About 2 to 3 miles west of town was "sort of resort" named Rainbow Fisheries. It was owned by Ras Anderson. The remnants can be seen today. There were three ponds. One pond for swimming, one pond for fishing, and one pond for boating. The resort was located on the original road to Moroni. This road was located a half mile south of the road that takes you to Moroni now. The road was moved north to avoid the marshy ground along the Sanpitch River. The area is now owned by the Leo Gillespie Family, where they raise cattle.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
"No Pent Up City Controls Our Powers. The Whole Mountain Territory Is Ours.
Under date of June 8,
1861, the Deseret News published
the following article signed "Item."
Pleasant, June 8, 1861.
"Mr. Editor:
you ever visit this little town, not city? If not, you have lost a treat. Here
on a nice rolling piece of ground, commanding a fine view of the surrounding
country, and of the mountains and hills, covered with timber to their base,
stands a superior fort, built two years ago, under the direction of Mr. James
Ivie. Many persons still live in the fort, either fearful of Indians or else
they like the proximity of house to house. The citizens are, however, generally
locating on their lots outside, and some evidences of taste are being displayed
in their buildings and improvements.
creeks contribute their water to irrigate the land. Pleasant Creek is made to
turn machinery every few rods, and so strong and rapid is the current that
mills could advantageously be located along the stream very near to each other.
have good peace here and the usual spirit of industry is manifested. A fatherly
care is exercised in the control of affairs, but there is little to control,
the people seem to control themselves. We have no liquor saloons, no liquor
manufacturers, neither stores to take away our grain; but we have an abundance
of sheep and stock. We have two tanneries, and need more. Shoemakers are
wanted; furniture is much needed, and a potter would be found delighting us,
while he turned his clay into gold (wheat). We have only one flour mill, and
need more. We have three saw mills and need more. We have an abundance of land,
and need more farmers. The range for stock is excellent; timber of most kinds
plentiful, and there are chances untold for the poor of the Saints to find a
home where they can say:
'No pent up city controls our powers,
The whole mountain
Territory is ours.'
"The citizens of
Mount Pleasant have petitioned the County Court of Sanpete to add one
thousand dollars to the appropriation
made by the Legislature,
last winter, for the purpose of improving the road through Spanish Fork Canyon,
but no response has as yet been made, and nothing has been done in relation to
the Legislative appropriation. Why this apathy and indifference? A good road
through the canyon is much needed by the people of this valley, and why is it
that we must go round thirty miles further to reach Great Salt Lake City; shall
we ever see a better nearer road?
“A strong effort will
be made this season to improve this place, m advantageously located, and thus
make it what its name denotes, a pleasant place.
"It is gratifying to say that what articles are
are highly creditable to
all concerned.
"Our Big Field,
which is nine miles in circumference, is well fenced, and contains some of the
finest soil in the Territory. The low and uplands are admirably suited for the
various grains. We lack some vines, but for the great staple of life (wheat), I
Sanpete is second to none
in the Territory. The man of family would do well to look here before he
locates anywhere, if he desires a cheap home, and in fact any and all who will,
can get their living by the sweat of their brow. I am satisfied that from the
harmonious workings of affairs here, a future awaits this place as bright as
that of any star in the constellation of Deseret, and that as much honey will
be found in our portion of the hive as in some more favored ones nearer the
"It would do you good to see the
anxious expectants gather around the agent's office, on the days of arrival,
awaiting the News, richly feighted as it is with news items. The 'Extra' … how
glad we are to see it! Your city folks know not the value of paper like that.
The sermons as well as the war news, are read and re-read by your subscribers
"Our postal arrangements are not
satisfactory. We need a post office at this place, and hope to get one at no
distant day. We are talking about erecting a meeting-house, and establishing a
small library in one room, that our youth may have a chance to improve their
minds, as well as to become proficient in the art of dancing; in short, to keep
up with the spirit of the times and the progress of Zion.
you ever vacate the editorial chair for a residence in the country, I hope that
you, though a northern man, will come south to Mount Pleasant, where secession
is never breathed, but where, on the glorious Fourth, we hope to hoist the
genuine Stars and Stripes and show that they and the Constitution are still
revered in the midst of the mountains. I wish orders had been just sent for our
teams to have freighted the Union out here. We could have preserved it so well
in this salt country.
History of Mt. Pleasant by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf pp70-72
Monday, September 28, 2015
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Friday, September 25, 2015
Queen City
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Queen City Bottling Co. |
Queen City Bottling Co. , Queen City Creamery and Cheese, Queen City Dance Hall, Court Queen City Ancient Order Foresters, Queen City Roller Mills, Queen City Bookstore,
The information below is taken from "History of Sanpete and Emery Counties"
MOUNT PLEASANT, as the name implies, is situ-
ated upon a pleasant elevation, near the center
of the famous '"Granary of Utah," twenty-five miles
north of Manti and 100 miles south of Salt Lake City.
The site was selected by the early pioneers of Sanpete
county as the most delightful and commanding location
for an important commercial metropolis, and its rapid
growth and permanent development fully demonstrates
that the locators were not deceived. In the early spring
of 1852 a company of the veterans of '49, from Manti,
camped upon the ground now included in Mt. Pleasant,
and began the building of the ''Queen City of Sanpete."
The colonists were commanded by Madison D. Hamil-
ton, who erected a saw mill and began to cut lumber
for building houses. In 1853 the Indians attacked the
colonists and drove away some cattle. The colony was
reinforced by militiamen from Utah county and assisted
in harvesting their grain, when the settlement was
The municipal affairs have been wisely and econ- omically administered by competent men who have la- bored incessantly to make of the city what her inhabi- tants justly claim, "The Queen City of Sanpete." The city has clean, broad streets; excellent water for culi- nary, domestic and irrigation purposes; splendid power for mills and factories; fine school houses and well-in- formed teachers; beautiful lawns and prolific orchards and gardens; elegant mansions, the homes of wealthy and energetic citizens; perfect electric light system; en- terprising and public-spirited business men, conducting complete mercantile houses; modern and well-equipped roller mills; first class hotels; well conducted newspa- per; solid and reliable banking institution; best market and mail facilities, furnished by a modern railway; well regulated lodges, representing the most prominent fra- ternal organizations; capable and competent attorneys, physicians and professional men; good churches and auxiliary societies; and all that goes to make up a com- mercial metropolis of a county like Sanpete.
Another equally representative and important wool shipping concern is the Union Wool and Live Stock Commission company, organized after the Mt. Pleasant
This company handles all that is implied in
its name, with perfect satisfaction to its customers and
stockholders. The concern is composed of reliable bus-
iness men, interested in the success of the Queen City as
the commercial center of Central Utah. The officers and
directors are: Andrew Madsen, president; N. P. Neil-
son, vice president; Neal M. Madsen, secrtary, with J.
D. Page, Simon T. Beck and A. J. Aagard. This com-
pany is not local in its dealings nor its official directory,
but extends its business operations over Sanpete county
and throughout Central and Southern Utah.
The Union Mercantile company is a prominent con-
cern, which in connection with dealing in general mer-
chandise, conducts the Mt. Pleasant creamery. This firm
does an extensive business at home and abroad. The
Queen City butter and cheese commands first class
prices wherever exhibited. Ole Hansen manages the
creameryand Neal M. Madsen the store, of which Peter
Matson is secretaiy and treasurer.
The newspaper business in Mt. Pleasant is well rep-
resented in the Pyramid, a weekly publication, issued
eyery Thursday by the Pyramid Publishing Company,
under the management of J. M. Boyden. This venture
was started by A. B. Williams in November, 1890, and
has continued to increase in usefulness as a public edu-
cator since the first issue appeared. It is a non-partisan,
strictly local newspaper and devoted to the upbuilding
of the Queen City and the county of Sanpete. The Pyra-
mid is deserving of local patronage and is an index to
the push, vim and enterprise of the business interests of
the city. Its plant is not extensive, but will grow with
the financial development of the city and the amount of
increasing publicity demanded by the ever vigilant and
progressive managers of mercantile institutions.
In 1??? the Rio Grande Western railroad was com-
pleted to 3It. Pleasant and this city put on the highway
of commercial prosperity. New enterprises were opened,
dormant natural resources developed and a cash market
assured for all products of the farm and the herds and
flocks in the mountains. From that date to the present
financial advancement has been general, new modern
residences have been erected, fine mercantile houses con-
structed, the entire city lighted by electricity and a per-
fect mountain metropolis created. The shipments of
wool, sheep, cattle, lumber and grain from this place to
outside markets aggregate many trainloads yearly and
the cash returns divided among those interested pour
into the Queen City a volume of money sufficient to main-
tain a city of double proportions. With unlimited re»
sources and such energetic business men as Mt. Pleasant
has, the future growth to a great commercial mart is
but a question of time.
Mt. Pleasant Lodge Xo. 22, Ancient Order United
Workmen, was organized with a good membership a few
years ago, and now contains mam^ of the leading men of
this city and neighboring towns. regular meetings are
held every week on Monday evenings. A. H. Maiben is
Master Workman and L. S. Thompson secretary. This
order lost an esteemed member in Sheriff James Burns,
who was murdered while performing his duties, and its
fraternal benefits were shown in the payment of a $2,000
policy to his widow. Damascus Lodge Xo. 10, Free and
Accepted Masons, organized in 1895, has regular com-
munications at Masonic Hall on second and fourth Satur-
days in each month. H. V. Oassiday is W. M. and A. G.
Sutherland secretary. This order has members located
throughout the county and numbers some of the most
influential citizens. Court Queen City No. 8543,
Ancient Order Foresters of America, was organized
Feb. 19, 1895, with twenty members
Erickson, JOHN N., postmaster, son of Peter J. and
Christina, was born in Mt. Pleasant September 20,
1870. His parents came from Sweden and located
in this city, where father died in '72, mother still living.
John attended the Mt. Pleasant schools and was a stu-
dent of the B. Y. Academy at Provo. He
taught school in Indianola and Mt. Pleasant and was
principal for one year at Redmond. In February, 1897,
he entered the post office and has given general satisfac-
tion. He is a stockholder in the Queen City Roller Mills,
owns his residence in the city and has and interest in a
business block on Main street. Is an active member of
the Mormon church.
Rolph, M. G., proprietor Mt. Pleasant Cigar Factory,
son of Mous and Bengta, was born in Sweden De-
cember 21, 1851. The family came to Mt. Pleasant
by ox-traln in 1856. At the age of 19 he engaged in the
mercantile business with his brother, N. A., who died in
New York City in 1886. He continued the business till
1892, when he sold out and purchased sheep, wliich ven-
ture was not a success. July 15, 1896, he opened his pres-
ent cigar facton", where he employs two men and does a
good business. His brands are Queen City Gem, San-
pete Famous, Peerless and Honest Five.
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Mt. Pleasant Pyramid 1990 |
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
The McClenahan Mill was built
according to certain specifications recommended
by the territorial authorities. It was a two story building with a granary
and ample space for wheat and bins for graham, corn meal, and ground feed,
also a 20 foot reel for bolting flour. The mill, which was equipped with two
elevators, operated with water power from Pleasant Creek, using a Leffell
wheel, a wooden flume and penstock.
The flour was good and found a ready market with quantities being shipped to
Salt Lake City ,
San Francisco ,
and Pioche , Nevada . It was not long until the
mill operated on a twenty-four hour basis and required three extra men on
the force.
One policy of the McClenahan Mill, while under grandfather's jurisdiction was
that no family man was ever to be refused flour or feed, whether he had the
money at the time of delivery or not. There was no record that any man
extended this kindness ever defaulted in his obligation to grandfather.
Furthermore, grandfather never reminded anyone of an obligation by sending
them a statement of debt.
An excerpt from a "tribute" to James Kemp McClenahan and Catherine Orthelia
(Kidd) McClenahan on their wedding anniversary. This tribute was written by
Ellice Adelaide (McClenahan) Carter.
Source: Information copied by Dorothy H. Erickson from the files of Blanch
McClenahan (Mrs. Frank) of Toulon, Stark Co., ILL. Mrs. McClenahan is now
deceased. Records in possession of Mrs. John Montgomery,Rockford , ILL.
by the territorial authorities. It was a two story building with a granary
and ample space for wheat and bins for graham, corn meal, and ground feed,
also a 20 foot reel for bolting flour. The mill, which was equipped with two
elevators, operated with water power from Pleasant Creek, using a Leffell
wheel, a wooden flume and penstock.
The flour was good and found a ready market with quantities being shipped to
mill operated on a twenty-four hour basis and required three extra men on
the force.
One policy of the McClenahan Mill, while under grandfather's jurisdiction was
that no family man was ever to be refused flour or feed, whether he had the
money at the time of delivery or not. There was no record that any man
extended this kindness ever defaulted in his obligation to grandfather.
Furthermore, grandfather never reminded anyone of an obligation by sending
them a statement of debt.
An excerpt from a "tribute" to James Kemp McClenahan and Catherine Orthelia
(Kidd) McClenahan on their wedding anniversary. This tribute was written by
Ellice Adelaide (McClenahan) Carter.
Source: Information copied by Dorothy H. Erickson from the files of Blanch
McClenahan (Mrs. Frank) of Toulon, Stark Co., ILL. Mrs. McClenahan is now
deceased. Records in possession of Mrs. John Montgomery,
My grandmother, Catherine Kidd McClenahan was a true southern lady and
to the "manor born." She bore no resemblance to the "Sure 'nough, honey
chile," or the "you all" types so often dramatized. She and the well-to-do
and aristocratic James Kemp McClenahan were true examples of the Old South.
My grandparents life together was a beautiful one and a "love affair to
the end." In referring to the hardships of pioneer life, Grandma always
said, ---"Kemp felt we should settle here, and I think Kemp was right."
Sometime after 1856, the James Kemp McClenahan family left
where they had been for a time and located in
1866 James Kemp McClenahan began the operation of the milling business. In
the beginning when the mill was almost ready to operate they were unable to
secure any bolting silk which was necessary to complete the process of
turning wheat into flour, and what to do was the question.
Grandma had the solution. She offered to sacrifice her beautiful
(voluminous) whiote silk wedding dress as a substitute for the silk bolting
cloth, which was not available elsewhere. There was no alternative,
sentiment must be made to serve a practical need, the wheels of industry
must turn that the people might be fed. (Note: The author remembers seeing
in the museum at
one above, made of bolting silk. First settlers in Marietta 1790)
While Grandma gave her lovely white silk dress, her dress of romance, to
be used as bolting silk in the mill, she always kept the foundation, a stark
naked wire frame, which we called hoops. It remained a sentimental reminder
of the nman she loved and cherished, It was part of her "wedding dress," a
wedding dress which helped in our city settlement.
Among the first houses built in
been surveyed and platted was Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was a large
house made of adobe facing North on
street with pine trees on either side. While the house very plain with no
verandas, it had an air of distinction. On the back of the lot was a barn,
chicken coop and smokehouse all built of white adobe. The hop arbor was of
light lumber. Between these buildings and the house was a garden.
My grandmother's home was always rather special with its grandfather
clock, its round rosewood center table and horsehair sofa, which was not too
comfortable. One of Grandmother's prized possessions was a walnut cupboard
with glass doors which held her best dishes. In the bedrooms were four
posters and marble topped bureaus and wash stands. Grandma's room was rather
special. It had a walnut four poster tester bed with canopy and ruffled
valances with walnut bureau and wash stand. In the dining room the chairs
were arranged geometrically along the wall.
Guests were always welcome at my grandparent's home, either for supper
of afternoon tea. If a casual caller came in to see the house or wait for
her husband to pick up his grist at the mill, she was served tea with
cinnamon toast by Grandma, gracious as always, in a starched white apron,
which was the mode in those times.
Very humbly and with great appreciation I record the following tribute
to my grandparents, which was given at my grandmother's funeral in 1912. In
tribute to her and my grandfather's contribution to the success and early
settlement here it was said: If all the flour and mill products that were
given to these good people, and all the money given and loaned without
security, together with contributions they made to the needy, had instead,
been put in the bank at compound interest from date of settlement of Mt.
Pleasantm until the present date (1912), the remaining members of the
McClenahan family would be the possessors of great wealth.
Such kindness and consideration for his fellowmen remind us of these
words, "Charity suffereth long and is kind; charity envieth not; charity
vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly,
seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil." I Cor. 13:4 -
And thus passed the original family of McClenahans who helped build
bearing proof that the McClenahans were there.
Source: Information copied by Dorothy H. Erickson from the files of Blanch
McClenahan (Mrs. Frank) of Toulon, Stark Co., ILL. Mrs. McClenahan is now
deceased. Records in possession of Mrs. John Montgomery,
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Monday, September 21, 2015
Esther Rasmussen Christensen Loved To Entertain
Esther had a most beautiful home. After she had retired from teaching, she had an interior decorator come in and help her remodel and decorate. I was a guest of hers on many occasions.
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L to R: Esther Christensen, Edith Simpson, ?Williams, Lois Brotherson |
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L to R: Maxine Daniels, Mildred Sealy, Alice Hafen, (back) Dorothy Lish |
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L to R: Lois Paulsen, Eva Staker, Mary Jensen (back) Reiva Rosenlof |
These photos come from the Alice Hafen Collection
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Willis Madsen
A friend of ours, Dave Gunderson, asked us to find a picture of Willis Madsen. I found this in a 1921 Carbon yearbook. He was the a sophomore in high school.
The above photo comes from the Johanna Madsen Hafen Collection. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And since we are researching his life anyway, here's more:![]() Willis Neil Madsen Original name: Willis N. Madsen | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Learn about upgrading this memorial... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Friday, September 18, 2015
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Have you discovered the Sanborn Insurance Maps?
Many thanks goes to Betty Gunderson Woodbury for the tip to this site.
You will find many homes and businesses listed between 1892 and 1908.
The Sanborn Map® Collection contains large-scale, detailed maps from 1867 -1969 depicting the commercial, industrial, and residential sections of cities. They were designed in 1866 by surveyor D.A. Sanborn to assist fire insurance agents in determining the risk associated with insuring a particular property. The D.A. Sanborn Co. was the first to offer insurance maps on a national scale in response to the growth of urban communities after 1850. The company's surveyors meticulously documented the structural evidence of urbanization - building by building, block by block, and community by community.
Sanborn Maps® illustrate the size, shape, and construction material of dwellings, commercial buildings, and factories. Details include fire walls, windows and doors, style and composition of roofs, wall thickness, cracks in exterior walls, and elevators. They also indicate building use, sidewalk and street widths, layout and names, property boundaries, distance between buildings, house and block numbers, location of water mains, hydrants, piping, wells, cisterns, and fuel storage tanks. The maps are color-keyed. Please see map key to the right for details. For many years the maps were handmade and hand-colored. After 1911, corrections and amendments were pasted on top every few years.
The Marriott Library has digitized maps for Utah cities ranging from 1884 to 1955.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Barton's Barber Shop was one of the businesses destroyed in the fire... .
Those who sustained
losses were: Dr. S. H. Allen, store building; M. G. Rolph, building and cigar
factory; Dr. A. Lundberg, building, household furniture, dentist and jewelry
tools; M. C. Kroll, store and bakery; Maiben & Aldrich, drug store; New
York Cash store, merchandise; Equitable Co-op Store, building; Victor Nielson
and Olaf Olson, Shoe Company; Kofford & Johnson, building and stock. The Post
office, owned by John N. Ericksen; C. E. Hampshire, barber shop; Dr. C.
McGoughan, office furniture; Dr. H. P. Morrey, office fixtures; J. C. Barton,
barber shop and fixtures; Carl Kroll and Hyrum Hansen, each shoemaker fixtures.
The Odd Fellows, Masonic, Workman and Woodmen lodges, their hall and furniture.
Some were partly insured. The fire being checked by an adobe wall in the
Lundberg building, saved the Consolidated Furniture Company, W. O. Ash &
Company, and a frame building built by Nils Rosenlof, later owned by Rasmus
Anderson. A year later, this frame building was also destroyed by fire.
Main Street Fire (History of Mt. Pleasant) p 180
About one a.m., on the morning of the 24th of July, 1898, a fire was discovered on Main Street, about one. half block west of State Street. The alarm was sounded and along with the fire engine, volunteers formed a bucket brigade. Most of the buildings were frame, and the flames could not be checked, in spite of their efforts, until all on the block between the Equitable building and Consolidated Furniture Store had been destroyed.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Bobbed Hair and Short Skirts ~~~ The "Roaring Twenties"
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courtesy of wikipedia |
The Roaring Twenties were the period of sustained economic prosperity and the distinctive cultural edge in New York, Montreal, Chicago, Detroit, Paris, Berlin, London, Los Angeles, and many other major cities during the 1920s in the United States, Canada and Europe. The French called it the "années folles" ("Crazy Years"),[1] emphasizing the era's social, artistic and cultural dynamism. Normalcy returned to politics in the wake of hyper-emotional patriotism after World War I, jazz music blossomed, theflapper redefined modern womanhood and Art Deco peaked. Economically the era saw the large-scale use of automobiles, telephones, motion pictures, electricity, unprecedented industrial growth, accelerated consumer demand and aspirations, plus significant changes in lifestyle and culture. The media focused on celebrities, especially sports heroes and movie stars, as cities rooted for their home teams and filled the new palatial cinemas and gigantic sports stadiums. In most major countries women won the right to vote. However, the Wall Street Crash of 1929 ended the era, as the Great Depression set in bringing years of worldwide gloom and hardship.[2] The social and cultural features known as the Roaring Twenties began in leading metropolitan centers, especially Chicago, New Orleans, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, Paris, Berlin and London; then spread widely in the aftermath of World War I. The United States gained dominance in world finance. Thus, when Germany could no longer afford war reparations to Britain, France and other Allies, the Americans came up with theDawes Plan and Wall Street invested heavily in Germany, which repaid its reparations to nations that in turn used the dollars to pay off their war debts to Washington. By the middle of the decade prosperity was widespread, with the second half of the decade especially in Germany known as the "Golden Twenties".[3]
The spirit of the Roaring Twenties was marked by a general feeling of discontinuity associated with modernity and a break with traditions. Everything seemed to be feasible through modern technology. New technologies, especially automobiles, moving pictures and radio proliferated "modernity" to a large part of the population. Formal decorative frills were shed in favor of practicality in both daily life and architecture. At the same time, jazz and dancing rose in popularity, in opposition to the mood of the specter of World War I. As such, the period is also often referred to as the Jazz Age.
Flapper Girl ~ from Wikipedia
Flappers were a "new breed" of young Westernwomen in the 1920s who wore short skirts,bobbed their hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted their disdain for what was then considered acceptable behavior. Flappers were seen as brash for wearing excessive makeup, drinking, treating sex in a casual manner, smoking, driving automobiles, and otherwise flouting social and sexual norms.[1] Flappers had their origins in the liberal period of the Roaring Twenties, the social, political turbulence and increased transatlantic cultural exchange that followed the end ofWorld War I, as well as the export of American jazz culture to Europe.

We, the old-fashioned long-haired, long skirted women of the modestly dressed school must confess there are times when we do admire and envy our beautifully marceled, well trimmed, brillianteened sisters of the bobbed hair and knee length skirt, and we do fight the temptation to "go and do likewise." And become one of the great masses. We assure you it does take a great deal of will power to say, "Get thou behind me Satan".
You will acknowledge it takes a more than ordinary strength to come before so many bobbed heads to tell you of your mistake and sins and to defend our long hair and skirts. But thanks to the teachings of our early innocent childhood when we were taught in school and in Sunday School a verse something like this, "Sin is a monster to be hated, needs to be seen, but seen too often, we first endure, then pity, then embrace.
Friends, we may well compare that sin, to the sins of the world, to the sins of the short skirt and the bobbed hair today, and are we not advised from the pulpit to "keep ourselves unspotted from the sins of the world?"
We have often heard the bobbed hairdo epidemic defended with the illusion that it makes one look younger. are we not taught to honor and respect old age? Is it honest to look like something you are not? Is it honest to deliberately act out a lie?
Only a short time ago, a certain Mt. Pleasant man; (you all know to whom I refer, but we shall call him Bob) was taken to a hospital in Salt Lake City, all on account of something that wasn't. He saw at a distance what he thought was a young chicken. He hopped into his automobile and when he overtook the object, he found that it was an old hen and that she was his mother-in-law at that. The result of the meeting was his trip to the hospital. One day while there, there was a knock at the door.
The lady sitting by his bedside, who by the way had her hair, bobbed the day before, stepped into the hall and there she saw a sweet young creature with a boyish bob and a short pantilooned skirt that asked to see Bob. Said the first lady to the younger, "May I ask who you are as we do not allow all visitors." "I am his sister." "Oh, said the other, I am glad to know you, I am his mother." Think of that, mother and daughter not knowing each other, not knowing the members of their own family, all on account of looking like what you are not, with bobbed hair and short skirts.
The bobbed hair is robbing the women of today of motherly love, of that sacrificing spirit that has made motherhood so hallowed. Compare the long hairdo mother of yesterday with the short hairdo mother of today, for instance. A few days ago a schoolboy asked his patient, red faced, perspiring father, who was busy preparing the midday meal, for some money with which to buy a belt. The poor father sadly replied: "Son, never before have I refused you any of the necessities of life, but since Ma bobbed her hair, it is all I can do to keep her on speaking terms with the barber and the marcellor and attend to the housework. And friends, that poor boy, that son and heir, that representative of the future generation, say perhaps the future mayor of Mt. Pleasant, was forced to go without a belt. And we all know how necessary a belt is to a pair of trousers. Think what might have happened.
Now there is an example of following the styles. There was a time when men were blessed with gallowses,then fashion said suspenders. Soon they discarded them and left only a belt. And, Oh what agony the men's belt has caused.
We ladies used to have petticoats, underwear and hose supporters. Gone are the petticoats, fast going is the underwear and we roll our hose. We used to wear sweeping long skirts, sometimes with a graceful train. Then they gave us the ankle length, then the eight inch from the ground, then knees and above. Ah, can you not see the inmodesty, the brazenness, and the trickery of it. i warn you. Stop your sinful style-following ways, or yhou, like the men, will only have a belt left.
Already a man who often occupies the pulpit, and whose wife is a Relief Society worker has written this verse: Mary had a little skirt, 'twas the latest styles no doubt. But every time Mary got outside, she was more than halfway out."
Recently I noticed an ad in a journal to the effect that with the short skirts now in vogue, the hose must match the complexion of the jewelry. And after reading that I stepped into J.C. Penney to see the effect it had had. And there, my friends, I saw old women, young women, grandmothers and stepmothers if you please, clambering to be waited on. One dear old lady was in tears, because they had told her the freckled hose had not arrived. A grandmother rushed in to match some purple beads. Had their skirts been long andmodest, like mine, they could have worn any kind of hose, and avoided that grief and worry.
A few days ago, I saw a North Ward Relief Society Teacher in tears. I asked her the cause and she replied, "Lost,yesterday, somewhere between Bart's and Slim's Barber Shops, two golden braids, each set with sixty golden hairs, now reward is offered for they are gone forever." She like so many poor bobbed hairdo women here today, was forced to wear her hat or stay at home. Oh, could they only have had a 10-day free trial, could they only have seen the effects of before and after.
The bible tells us, that in bible days, men wore long hair and flowing beards. What have they done? They have cut it off. They have shaved them off, until what do we have now? In Mt. Pleasant alone there are so many bald or almost bald headed men.
Oh, what is the world coming to when women, who's doting mothers gave them saint-like names will brazenly parade the streets with bobbed hair and short skirts and unblushingly show their shapely or unshapely calves, I mean limbs?
In last week's Pyramid there was the followning verse; Henry Snmith is dead, we loved him so, just what caused it, we did not know, until they cut him open, and there they found, short marcelled hairs, floating round and round. Reason tells us, had they been long hairs, they never would have gotten there, for Henry would have seen them, and taken them out of his gravy, pudding, or pie and saved his life before he died.
A short time ago, as I was walking through the cemetery, I saw a mound all heaped up with Job's Tears, Love in the mists, Bleeding hearts, and For-get-me-knots. And I thought there has been a great loss. I stepped nearer and read the inscription. "Here lies Randy Lee, the wife of Gus. She bobbed her hair and it ended thus." now think of it. She might have lived forever had she listened to the dictates or that still small voice and the advice of her husband. On a little father in the same cemetery, I heard a man weeping. I went near him to console him, he turned to me with a knowing light in his eye and said, and "Here lies the body of my bobbed-haired wife. Tears cannot bring her back to life. Therefore, I weep."
I was told that a husband, who had not kissed his wife for more than twenty years, did so, after she was bobbed. The examiners for mental trouble, pronounced him incurable.
One could go on and on and tell of the sins and sorrows that bobbed hair and the short skirs have caused on the earth. Hee the warning, we are all preparing to be angels bye and bye. Have you ever seen an angel or the picture of an agel with bobbed hair and short skirts? No, they all have flowing robes. Let me plead with you as you are as you shall be. As you sow, so shall you reap. With all the proofs we have offered, with all the sadness that has been caused and all the calamities now existing, how can you unblushingly accept the bobbed hair and the economical short skirt?
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