Monday, March 10, 2025

JAMES HANSEN AND JOHN WALDEMAR ~~~24th of July Violin Contest



This story is one of my favorites . 

James Hansen, my grandfather, a Danish convert to Mormonism, emigrated from Denmark to Utah.  Following church authorities' decisions, he and his family were sent to help colonize Sanpete County.  They arrived in Mt. Pleasant in 1859.  James Hansen was a well-educated musician.  He played all the instruments including the organ.  The violin was his favorite. He taught music and dancing, but according to Brigham Young, he and his sons must till the soil.

It was the year 1880, Mt. Pleasant saints were having the greatest 24th of July celebration they had ever had.  It was to be held in the bowery with songs, recitation, and orations.  But the crowning glory and most exciting part of the program was a contest between Mt. Pleasant's two musicians playing violins.  John Waldemar and James Hansen were the contestants.  John was also a well-trained and outstanding violinist.

John lived with his family on his farm several miles north of Mt. Pleasant city limits. James lived with his family in the large home on Main Street.  He was a very serious man, but he could be jolly.  This mood came to him only when he did the thing he loved best and which he could do best--his music, more especially his violin.  John made his brags to James.  He had new music that he was perfecting for the contest.  This was depressing to James.  New music for this frontier country was unheard of.  He had used all the music and melodies that he had brought with him from the old country.

Then an idea struck this Danish musician.  It was a long way to the Waldemar farm, but that would not stop him.  On the evening when James felt that John's farm work was finished and he would be practicing, he rode his horse to the Waldemar farm.  He crawled close to the open window where he could hear the beautiful violin music filling the air.  Intently he listened until he heard John close his violin case.

Upon returning to his own home, his remarkable ear and memory let him play John's beautiful new tune.

To make himself sure, he returned several nights.  Soon he knew he could play the melody better than John could.  He then went to work on John's music.  He used his Danish training until his piece was presentable.

With much excitement, the great day arrived. Everyone in the hamlet attended.  Everyone was excited about the contest.  The audience's applause would declare the winner.  The violinists drew cuts who should be first.  It was John.  Before the tense crowd, standing erect, John Waldemar began to play.  His beautiful new music filled the Bowery.  Women used their handkerchiefs as the melody flowed on.  How could any music excel at John's!

James Hansen stepped to the platform.  Silence filled the bowery.  He lifted the instrument to his shoulder.  With his right arm outstretched, he clutched the bow with his beautiful white hand.  deftly he let it slide over the strings while the long fingers of his left hand precisely pressed them.  What music! It was John's melody only in a haunting minor key enhanced by the vibrato of James' left hand.  Then the mood changed.  It was John's melody in a vivacious Danish polka, so rhythmical it was hard for the saints to keep their feet from stamping.  After returning to John's theme, James turned the music into a scherzo, a waltz with a brilliant pizzicato, finishing with a Danish mazurka.

The bowery rang with applause. There were whoops and hollers, with hats flying in the air, to the very hills.  James had won the day!  His innate ability, coupled with the training acquired in Denmark, won for him the coveted prize- - - - the esteem of his fellow saints.

The friendship of the two musicians was not changed, but never again did John Waldemar make brags before James Hansen.
Sent in by Evelyn Ireland

Sunday, March 9, 2025



Henry Ericksen was born July 28, 1856 in Lehi, Utah; the son of Henrik and Ingeborg Gunderson Ericksen.  Henrik and Ingeborg were Norwegian immigrants and converts to the Church of Latter Day Saints. They first settled in Lehi and then moved south to Mt. Pleasant on the date of August 13, 1864. Not much is known of Henry's childhood.  We know he fell in love with Miss Wilhemina Morrison, the daughter of William and Mary Margaret Farquhar Cruickshank Morrison.  They were married October 24, 1878 in  the Endowment House, Salt Lake City.

 In about 1885,  Henry Ericksen and his brother Allif started a meat and grocery store in Mt. Pleasant. Henry managed the store while Alif ran the farm and livestock; buying, feeding and slaughtering for the store. They would notify the townspeople that on a certain day they were going to kill a beef in the evening and bring it to the store the next morning, so that people could get a "hunk" of meat.

There were steaks, roasts, boils, stews or hamburger - just a chunk of meat. They would start cutting just back of the ears and end at the hind shank. all the cuts sold for the same price per pound; whether it was the neck or the porter house. Then, to carry it home, the customer whittled a sharp stick, jabbed it in the piece of meat and went home to mama, to have it prepared for the family dinner. There was no paper, twine or plastic to wrap the piece of meat in.

In 1893, they built their store on Main Street and took in another partner; brother-in-law, Judge Ferdinand Ericksen. The store was incorporated as the Ericksen Meat and Grocery Co. Their store was in a two story brick building with a full basement. It was considered one of the finest institutions in the community.

Ferdinand Ericksen was a lawyer and occupied three rooms on the second floor for his law practice. The town doctor, Dr. W.W. Woodring, occupied the other two rooms on the second floor.

In 1920, Soren M. Nielson and  Harry, Henry's son, bought the store.

Henry was also a Black Hawk War Veteran and a member of the Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Association.

Wilhemina Morrison Ericksen

Wilhemina was born in Ephraim, Sanpete County March 13, 1959.  She was the daughter of William Morrison and Mary Margaret Farquhar Cruickshank Morrison, immigrants from Aberdeen Scotland.  When she was three months old the family moved to Mt. Pleasant, where they lived in a tent for three months.  Then a one-room adobe house was built just inside the south gate of the Mt. Pleasant Fort, where the family lived until the Spring of 1863.  In those days chances for advancement were limited and what little education she obtained was from her father and mother. 

In 1865 her father, William Morrison was called to help settle Sevier Valley.  Being unable to dispose of their property in Mt. Pleasant, (which proved to be a blessing later on) her mother Mary Margaret Morrison was obliged to remain with her family here in Mt. Pleasant. 

Wilhemina began needlework, and all kinds of handwork, suc as embroidery, millinery, drawing and straw-braiding for hats.  She used to go to the field to glean wheat for the chickens.

She was not quite twelve years old when she made her first temple apron to aid her mother.  At this particular time her mother had a very painful felon on her thumb and was unable to make the temple apron for a Brother McClenehan who had died. So Wilhemina spent all of that Christmas Day 1871, making her first temple apron without assistance. 

Wilhemina received instructions in telegraphy at Ephraim from Miss Helen Armstrong, after which time she was employed in the Mt. Pleasant Telegraph Office which position she held for 18 years.  During that time the telephone system was installed for use between Mt. Pleasant and Fairview.  She being the first to operate the telephone system in Mt. Pleasant.

She married Henry Ericksen in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City on October 24, 1878, by Daniel H. Wells.  They made their journey by team and wagon which took them eight days.  To this union ten children have been born.

In 1892 on account of the dath of her sister Tina, Wilhemina was obliged to give up her office work and take up the responsiblilty of caring for her brother-in-law's two children as well as her aged mother, who was ill at the time.  This continued for six years.  During this time she gave birth to three children and buried two of them at the age of one year each.

Just before her sister's death, she was requested to accept the position of President of the Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association in the Mt. Pleasant Ward.

With all the added responsibility, she continued the M.I.A. work for nine years, when she was called to be the President of the North Sanpete Stake Relief Society.  This new work began in the Fall of 1900 and she held that position for twenty years; being honorably released and retained as an honorary member.

She was a member of the Mt. Pleasant Historical Association from the time  of its first organization.  She was also a member of the Genealogical Association of Utah.  In 1921, she was called to act as a member of the genealogy committe of the Mt. Pleasant South Ward and in that same year she was made chairman of the burial clothes committee of the same ward.

She prepared and laid out for burial hundreds of people for as long as she could.  She always endeavored to fulfill any duty required of her with a willing heart and to her best understanding and always felt blessed by doing so.  She was forever grateful for the sacrifices her parents had made in accepting the Gospel of Jesus Christ, leaving their homeland and all that was dear to them there, coming to the wilds of the west, the chosen land for God's people, where they faced the red men and helped pioneer the country and make it "blossom as the rose". 

In 1920 she was appointed genealogist of the Morrison Family Organization when she gathered many records and helped others with their genealogy as well as did the temple work for their dead.

There is no limit to the work of the faithful in whatever capacity their calling may be. Much is required.  Sacrifice brings for the the blessings of Heaven.  Do your might with a willing heart and God will Bless you.

Friday, March 7, 2025

AN UNFORGETTABLE MOMENT ~~~ Dorothy J. Buchanan First Place Professional Anecdote

Jack Summerhays came to Mount Pleasant like a bombshell. He was handsome, very bright, and he taught music like a master.

People were fascinated by him. He had an interesting personality and soon became friendly with the people in Mount Pleasant. The only thing was, he couldn’t find a place to live, and above all, he wanted a place with a modern bathroom. Few homes in Mount Pleasant had such luxury. He wanted a bathroom because he was a great bather! He finally found a house and was able to live with Mr. and Mrs. Auer Proctor in the east part of town. The house had a nice bathroom with a narrow, high window at the west side that really enchanted him. The word got around that he bathed in the night.

This was an interesting item for some of the teenage girls in Mount Pleasant, so one night a group of four or five of them got a ladder and decided to watch Jack at his bath. They had barely started up the ladder when someone made a noise and Jack heard it. Guessing that someone was eavesdropping, he called, “Come in girls, the water’s fine.” The girls were upset and quickly hurried down the ladder and away.

Although he left Mount Pleasant at the end of the summer, the story of Jack’s bath always brought a laugh. How do we know this story is true? The 91-year-old writer was one of the young girls!'

Jack was the son of Joseph William Summerhays, who crossed the plains in 1866 by covered wagon, and Mary Melissa Parker, who came to the Salt Lake Valley as a young child with one of the handcart companies.

This family established the well-known Summerhays Music Company.

(The above information came from Carol Jean Summerhays, a longtime music teacher in the Salt Lake City schools. Jack was her father’s uncle. Carol Jean remembers Jack as a fun-loving, rather dashing person. On his 95th birthday he sang for his guests in his still beautiful tenor voice.) 

The following photos were found on Family Search and added by Kathy Hafen

Monday, March 3, 2025

RUDOLPH N. BENNETT ~ (From our archives)



Birth: Oct. 7, 1843
Jackson County
Iowa, USA
Death: Dec. 29, 1927
Sanpete County
Utah, USA

Rodolphus N. Bennett, Indian war veteran, pioneer settler and colonizer, and the oldest man in Mt. Pleasant, died at the family home Thursday after a long illness due to the infirmities of old age.

Mr. Bennett was born October 27, 1843 in Nashville, Iowa. His parents, David and Johannah, Lovelith Bennett and their ten children were among the earliest converts to the L. D. S. faith, coming to Utah in 1850 in the company of which David Bennett was captain.

Mr. Bennett came to Mt. Pleasant among the earliest settlers in 1852, and had resided here ever since, with the exception of some years spent in colonizing settlements and on missionary labors.

His first wife died May 2, 1900, and two years later he married Mrs. Matilda A. Burns, widow of Sheriff Milton Burns, who survives him. Three sons and three daughters by his first marriage also survive.

Family links:
  David Alma Bennett (1801 - 1853)
  Joanna Lowell Bennett (1803 - 1856)

  Hannah E Allred Bennett (1848 - 1900)*
  Matilda Josephine Anderson Burns Bennett (1853 - 1936)*

  William Rudolphus Bennett (1864 - 1930)*
  Ann Laura Bennett Madsen (1885 - 1976)*
  Isaac Rowlin Bennett (1887 - 1964)*

  Laura Elizabeth Bennett Young (1826 - 1880)*
  Alma Harrison Bennett (1831 - 1905)*
  Mahetable Mahala Maria Bennett Beers (1834 - 1888)*
  Rudolphus Nathaniel Bennett (1843 - 1927)
  Emma Euphrasia Bennett Porter (1848 - 1928)*

*Calculated relationship
Mount Pleasant City Cemetery
Mount Pleasant
Sanpete County
Utah, USA
Plot: A_36_3_8

 What was the Kolob Guard? 

More Wives Than One: Transformation of the Mormon Marriage System, 1840-1910By Kathryn M. Daynes

The following are snippets from Mt. Pleasant History by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf  

p 63: We quote Rudolph N. Bennett, in a talk given by him at a pioneer meeting, March 24, 1924, "There was at that time three months at school and nine months out at work, not vacation; no wonder some of us have not the book learning we would like, but we did not have the opportunity to get it. The school seats were then made of slabs and the desks were of rough boards. The schools now have all that is necessary, including music." Concerning the use of the building, we again quote Mr. Bennett, "This building was also used for a dance hall, 'Nigger Shows,' theatre and school doings. The lights were furnished by a sage brush or cedar fire; on special occasions tallow candles were used. The house was always packed because the people were glad for any kind of entertainment that could be given."

Among other prominent pioneer musicians, who also contributed necessary pioneer music were Levi B. Reynolds, violinist; George Nielsen, tambourine; Orin Clark, the Jaw Bones of an Ox on a stick; Alma Staker, Bone Clapper; Rudolph Bennett, Triangle; Bent Hansen, Bass Fiddle; Soren Hansen, Clarinet; Andrew Bram­sted, Violin; and August Mynear, Violin.

p 64: During the late summer and during the fall and winter months, P. M. Peel and James Porter Sr., built a chopping mill on Peel's lot on Pleasant Creek, (northeast corner, intersection, Main Street and First West) where the stream had previously been taken out and used for irrigation purposes. Here the stream furnished the water power with which to run the mill. Owing to the distance to the nearest flour mill, this mill was a great assistance, and the people were glad to take their wheat there to be chopped. It was ground between two stones and came out quite black, but coarse as it was, it served the purpose and was used for bread. At about this time, a small Burr mill was built east on Pleasant Creek, a little south of where the Mount Pleasant flour mill is now, by John
Fredrick Fechser and John Ellertsen, (Spring City). A whip saw was installed in the fort, on the banks of Pleasant Creek, by Wellington Seeley and Rudolph N. Bennett, and was operated by Tho­mas Dutton.

Realizing the need of recreation and entertainment, in 1860, a dramatic company, which always played to packed houses, was organized by a number of people, among whom were W. W. Bran­don Sr., John Ivie and wife, Katherine Ivie, Rudolph Bennett, George Porter and Joseph Smith Day. As time went on, the per­sonnel of the company would change, but W. W. Brandon and Katherine Ivie played with them for years. During the winter months, their plays were put on in the log meeting house in the center of the fort, using wagon covers and other such material as they could provide for scenery. Among other plays, they pre­sented the Merchant of Venice, and Good For Nothing Nan.

p 72: Independence Day, July the 4th, 1861, was celebrated with appropriate ceremonies. A new flag pole was erected on the Church Square. It was one straight, long pole brought from the mountains by Svend Larsen, Abraham Day, William Morrison Sr., and others, and prepared with a plane and' draw knife brought from Norway by Erick Gunderson Sr., was set up by Erick Gunderson Sr., Gunder E. Gunderson, Jacob Rolfson1, William Morrison Sr., and others. There was much rejoicing; an ox had been killed for the occasion and a public dinner was given in the bowery, on the south side in the square. A pitch pine torch in each corner of the bowery furnished the light for the dance held in the evening, for which music was furnished by John Waldermar, James Hansen, Lars Nielsen (Fiddler), and others. All enjoyed them selves to the utmost. R. N. Bennett states, "I recall the dances held often in the old bowery, dancing on the dirt floor, some of us barefoot, but we would make the dust fly. Bishop Seeley was great on big eats. A saying was, 'We'll cut a squash, kill a chicken and have a treat.' The only fruit I remember we ever had were bull berries, service berries, and choke cherries, these were dried and used in the winter, too."

 p. 90: 

As Rowe drove up, the Indian took Conderset's hat and put it on his own head and stood astraddle of the fire. We did not under­stand why. Rowe looked at the Indian and said, 'Boys, he is here for no good.' Conderset told his father what the Indian said about the Indians killing eight men in Provo Canyon. Rowe be­gan asking the Indian questions about it. The Indian said that it was eight sleep

ya-tes, eight days since, holding up eight fingers. Rowe said, 'You are mistaken, for if it were so, the papers would talk about it.' The Indian became uneasy and wanted to go to his saddle. Rowe said, 'I will go with you.' The Indian seemed willing that he should do so, till he got his horse, when he said his horse's back was sore, which was very common with Indian horses. Rowe told the Indian that he would walk for he was anxious to keep the Indian with us all night. He also told the Indian that there would be ten men there by morning, and ten more later, word having reached Mount Pleasant that the Indians intended making a raid on Thistle Valley. Upon hearing this, the Indian became more eager to go than ever, he jumped on his horse and was gone, and we saw no more of him. Mr. Rowe remarked that trouble was brewing and that we would have to shift for ourselves as best we could. About midnight, after we had conversed about what we would do in case we were attacked, we heard a yell down in the valley in the direction of the road. Rowe said: 'there comes the boys.' We boys fearing that it might be Indians, planned what to do if such should be the case. It proved to be four boys from Mount Pleasant, namely, R. N. Bennett, Don C. Seely, Peter Miller and James Hansen. They told us that as they were coming up from the road, they saw a small fire up Indian Hollow, and started towards it, when they got into a ridge and saw our fire, and came to it. We got supper for them. We looked for more men in the morning, but they did not come. We gathered the stock and sheep and drove to Mount Pleasant. At Fairview we got supper at Gammet's. There was no further trouble with Indians that fall, but we always believed that if we had not received timely help, we might have been murdered."

p 91: In April, another call was made for men with oxen and wagons to go east to bring immigrants. Anthon H. Lund1, C. W. Anderson, James Gundersen, J. D. Page, and Lars Frandsen, with R. N. Bennett as night guard responded. They, with their oxen and wa­gons, went to Salt Lake City where a company of 277 men, 177 wagons and 1717 oxen were fitted out with provisions for the im­migrants whom they met at Wyoming, a village seven miles north of Nebraska City, Nebraska, as that place instead of Florence, Nebraska had then been selected as an out-fitting place.
p 95: A call was made for Mount Pleasant to send twenty-three men to the defense of the inhabitants of Sevier Valley. A few days later, a group of well-armed men responded to the call, according to Andrew Madsen's Journal, "A party of about twenty men, John Ivie, Dolph Bennett (R. N.), Orange Seeley, George Frandsen, Christian Jensen, Alma Zabriskie, Peter Fredricksen, N. Peter Madsen. Mortin Rasmussen, myself and others, with three baggage wagons driven by Rasmus Frandsen, Jacob Christensen and Peter Y. Jensen, started out at daybreak. At our arrival at Manti, we were told what had transpired at Salina Canyon and of the killing of Ward and Anderson. We were ordered to hurry on at once. We arrived in Salina early in the evening where we were joined by a number of men from other settlements. Preparations were made during the night, and early the following morning, Colonel Reddick Allred with eighty-four armed men started up Salina Canyon in pursuit of the Indians. About ten miles east of Salina,

p 100: On the other side of the river we could see fresh wichiups made of green trees. The river was too high to ford. Dolph Bennett, of Mount Pleasant, John Sanders, of Fairview, and Jens Larsen of Ephraim, were chosen as advance guards to swim across to investi­gate. John Sanders very nearly drowned, but was rescued by Bennett. The advance men, upon reaching the other shore found a great many fresh tracks of the Indians, and called back to tell of their find. After scouting about a short time, they returned across the river to the balance of the company. Most of the com­pany wanted to follow the tracks, but upon taking inventory of their supplies, which now consisted of cracker crumbs only, the officers decided on account of the jaded condition of the horses and the lack of supplies, to give up the chase and return home. 

pp 106,107: Concerning the expedition, R. N. Bennett stated: "Not all Indians were bad. There were many good ones living near Nephi and in Utah County, but on account of so many renegades, as they were called, it was hard to tell the good from the bad. So naturally, we were suspicious of all. In the spring of 1866 old Chief Kanosh sent word to the effect that a lot of Indians, who had stolen cattle, etc., were camped in Nephi Hills. This was told to officers Snow and Allred. Jake, a son of Kanosh, had been raised among the white people and Kanosh said if the Mormons wanted him to, he would send him to pick out the renegades or bad Indians. The outcome was they secured a bunch of those who had killed, and started with them to Manti to be tried and put in jail. However, on the way we had some trouble. At daybreak we heard the dogs barking. We were camped in a flat. Jake called to the other Indians in a tone that made the mountains echo and told them to keep still or be killed. The Indians were unruly and in the skirmish one was killed. They held court at Manti. Jake gave evidence against the Indians; four were condemned to be killed and the rest put in jail. A bunch of white men were detailed or drafted to get rid of the four."

March 20th, orders were again received at Mount Pleasant for men, this time for ten to go to an Indian camp in Salt Creek Canyon, near Nephi. They at once responded and they, with others from other settlements, captured four Indians who had been with Chief Black Hawk at Ephraim the year previous, when so many depredations were committed. According to orders, the captives were shot and killed in a ditch below Nephi. The men were away from Mount Pleasant on this expedition three days. April 15th, a call was made by the church for men to go east for immigrants. The following men, Hans Brotherson, Charlie Hampshire, George Tuft, Christian Petersen (Peel), Neils Jensen,


Hans Scholft, Fredrick Petersen, Neils L. Lund, August Mynear,

Oscar Barton, Don Carlos Seeley, and Jorgen Hansen, with Lyman Peters as night guard, were fitted out by the colonists and left Mount Pleasant April 19th with eleven wagons and 44 oxen for Salt Lake City, where they joined with others. The entire company leaving Salt Lake City consisted of 456 teamsters, 49 mounted guard, 89 horses, 134 mules, 304 oxen, and 397 wagons.

On Oc­tober 20th they returned with a company of immigrants who were chiefly from Scandinavia. This company consisted of a part of Abner Lowry's company. On the journey crossing the plains, 'George Farnsworth had rendered efficient service in waiting on the cholera patients as he was the only man with the company who was acquainted with the disease. Fifty-six persons died on the plains, leaving Farnsworth in charge of fifty-three orphans, whom he brought to Utah. They were distributed among the saints who applied for them.

On April 18th, Indian Chief Sanpitch and other Indians, broke jail at Manti. A posse was at once in close pursuit and three Indians were killed within the city limits. R. N. Bennett, Peter Miller, Niels Madsen, Peter Christopherson and others, started in pursuit of the remainder of the party. 

They were joined by a group of men from Moroni and other places. Concerning this, we quote R. N. Bennett: "George Tucker was my captain in the fore part of 1866. In the spring we captured nine Black Hawk Indians in the mountains east of Nephi, and put them in the county jail at Manti. About April 14th they broke jail, three of them being killed while trying to escape, and others went so far north as Fountain Green, then called Uinta, going into the mountains on the west. 

p 110: Quoting R. N. Bennett: "David Candland was sent with the epistle for the people of Fairview to move to Mount Pleasant, the people of Fountain Green to Moroni, and the people of Spring City to move to Ephraim. John L. Ivie and myself were sent as Candland's body guards. After these families had moved, the minute men of Mount Pleasant and other settlements had to go as guards for the men while they did their work."

 p 112: A cavalry consisting of about eighteen or twenty men, includ­ing Colonel Ivie, George Tucker, Orange Seely, R. N. Bennett (Dolph), Martin Aldrich, Aaron Oman, Niels Madsen, and Peter Fredricksen started with great speed for Dewey's camp, at Fair­view, others joined them.

p 113: During the skirmish in Thistle Valley, Orange Seely and Dolph Bennett, seeing an Indian leave his horse and sneak into the wash towards camp, captured the horse, saddle, bridle, a buckskin jacket and a long lasso rope. Seely kept the horse for some time as a trophy of war. All horses, excepting five or six head of saddle horses were missing. These were hitched by the rescuing party to the wagons and the camp was moved to a more protected loca­tion, where Indianola now stands. The body of Charles Brown was taken to Mount Pleasant for burial.

R. N. Bennett made the following statement concerning the attack: "June 24, 1866, Black Hawk warriors attacked Captain Peter Dewey's company at Thistle Valley, killing one man, Charles Brown, of Draper, and wounding Thomas Snaar, and driving off twenty or more head of horses. John L. Ivie, Orange Seely, George Tucker, myself and others went to recover the horses. We followed Black Hawk and his band nearly to the head of Spanish Fork River, going a distance of about forty or fifty miles, then follow­ing down the Spanish Fork River, to about where Thistle Junction now is. During this engagement three or four Indians were killed, and a number wounded."

p117: It was originally intended to build a wall twelve feet high, but as the trouble with the Indians grew less serious, the wall was never completed.

Andrew Rolph states that to build this wall, people were or­ganized in companies with captains. Mortin Rasmussen, he remembers, was captain over one group. The wall was constructed on a straight line, for about three blocks on the east side of Fourth East. Orin Clark's house, about southeast of the corner of the interdiction of Main and Fourth East was east or outside of the wall. North of Main, the wall ran about a block north, then northwest one block, and ended there. Svend Larsen's and Jim Walker's houses, about southeast of the corner of intersection of Fourth East and Main, and the house on the northeast corner of interdiction of First North and Third East was west, or inside of the wall. The rocks from this wall were later used to wall up cellars all about the city. R. N. Bennett stated that a bastille was started In this wall but not completed.''

p 130: with R. N. (Dolph) Bennett acting as head freighter. Long trips were made with mule or horse teams, shorter ones with ox teams. The store receiving cash for their produce, many people were thereby benefited. 

p 138: August 26th, 1868, Dan Miller, of Nephi, and his son, returning with a load of lumber from Snow and Douglas Mill in Oak Creek Canyon, east of Spring City, were attacked by Indians. Dolph Bennett, who was on his way to the mill, discovered Mr. Miller lying in a bed of cactus. After lifting him out he went to the mill to give the alarm. 

p 139: Quot­ing R. N. Bennett: "Records show that during the war 72 white people and about 122 Indians were killed in Utah."

An act to pension the survivors of certain Indian Wars from

January 1, 1859, to 1891 was approved March 4, 1917. Coming at this late date the majority of those who had served in the early days had passed away. The following named are those who at that time proved up in Mt. Pleasant: Martin Aldrich, Claus An­derson, C. W. Anderson, Rasmus Anderson, Oscar Barton, Rudolph Bennett, Andrew Beckstrom, Martin Bohne, Martin Brother­son, Joseph Burton, John Carlson, James Christensen, Robert Eiertson, Rasmus Frandsen, James Hendricksen, Neils Johansen, Andrew Jensen, Sophus Johnson, John Knudsen, Brigham Lee, Peter Monsen, Bennett Monk, James Olson, Ole Arlson, Olof Rosenlof, Conderset Rowe, Hyrum Seely, John H. Seely, William Seely, Olof Sorensen, John Waldermar, August Wall, Thomas Wrest, Hazzard Wilcox, Alma White, Joseph Wise, Oscar Ander­son, Wesley Bills, Joseph Coates, Henry Ericksen, Peter N. Jensen, Peter Rasmussen, Joseph N. Seely, Andrew Rolph, S. A. Barton, Edmond C. Johnson, William Olson. The last four named are living in Mt. Pleasant, in 1939, as are the widows of Martin Aldrich, Joseph Burton, Sophus Johnson, Oscar Barton, Hazzard Wilcox, John Carlson, Peter M. Jensen, Oscar Anderson and A. G. Omen.

 p 203: Rudolph N. Bennett, a Black Hawk War Veteran, and the last survivor of the pioneers whose names are engraved on the Mt. Pleasant monument, died December 29, 1927, at the age of eighty­four years.

Saturday, March 1, 2025



George M. Miller: bottom right




Letter written by Mina Miller and found in Mable J Palmer's genealogy papers

Contributed By

My name is Mina Miller. I was the 5th child in a family of nine. 4 boys 5 girls. My memory goes back when I was about 6 and started to school. My teacher was Ely Day. The children would stand round a table and teacher taught us letter's and figures - such as- a-b-c-d. 1-2-3-4-etc. Later add then multiply and divide. We lived7 blocks from school house. In winter and deep snow my Father would get out horses hitch them to the wagon and take us all to the school house. Of course all neighbor children were usually ready to climb up in the wagon.

From year to year school houses were built and more school teachers came.

Our home was a large house. 8 rooms, kitchen 16 by 24 feet. 5 rooms on first floor. 4 bedrooms on the 2nd floor( we call it upstairs)In those days on the 1st floor was a bedroom for guests.

There were 4 fireplaces in the house--No heating stoves at this time. There were no grates in those days. We had rocks and used pine logs. Logs were laid on the rocks. Our cook stove was large - 6 lid stove and large oven. Cedar wood was used in cook stoves. Our Mother and Father always wanted us to bring our friends home, and not walk the streets. As we all grew older, many evenings our home would be crowded with young folks. Ages in different rooms.

Father was very strict. All friends whom were up to 16 years should leave at 9 pm. Later because of our age, at 11 pm it was time to all go home, or keep very quiet as no one could sleep if it was noisy after 10 pm.

We were all compelled to go to school. We were never compelled to go to church.

Mother was the kindest and most understanding mother of all our friends in those days. Young people between age 10 to 14 would put on "Plays" or "theaters". We had a very large living room. All the youngsters in that part of town would come to see the theaters. Boards from the outside would make seats. Often children 8 to 12 would come. There was no charge.


Death Summons Martin Miller Martin George Miller, who had iIved in American Fork for the past three years, died here April 9, following a lingering illness. The love and respect which the members of this and surrounding communities have for Mr. Miller and his family was shown by the large attendance of friends and the beautiful floral offerings at the services held in the Second ward chapel Tuesday afternoon. Bishop Joseph H. Storrs conducted the services. The opening song, When First the Glorious Light of Truth", was sung by the mixed chorus of the Second ward. Ludwig Larson of the Highland ward offered the opening prayer. Katie Parker, granddaughter of George Miller, read a sketch of his life which had been written by Bishop Andrew FJeld of Lehi. Bishop Andrew Fjeld of Lehi and Bishop Cornwall of Salt Lake City were the speakers. The mixed chorus sang "My Father," and Bishop Storrs gave a few closing remarks. The closing song, "Christians Goodnight," was sung by Mrs. Clifford E. Young. Bishop Jerling of Highland offered the benediction. The grave in the Lehi cemetery was dedicated by President Virgil Peterson of the Lehi stake. Mr. Miller is survived by his widow and the following sons and daughters: Mrs. Mary L. Gordon, Lloyd and Miss Myra Miller, American Fork; Mrs. Fern Kirk, Orem; Mrs. Jessie Jackson and Mrs. Ruby White, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Maud Greenland, Highland; Mrs. Delia Hatch, Woods Cross; also four brothers and sisters, Alma and Frank Miller, Mrs. Lottie Parker and Mrs. Elma Parker, Canada, and 26 grandchildren.