it has come in ahead
of any of its neighboring towns as regards
population and it would have been the capItal
of Sanpeto were it not so far east and
north of the center of the county
The resources of Mt Pleasant are legion
and peer with those of any of our southern
towns Agriculture is tho leading pursuit
hero being between 7000 and 8000 acres
under cultivation embracing grain fruit
produce and all kinds of hay lucerno being
that most largely grown Tile clip of wool
reaches beyond the half million mark
The population of Mt Pleasant Is rated
2320 but it is thought this should be
nearly 3000
The principal industry outside tho agricultural
cultural is lumber there being no less than
a dozen sawmills owned by the citizens of
Mount Pleasant Coal mines are located east of the city
ample for her needs they will eventually
nncl other markets The sheep interests
are no small items there being no less than L
150000 sheep who traco their ownership to Lt t
Mt Pleasantites
The educational status of Mt Pleasant is I
one of its best features and should be 1
noted more fully than space will now per
mit but brief mention must bo made of
lie Wasatch academy an institution established
about seventeen years ago by the
Synod of New York a benevolent
organisation and sustained by contributions
from the Presbyterians and others of Mt
Pleasant The new building at once strikes
the visitor as being a monument of credit
to its founders This temple of learning is
of brick two stories covering an area of
49x01 feet with well equipped recitation
rooms on the first floor and a music room
library and laboratory on the second to
gether with temporary living apartments
for those in charge The academy man
agement havo secured the services of
Prof I N Smith an efficient teacher
and graduate of Ann Arbor Michigan
who is also well versed in what constitutes
a gentleman and a friend hence once a
pupil ever a I friend in this school This
popular quality is also enjoyed by his able
corps of assistants in the lower branches of
education from tho chart classes to the
high school A course of nine years is
necessary to graduate or three years in
each department There is at present an
attendance of one hundred and fifty pupils I
and Prof Smith feels very much encouraged
with his laudablo work.
The professor has taken time to establish
what is called a Young Mens Columbian
what is called a Young Mens Columbian
club the object of which is the
dissemination of literature moral and
social science and politics discussion of
these subjects being a decided feature A
Chautauqua circle is also an emanation
from this college which however includes
some outside the institution and has for its
object the literary and educational inter L
ests of its members This circle has a
membership of twenty and is much en I
joyed The Wasatch academy has a de
partment under the management of Mrs
A L Burnett called the Girls Home
whose object is to give a home for young
ladies from a distance attending school
domestic instruction is the special feature
of this branch.
is presided over by a bright young lady
Miss Nora Omenn who besides being well
adapted to her duties is a devout Christian
and loses no opportunity to encourage
those under her care to keep in the line oi
their duties from her standpoint and she is
also a thorough musician Hud maims the
divine art a feature of the course of in
is a bright newsy weekly that is independent
from every standpoint being fearless
to express itself on any subject of public
interest It makes a specialty of allowing
the Mormons the privilege of independence
and is under no Liberal lash It is owned
by Boydon Brothers Anderson three
young gentlemen work rs and practical
newspaper men and printers hence the
paper is a creditable sheet throughout
The president of the Saupete county
is located at Mt Pleasant Mr Ferdinand
Ericksen Ho is also prosecuting attorney
for the county and is decidedly one of the
brightest young lawyers and Democrats in
the county
Dr S H Allen a rising young M D is
located at Mt Pleasant and with Dr W
W Woodring another Democrat
constitutes the medical fraternity of Mt
Pleasant and surrounding towns
Mt Pleasant Business Men
M G Rolph is one of the most enterprising
young men of Sanpete county and
as a merchant is well rated commercially
On July I5 I891 Mr Webb Green took an
interest in the business which is now one
of the most flourishing concerns in the
town They ship on an average of about
thirtyfive cases of eggs per week and re
cently sent a carload of live chickens to
California Their store is located in the
very heart of the business center and their I
stock is most complete in all that is known
as general merchandise including all the
novelties in this seasons market such as
valentines Christmas novelties fireworks
masks etc As before intimated they do
an immense export trade in grain produce
eggs poultry and lumber They enjoy the
credit of being the first store in town to
discard scrip and make cash their circulating
Tho Mount Pleasant hotel is recognized
as being the best in town and a visit to this
popular home for the traveler shows the
veracity of the statement Mrs A P
Omenn the hostess is one of those kind
motherly ladies who make all her guests
feel like blessing her for her many kind
little acts of kindness that cannot be
bought in any of the hotels on the road
She is ably seconded by the entire family
all joining to make the weary comfortable
A short distance south of Main street
lands a neat little store where we find a
choice stock of dry goods groceries
and china ware a courteous reception is
accorded by those in charge The store
we refer to is owned by Larsen Brothers
three young men well known in Mount
Pleasant bavins been born there and
grown up with the city The establish
ment of their business was a venture that
t heir judgment told them would bo profitable
which subseqbently proved to be correct
and the result showed that their judgment
was not at fault Mr Lauritz Larsen the
manager obtained his experience acting in
the capacity of clerk in several of the local
stores and his commercial abilitv and care
ful management coupled with his good
uying qnahties insure a good fresh stock
at prices to suit the most exacting customer
omer They do an exclusive cash busi
ness and are on the high road to prosperity
Martin Reinheimer a familiar figure n
Mount Pleasant and Spring city having
been a drug dispenser and proprietor of
the Capitol saloon has pulled up stakes
and will hereafter run a drug store in
Marysvaie the coming mining town Mr
Reinheimer is an adept at making friends
and will without doubt count them by
egion in his new field Success to you
The Mount Pleasant planing mill with
Messrs Hanson Lee its proprietors is
ocated l on the street leading Irom the depot
and enjoys the distinction of being the
pioneer steam saw and planing j mill in San
pete county They have a shop in connec
tion with the mill in which a complete sot
of machines for all kinds of scroll sawing
shaping turning etc can be seen
The immense lumber interests of Mount
Pleasant are so well known that comment
is unnecessary but among the principal
lumbermen are found Messrs Hanson
Sink Co who had command at the
foundation of the business and about six
months ago established a most complete
and well equipped lumberyard and planing
mill which was a most neces
sary auxiliary to the Mt Pleasant
building interests The contractors and
builders recognized their enterprise
inasmuch as they have a most encouraging busi
ness and outlook The keep an immense
stock of nice finishing lumber hand and
do all kinds of sawing planing and
machine work including moulding matching
rustic work etc They have aiJohorse
steam engine which they find totally in
adequate to their increasing business and a
new one is ordered which will be fully half
as large again
The Lee Seely Lumber company is the
chief lumber company in the county and is
a source of surprise to thoso passing
through from the immense piles noticed at
their lumber yard near the depot Their I
mill located about twelve miles east has all
capacity for running out 1100000 feet in
one season They havo a stock on hand of
about 3000000 feet and have a market
reaching all over the county Their trade
did reach to Salt Lake until the new timber
law cut off their outside market
Rosenstone Brother late of Nephi
have opened up their Chicago bargain
store in a good location on Main street
These gentlemen are well known for their
active enterprise and soon commanded a
good trade in their line which comprises I
all kinds of novelties dry goods boots
slices tinware jewelry optical goods etc
all of which they sell at prices unknown to I
this part of Utah on the strict Chicago
basis in fact Mr B S Kosenstone is now
in the east on his annual business trip 1
purchasing goods for this and their brand
store in Richfield This store is in charge I
of Mr A Rosenstone
Friday, January 25, 2013
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
History of William Morrison II ~ written by Lula Morrison Barr
History of William Morrison II , Written by Lula Morrison Barr
History of William Morrison II
Pioneer of 1856
Written by Lula Morrison Barr
Camp Kimberly, County Sevier
[Daughter of William and Caroline Christina Iverson]
Retyped and edited by Trena Horne Dodge, 20 September 2008
Copy obtained from the International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers in June 2008
Note: there are discrepancies in this history from other histories and his diary
William Morrison II was born in Inveruery, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, September 7, 1820. He is the son of George Charles Morrison and Mary Ann Bruce Morrison. George Charles Morrison is the son of William Morrison I (Old Billie), a sea captain. His grandmother was a Forbes, a descendant of Lord Forbes. Mary Ann Bruce was of royal descent, tracing to Robert Bruce, King of Scotland.
William Morrison II had two sisters, Mary and Elsie, and four brothers, James, Charles II, George and Anthony. All of his brothers emigrated to Australia. Elsie married and went to New Zealand. Her husband was a McKenzie. Mary never married.
William Morrison II joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in August 1848 with his wife, Margrette Farguer Cruckshank [Margaret Farquhar Cruickshank] Morrison, whom he had married on December 22, 1843. He was baptized by Elder Thomas Bradshaw, at Woolwich. He presided over the Welling and Bromley branches of the church. He had the privilege of baptizing his brother, James, a member of the church. He had received a fine education, which enabled him to be of great service as a Latter-day Saint. He wrote some of the Millennial Star while in England.
William Morrison II and family left England for Utah in 1854. They were detained in St. Louis, Missouri until 1856. He was ordained a High Priest under the hands of Apostle Erastus Snow and was appointed a member of the Church High Council while in St. Louis. William and Margrette [Margaret] lost their two oldest children before leaving Scotland, and then endured the added sorrow of the death of their little girl, Mary, while on ship board. She was buried at sea. [Note this is a discrepancy. Another history said they were blessed, because of their faithfulness, that there were no deaths at sea.] While they were in St. Louis, they lost their two remaining sons in a cholera epidemic, also Margrette’s sister and her little son. During their stay in St. Louis, William earned a living as a ship carpenter, having had some training along that line.
The voyage to America required seven weeks. They sailed from Liverpool down the coast of Africa to strike the trade winds. While at sea, they had the misfortune of being grounded on a small island, one of the Bahamas. Here they found a friend from Scotland, who, in company with his wife, was serving as a Protestant missionary to the natives. The wife of the missionary had lived next door to William in Scotland. On arriving in America, they landed at New Orleans, and then proceeded up the Mississippi River to St. Louis.
William and Margrette left St. Louis in 1856 alone, none of their children having survived, and traveled by boat up the Mississippi to Alton, where they joined the Knute [Canute] Peterson Company and a group of L.D.S. immigrants, who had come from Denmark. They proceeded up the Missouri River to Florence and then continued their journey from there to Utah by ox team.
In the company there was a fourteen year old girl named Carolina Christina Iverson who assisted Margrette, during the journey.
William and his wife, Margrette, sometimes called Maggie, arrived in Salt Lake City on September 23, 1856, and settled in Sugar House. They left Sugar House for the south when the people abandoned their homes because of the Johnston’s Army panic. Maggie and her little son, William III, born at Sugar House, left with a man who took refugees south, and they were taken care of by the Madsen family in Fort Ephraim until William II arrived. He had been with the men who had organized to defend the people against Johnston’s Army. He had assisted in some very interesting and humorous strategy employed at this time. At Fort Ephraim, after joining Maggie once more, since both William and Maggie wished to obey the law of plural marriage, he took as his second wife, Carolina Christina [Iverson] Morrison, to whom reference was made above. He later also married Annie Maria [Anna Marie] Hansen, and became the father of twenty-seven children. Later, William moved to Mt. Pleasant when that town was settled.
In the winter of 1864, William was called by Brigham Young, through Apostle Orson Hyde, to head a party of thirty men and their families who were to organize settlements in Sevier County. He had charge of that mission for some time. Maggie and her family remained in Mt. Pleasant. Carolina Christina, the mother of the writer, together with her two oldest children, James and Amanda, located in Richfield. Maria settled at Clear Creek Canyon.
William II had some knowledge of surveying and he assisted with the survey of the City of Richfield. He named the towns of Aurora and Inverury. He was appointed President of the High Priests. He was ordained as a Patriarch under the hands of Apostle Lorenzo Snow. He served two terms as a representative in the Utah Legislature and was a member of the Constitutional Convention, held in 1872. He was the first Probate Judge in Sevier County and was elected for a second term. He filled many other positions of trust such as school teacher, postmaster, telegraph operator, and stake clerk, in a manner which commanded the confidence and blessing of his brethren and fellow citizens. He performed a good work in the St. George Temple for the living and the dead and was also permitted to receive great blessings in the Manti Temple. He was a full tithe payer and donated liberally to the building of both temples. He lived and died a Patriarch in the fullest sense of the word.
A record kept by James, one of William’s sons, says he was the first man to be menaced by the Indians at the beginning of the Black Hawk War. In the summer of 1865, he was traveling north from Richfield when he reached Christian burg, or Twelve Mile, turning off the road to camp, he saw two Indians up by the bluffs among the cedars whose actions were strange. He decided therefore to go on three miles further to a place called Nine Mile. There he saw two armed Indians. He reached back in his wagon and got his own gun, stared the Indians down, and drove on to Manti, where he stopped with Harrison Edward. He told Mr. Edward of his experiences with the Indians that night and they agreed it looked bad. The next day work came that the Indians had killed Pete Ludwickson at Twelve Mile the same day William had escaped.
Later in 1866, during another trip, William passed a wagon with one ox lying down and one standing, but no one was in sight. About a mile from the wagon, he saw a pile of loose flour and again, further on, another pile of flour, and a little further on was a man’s black hat. He thought some one had been drunk and went on his way, since he had travelled a lot on business and had seen many strange things. He later found that the Indians had attacked, killed and robbed Anthony Robinson. The man was found dead and also one ox was dead. It was the wagon which William had passed and he realized he had had another narrow escape.
I remember stories my mother told me of my father’s very generous nature in regard to material things. There was a court room episode when he gave to a visiting attorney the Navajo rug from the floor because he admired it. Court was held in mother’s bed chamber because of its comfort and beauty, created by her own hands. I am sure you will enjoy my mental picture of that room as I see it from mother’s descriptions.
The walls of the room were snow white. A beautiful Navajo rug covered the white floor, the design of the rug being gray and black, worked with Indian designs. The washed white wool in the rug matched the walls and the design stood out in beautiful relief against the white wool which had been combed smooth with wool combs until it looked like angora satin. The bed had black turned posters and the blankets on it were of white wool which had been washed, corded, spun and woven with her own hands. I have watched her do this work. The curtains were white. A mellow light from the fire place shed a brightness over the room. The beauty of the room, could it be seen now, would be a fitting tribute to a wonderful, pioneer mother!
I remember another interesting story, that of the grave yard. There my father and a friend spent a night on the underground, as it was called, to hide from the officer spies who were making life miserable for the polygamists. My father and the other gentleman took their beds to spend the night in the Richfield Cemetery, hoping for a peaceful night’s rest. All went well until shortly after midnight, when they were awakened by a terrifying thumping sound coming from the confines of a newly dug grave where something white was bobbing up and down. Of course, my father and his companion left that peaceful place without investigating. Next day, father’s old white horse was missing and it proved to have been the guilty disturber of the night before. This cured father of the underground. He left for his Clear Creek ranch and sent word to the officers that they could find him there whenever they wanted him. The officers failed to go near the ranch and mother supposed they feared fortified defense. At any rate, father was never disturbed and he lived in peace until he died.
William and Maggie were happy to have the privilege of practicing the law of plural marriage, it being a religious principle to which both were converted. It was Maggie who picked my mother as second wife and told father to get her if he could, knowing her sterling qualities. Father’s diary contains the following comment: “I deplore the practice of forcing our gentle women to go to Washington to undergo the indignities forced upon them there. I pray that my dear wives will be spared. I honor my plural wives among all my honored ladies, and I number the mothers of kings among them.”
My father was very kind to children. My one personal memory of him was his taking me in his arms and keeping mother away from me when she had gone for a switch intended for some necessary chastisement.
Mother was the first woman in Richfield after the abandonment during the Black Hawk War. The city was abandoned in the first part of April, 1867. Mother had three children at that time; James, Amanda and Alex. Mother and children went with the settlers. Father had two teams, one drawn by horses and one by oxen. They camped the first night at Gravelly Ford, on the east side of the Sevier River, fourteen miles from Richfield. Father was detailed to stand guard the first night. My brother, Jim, remembers the boys of the camp forcing the animals to swim the river, and remembers that one fat hog sank and was drowned. He was six years old at the time and saw the things he remembered from his seat in the wagon. Mother has told me that she walked, carrying Alex, and helped to drive the hogs. Jim remembers that on the third day, the party separated, and he remembers seeing the men driving pigs and also remembers the men shooing at the wild geese which circled the camp.
At the resettlement, mother told me of the Indians frightening her when she was alone. Father had gone to Sanpete for food. Mother kept the children still, four of them by this time, the youngest being Annie who was born at Mt. Pleasant. She put a stick across the door, to fool the Indians, who would not go near an empty house. One day, the baby cried when the Indians were near and they stormed in demanding food. Mother was scrubbing the floor and had no food to give them. They gave her several lashes with a whip and because she made no protest, but went on scrubbing the floor, they left, calling her a “heap brave squaw.”
Father was very fair and generous with all new settlers who came to the Sevier Valley. All of the Richfield city property was deeded to my father from the government as judge of the district and he always permitted newcomers to take their pick, when he could easily have kept the best for himself. Mother, being a thrifty Dane, remonstrated, saying they could be rich if he would only use a little wisdom, but my father replied, “We did not come here to get rich, but to serve the Lord.” This he did faithfully until the day of his dearth which occurred August 26, 1889, at Clear Creek Canyon ranch. He was buried in the Richfield Cemetery on August 28th at eleven o’clock A.M. Suitable funeral services were held. Eight high priests acted as pall bearers. The speakers were President Seegmiller, Counselors Bean and Clark, and Elders Outzen, Westman and Peterson. All spoke of the many virtues of the deceased and of his unfeigned fidelity to the cause of truth and of his having given up everything for the gospel’s sake. Elder Keeler offered the benediction.
In closing, I shall give two sentiments from William Morrison’s own hand book, written November 14, 1868, as follows - “The counties of Sanpete and Sevier, their development, may they ever excel, like their streams, let their course be onward forever,” and on November 18, 1868, as follows - “The counties of Sanpete and Sevier, like their streams, may their course be onward forever, with peace aplenty.”
Lula Morrison Barr,
Richfield, Utah
Pioneer of 1856
Written by Lula Morrison Barr
Camp Kimberly, County Sevier
[Daughter of William and Caroline Christina Iverson]
Retyped and edited by Trena Horne Dodge, 20 September 2008
Copy obtained from the International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers in June 2008
Note: there are discrepancies in this history from other histories and his diary
William Morrison II was born in Inveruery, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, September 7, 1820. He is the son of George Charles Morrison and Mary Ann Bruce Morrison. George Charles Morrison is the son of William Morrison I (Old Billie), a sea captain. His grandmother was a Forbes, a descendant of Lord Forbes. Mary Ann Bruce was of royal descent, tracing to Robert Bruce, King of Scotland.
William Morrison II had two sisters, Mary and Elsie, and four brothers, James, Charles II, George and Anthony. All of his brothers emigrated to Australia. Elsie married and went to New Zealand. Her husband was a McKenzie. Mary never married.
William Morrison II joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in August 1848 with his wife, Margrette Farguer Cruckshank [Margaret Farquhar Cruickshank] Morrison, whom he had married on December 22, 1843. He was baptized by Elder Thomas Bradshaw, at Woolwich. He presided over the Welling and Bromley branches of the church. He had the privilege of baptizing his brother, James, a member of the church. He had received a fine education, which enabled him to be of great service as a Latter-day Saint. He wrote some of the Millennial Star while in England.
William Morrison II and family left England for Utah in 1854. They were detained in St. Louis, Missouri until 1856. He was ordained a High Priest under the hands of Apostle Erastus Snow and was appointed a member of the Church High Council while in St. Louis. William and Margrette [Margaret] lost their two oldest children before leaving Scotland, and then endured the added sorrow of the death of their little girl, Mary, while on ship board. She was buried at sea. [Note this is a discrepancy. Another history said they were blessed, because of their faithfulness, that there were no deaths at sea.] While they were in St. Louis, they lost their two remaining sons in a cholera epidemic, also Margrette’s sister and her little son. During their stay in St. Louis, William earned a living as a ship carpenter, having had some training along that line.
The voyage to America required seven weeks. They sailed from Liverpool down the coast of Africa to strike the trade winds. While at sea, they had the misfortune of being grounded on a small island, one of the Bahamas. Here they found a friend from Scotland, who, in company with his wife, was serving as a Protestant missionary to the natives. The wife of the missionary had lived next door to William in Scotland. On arriving in America, they landed at New Orleans, and then proceeded up the Mississippi River to St. Louis.
William and Margrette left St. Louis in 1856 alone, none of their children having survived, and traveled by boat up the Mississippi to Alton, where they joined the Knute [Canute] Peterson Company and a group of L.D.S. immigrants, who had come from Denmark. They proceeded up the Missouri River to Florence and then continued their journey from there to Utah by ox team.
In the company there was a fourteen year old girl named Carolina Christina Iverson who assisted Margrette, during the journey.
William and his wife, Margrette, sometimes called Maggie, arrived in Salt Lake City on September 23, 1856, and settled in Sugar House. They left Sugar House for the south when the people abandoned their homes because of the Johnston’s Army panic. Maggie and her little son, William III, born at Sugar House, left with a man who took refugees south, and they were taken care of by the Madsen family in Fort Ephraim until William II arrived. He had been with the men who had organized to defend the people against Johnston’s Army. He had assisted in some very interesting and humorous strategy employed at this time. At Fort Ephraim, after joining Maggie once more, since both William and Maggie wished to obey the law of plural marriage, he took as his second wife, Carolina Christina [Iverson] Morrison, to whom reference was made above. He later also married Annie Maria [Anna Marie] Hansen, and became the father of twenty-seven children. Later, William moved to Mt. Pleasant when that town was settled.
In the winter of 1864, William was called by Brigham Young, through Apostle Orson Hyde, to head a party of thirty men and their families who were to organize settlements in Sevier County. He had charge of that mission for some time. Maggie and her family remained in Mt. Pleasant. Carolina Christina, the mother of the writer, together with her two oldest children, James and Amanda, located in Richfield. Maria settled at Clear Creek Canyon.
William II had some knowledge of surveying and he assisted with the survey of the City of Richfield. He named the towns of Aurora and Inverury. He was appointed President of the High Priests. He was ordained as a Patriarch under the hands of Apostle Lorenzo Snow. He served two terms as a representative in the Utah Legislature and was a member of the Constitutional Convention, held in 1872. He was the first Probate Judge in Sevier County and was elected for a second term. He filled many other positions of trust such as school teacher, postmaster, telegraph operator, and stake clerk, in a manner which commanded the confidence and blessing of his brethren and fellow citizens. He performed a good work in the St. George Temple for the living and the dead and was also permitted to receive great blessings in the Manti Temple. He was a full tithe payer and donated liberally to the building of both temples. He lived and died a Patriarch in the fullest sense of the word.
A record kept by James, one of William’s sons, says he was the first man to be menaced by the Indians at the beginning of the Black Hawk War. In the summer of 1865, he was traveling north from Richfield when he reached Christian burg, or Twelve Mile, turning off the road to camp, he saw two Indians up by the bluffs among the cedars whose actions were strange. He decided therefore to go on three miles further to a place called Nine Mile. There he saw two armed Indians. He reached back in his wagon and got his own gun, stared the Indians down, and drove on to Manti, where he stopped with Harrison Edward. He told Mr. Edward of his experiences with the Indians that night and they agreed it looked bad. The next day work came that the Indians had killed Pete Ludwickson at Twelve Mile the same day William had escaped.
Later in 1866, during another trip, William passed a wagon with one ox lying down and one standing, but no one was in sight. About a mile from the wagon, he saw a pile of loose flour and again, further on, another pile of flour, and a little further on was a man’s black hat. He thought some one had been drunk and went on his way, since he had travelled a lot on business and had seen many strange things. He later found that the Indians had attacked, killed and robbed Anthony Robinson. The man was found dead and also one ox was dead. It was the wagon which William had passed and he realized he had had another narrow escape.
I remember stories my mother told me of my father’s very generous nature in regard to material things. There was a court room episode when he gave to a visiting attorney the Navajo rug from the floor because he admired it. Court was held in mother’s bed chamber because of its comfort and beauty, created by her own hands. I am sure you will enjoy my mental picture of that room as I see it from mother’s descriptions.
The walls of the room were snow white. A beautiful Navajo rug covered the white floor, the design of the rug being gray and black, worked with Indian designs. The washed white wool in the rug matched the walls and the design stood out in beautiful relief against the white wool which had been combed smooth with wool combs until it looked like angora satin. The bed had black turned posters and the blankets on it were of white wool which had been washed, corded, spun and woven with her own hands. I have watched her do this work. The curtains were white. A mellow light from the fire place shed a brightness over the room. The beauty of the room, could it be seen now, would be a fitting tribute to a wonderful, pioneer mother!
I remember another interesting story, that of the grave yard. There my father and a friend spent a night on the underground, as it was called, to hide from the officer spies who were making life miserable for the polygamists. My father and the other gentleman took their beds to spend the night in the Richfield Cemetery, hoping for a peaceful night’s rest. All went well until shortly after midnight, when they were awakened by a terrifying thumping sound coming from the confines of a newly dug grave where something white was bobbing up and down. Of course, my father and his companion left that peaceful place without investigating. Next day, father’s old white horse was missing and it proved to have been the guilty disturber of the night before. This cured father of the underground. He left for his Clear Creek ranch and sent word to the officers that they could find him there whenever they wanted him. The officers failed to go near the ranch and mother supposed they feared fortified defense. At any rate, father was never disturbed and he lived in peace until he died.
William and Maggie were happy to have the privilege of practicing the law of plural marriage, it being a religious principle to which both were converted. It was Maggie who picked my mother as second wife and told father to get her if he could, knowing her sterling qualities. Father’s diary contains the following comment: “I deplore the practice of forcing our gentle women to go to Washington to undergo the indignities forced upon them there. I pray that my dear wives will be spared. I honor my plural wives among all my honored ladies, and I number the mothers of kings among them.”
My father was very kind to children. My one personal memory of him was his taking me in his arms and keeping mother away from me when she had gone for a switch intended for some necessary chastisement.
Mother was the first woman in Richfield after the abandonment during the Black Hawk War. The city was abandoned in the first part of April, 1867. Mother had three children at that time; James, Amanda and Alex. Mother and children went with the settlers. Father had two teams, one drawn by horses and one by oxen. They camped the first night at Gravelly Ford, on the east side of the Sevier River, fourteen miles from Richfield. Father was detailed to stand guard the first night. My brother, Jim, remembers the boys of the camp forcing the animals to swim the river, and remembers that one fat hog sank and was drowned. He was six years old at the time and saw the things he remembered from his seat in the wagon. Mother has told me that she walked, carrying Alex, and helped to drive the hogs. Jim remembers that on the third day, the party separated, and he remembers seeing the men driving pigs and also remembers the men shooing at the wild geese which circled the camp.
At the resettlement, mother told me of the Indians frightening her when she was alone. Father had gone to Sanpete for food. Mother kept the children still, four of them by this time, the youngest being Annie who was born at Mt. Pleasant. She put a stick across the door, to fool the Indians, who would not go near an empty house. One day, the baby cried when the Indians were near and they stormed in demanding food. Mother was scrubbing the floor and had no food to give them. They gave her several lashes with a whip and because she made no protest, but went on scrubbing the floor, they left, calling her a “heap brave squaw.”
Father was very fair and generous with all new settlers who came to the Sevier Valley. All of the Richfield city property was deeded to my father from the government as judge of the district and he always permitted newcomers to take their pick, when he could easily have kept the best for himself. Mother, being a thrifty Dane, remonstrated, saying they could be rich if he would only use a little wisdom, but my father replied, “We did not come here to get rich, but to serve the Lord.” This he did faithfully until the day of his dearth which occurred August 26, 1889, at Clear Creek Canyon ranch. He was buried in the Richfield Cemetery on August 28th at eleven o’clock A.M. Suitable funeral services were held. Eight high priests acted as pall bearers. The speakers were President Seegmiller, Counselors Bean and Clark, and Elders Outzen, Westman and Peterson. All spoke of the many virtues of the deceased and of his unfeigned fidelity to the cause of truth and of his having given up everything for the gospel’s sake. Elder Keeler offered the benediction.
In closing, I shall give two sentiments from William Morrison’s own hand book, written November 14, 1868, as follows - “The counties of Sanpete and Sevier, their development, may they ever excel, like their streams, let their course be onward forever,” and on November 18, 1868, as follows - “The counties of Sanpete and Sevier, like their streams, may their course be onward forever, with peace aplenty.”
Lula Morrison Barr,
Richfield, Utah
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Auer and Clementina Proctor Family Photos
Auer and Clementina Beatrice Proctor (Bee)
They were part of the large LDS contingent that went to settle in Alberta in the early 1900s.
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The first settlers of Stirling, Alberta, Canada, came in answer to a prophet’s call. With the Mormon community of Cardston, Alberta, already well-established about sixty miles away, the LDS Church struck a deal with the Alberta Irrigation Company to send settlers and workers to western Canada in exchange for land and pay.
In April 1899, Church President Wilford Woodruff called Theodore Brandley, a Swiss-born bishop living in Richfield, Utah, to oversee the establishment of a colony of Saints in southern Alberta. Brandley and others were tasked with building the Galt Canal and then remaining in Canada to sustain the region’s new irrigation system. The first group, led by Brandley, arrived near the future site of the village of Stirling on May 5, 1899, and quickly set about building houses, digging wells, securing fuel, and establishing crops.
Further immigration was encouraged in Salt Lake with articles in the Deseret News that touted Stirling as a home of “good crops without water.” The piece declared one man’s success in producing ”fifty-seven bushels [of wheat] to the acre, with no irrigation water on it. That we think is hard to beat in any other country.”
Stirling’s settlers built the town using the distinctive pattern of Joseph Smith’s “Plat of the City of Zion.” The system featured roadside irrigation ditches and unusually wide streets laid out in a grid pattern oriented to the cardinal points of the compass.
By November 1899, the town was established and the canal completed, two weeks ahead of schedule. Roughly two years later, the town of Stirling was declared a village, in September 1901. Today, the Village of Stirling has a population of just under 1,100 people and is still home to two LDS wards. In 1997, Stirling was designated a National Historic Site of Canada and called the “best surviving example of a Mormon agricultural village.”
I also found a wonderful website for those wanting to know more about the Proctor Family called:
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Female Relief Society Held In Social Hall July 8, 1877

Opened with singing and prayer by Sister Johansen. Minutes of former meeting was read and accepted.
Sister Morrison talked considerably about the privileges we as a people enjoyed here in these mountains and have greatly blessed we were in being able to live here in peace and tranquility and worship God according to the dictates of our own consciences without fear of molestation.
While many of the nations of the earth there was nothing but tumult and strife failing them with fear. But hear we had it in our power to enjoy the Spirit of the Lord, and do the will of God and keep his commandments as we desire so to do. This was our privilege and the fault would be ours if we did not hold onto it. Sister Morrison also talked about the Sisters voting to sustain and supply the Mt. Pleasant Home in Manti with Sisters to cook for the men and hoped they would consider that vote as binding as any other covenant that they made, and do their best to sustain the same, that we ought not to forget the blessings to be derived from having our temple right in our own county and do all that lay in our power to help it along in our humble way. And she said that those that did so in honesty of heart would receive blessings more than they would be able to contain.
Bro. Jacob said he had been to Manti and heard the teachings of President Young and with great satisfaction; that he urged the necessity of us being a self-sustaining people and that the time was not distant when we would realize it to its fullest extent, and the sooner we could get machinery in our midst and have all kinds of Home Industry carried on amongst us the better it would be for this people.
President Young also said Polygamy was one of the greatest principles in this church and that we ought to strive to enjoy peace and good will one towards another and live unitedly, pray with each other and for each other and by so doing we would gain power over the power of darkness and live in full enjoyment of every principle of the Gospel.
Sister Peel also spoke in her own language and said she felt well
The meeting closed with singing and prayer by Jacob Christensen.
MFC Morrison, Pres.
and Sec. Pro Tem
Female Relief Society Meeting Held June 25, 1877
Meeting held June 25, 1877
Opened with singing
Prayer by Sister Madsen
Sister Madsen addressed the Sisters and said that Sister Morrison could not attend the meeting, but hoped that the Sisters felt free and bear their testimony and the good Spirit will be with us. The minutes from the former meeting were read and accepted, also a letter was read from E. R. Snow that Sister Morrison sent in for the Sisters to hear. Sister E. R. Snow sent the things back that was sent from Mt. Pleasant to the Fair, and thanked the Sisters for all they have done towards it. And also stated that she received the money as our share in the Book "Women of Mormondom", saying that the book will be printed and leave the press in a few weeks.
Sister Peterson bore her testimony also many of the other sisters in their own language. All felt well.
And meeting was closed with singing "We Thank Thee O God for the Prophet" and Prayer by Sister Hasler.
MFC Morrison, Pres
Louise Hasler, Sec.
Opened with singing
Prayer by Sister Madsen
Sister Madsen addressed the Sisters and said that Sister Morrison could not attend the meeting, but hoped that the Sisters felt free and bear their testimony and the good Spirit will be with us. The minutes from the former meeting were read and accepted, also a letter was read from E. R. Snow that Sister Morrison sent in for the Sisters to hear. Sister E. R. Snow sent the things back that was sent from Mt. Pleasant to the Fair, and thanked the Sisters for all they have done towards it. And also stated that she received the money as our share in the Book "Women of Mormondom", saying that the book will be printed and leave the press in a few weeks.
Sister Peterson bore her testimony also many of the other sisters in their own language. All felt well.
And meeting was closed with singing "We Thank Thee O God for the Prophet" and Prayer by Sister Hasler.
MFC Morrison, Pres
Louise Hasler, Sec.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
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