Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Please forgive me for not cropping these pictures. Also, there are more to come. Thanks for checking in. We love you all.
DeAnn Peterson Lubbers, Lee Phillips, and Jack McAllister renew friendship.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Ever since 1909, the Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Historical Association has held an annual banquet and celebration in honor of the original pioneers to Mt. Pleasant. The Celebration has always been held in the latter part of March because that is when the pioneers gathered here to create a new settlement. Out of that first event, there has evolved some pretty fun traditions.
Tradition number one is the honoring of those 80 years of age and over. This once was an L.D.S. Church sponsored event. Many communities honored their old folks. In fact, that was what it was called ”Old Folks Day”. The Pioneer Association just sort of melded the two events together and called it Pioneer Day. Along with that concept, there was a “conveyance committee” formed. If you were a part of the “conveyance committee” it was your responsibility to help pick up the older folks who couldn’t get there on their own. The method of conveyance was with a horse-drawn cart or a more modern day jalopy.
Another tradition for many years was the men would grow beards in honor of Pioneer Day. If a gentleman didn’t grow a beard for the celebration, He was penalized some way by a kangaroo court. Three years ago, the men were encouraged to grow a beard for a “Beard Growing Contest”. Donald Hafen grew a handlebar mustache with his beard and won the contest hands down. His handle bar mustache was waxed to perfection and resembled a set of horns from long-horn steer.
Another tradition has been for the women and some men to dress up in pioneer style clothing. However, over the years this has changed to just the hostesses at the door wearing long dresses, shawls and hats. Although anyone who would like to dress up is encouraged to do so. Most of the time, the hats have been the really fun and essential item. Minnie Rutishauser, a member of the Pioneer Board of Directors during middle part of the past century really had a wonderful hat. Some of us also can remember Phyllis Nelson Riley’s pretty Victorian Era hat.
In the past the Celebration was a three day event, filled with all sorts of fun to entertain every generation. There were plays, costume balls, band concerts. But most of all it was a wonderful opportunity to renew acquaintances. And so, the directors have renamed it Mt. Pleasants’ Pioneer and Homecoming Day.
Every few years, a younger generation springs up to carry on. This year, Brandi Shelley and Kris Mills have added some other features to make it a very special Sesquicentennial Celebration. An art show will be held at the Mt. Pleasant Recreation Center. Sour dough scones and biscuits will be served at the Relic Home. Fun and games are also planned for the children.
This very special day in this Sesquicentennial Year should stand out as one of the best in the history of Mt. Pleasant. You won’t want to miss it. What a wonderful and fun opportunity it will be to teach the younger generation more about the Pioneers to Mt. Pleasant.
The day will never come when pioneering is at an end, and so it is good to look back and remember and appreciate those who have made possible the achievements of today.
Bring your whole family Saturday, March 28th. The Lunch and Program will begin at noon at the Mt. Pleasant North Stake House with more festivities following. See you there !!!
Tradition number one is the honoring of those 80 years of age and over. This once was an L.D.S. Church sponsored event. Many communities honored their old folks. In fact, that was what it was called ”Old Folks Day”. The Pioneer Association just sort of melded the two events together and called it Pioneer Day. Along with that concept, there was a “conveyance committee” formed. If you were a part of the “conveyance committee” it was your responsibility to help pick up the older folks who couldn’t get there on their own. The method of conveyance was with a horse-drawn cart or a more modern day jalopy.
Another tradition for many years was the men would grow beards in honor of Pioneer Day. If a gentleman didn’t grow a beard for the celebration, He was penalized some way by a kangaroo court. Three years ago, the men were encouraged to grow a beard for a “Beard Growing Contest”. Donald Hafen grew a handlebar mustache with his beard and won the contest hands down. His handle bar mustache was waxed to perfection and resembled a set of horns from long-horn steer.
Another tradition has been for the women and some men to dress up in pioneer style clothing. However, over the years this has changed to just the hostesses at the door wearing long dresses, shawls and hats. Although anyone who would like to dress up is encouraged to do so. Most of the time, the hats have been the really fun and essential item. Minnie Rutishauser, a member of the Pioneer Board of Directors during middle part of the past century really had a wonderful hat. Some of us also can remember Phyllis Nelson Riley’s pretty Victorian Era hat.
In the past the Celebration was a three day event, filled with all sorts of fun to entertain every generation. There were plays, costume balls, band concerts. But most of all it was a wonderful opportunity to renew acquaintances. And so, the directors have renamed it Mt. Pleasants’ Pioneer and Homecoming Day.
Every few years, a younger generation springs up to carry on. This year, Brandi Shelley and Kris Mills have added some other features to make it a very special Sesquicentennial Celebration. An art show will be held at the Mt. Pleasant Recreation Center. Sour dough scones and biscuits will be served at the Relic Home. Fun and games are also planned for the children.
This very special day in this Sesquicentennial Year should stand out as one of the best in the history of Mt. Pleasant. You won’t want to miss it. What a wonderful and fun opportunity it will be to teach the younger generation more about the Pioneers to Mt. Pleasant.
The day will never come when pioneering is at an end, and so it is good to look back and remember and appreciate those who have made possible the achievements of today.
Bring your whole family Saturday, March 28th. The Lunch and Program will begin at noon at the Mt. Pleasant North Stake House with more festivities following. See you there !!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Let's take time to muse upon some nicknames. Here are some that we remember, but we're not going to list the "real names". We're just hoping to prick your memory a bit.
"Freddie Pig" ......Fred Larsen, Pig Farmer
"Pete Tanner" ......Pete Nielsen, Tanner by trade
"Pete Sherriff" ......Pete Jensen
"Sunday School Joe"...... ????
"King Kong" ......Tom Christensen
"Frenchie" ......Victor Dehus (sp?)
"Pete Poker" ......Pete Jensen (another one)
"Little Mary" ......Emmet Rosenlof
"Georgie Porgie" ......George Porter
"Taboot" ......Lawrence Johansen
"Gooley" ......Paul Johansen
"Dutch" ......Wilford and Boyd Hafen
"Shy Poke" ......Gerald Marx
"Ichabod" ......Alan Burnside
That's enough for today, we'll save more for another day.
"Freddie Pig" ......Fred Larsen, Pig Farmer
"Pete Tanner" ......Pete Nielsen, Tanner by trade
"Pete Sherriff" ......Pete Jensen
"Sunday School Joe"...... ????
"King Kong" ......Tom Christensen
"Frenchie" ......Victor Dehus (sp?)
"Pete Poker" ......Pete Jensen (another one)
"Little Mary" ......Emmet Rosenlof
"Georgie Porgie" ......George Porter
"Taboot" ......Lawrence Johansen
"Gooley" ......Paul Johansen
"Dutch" ......Wilford and Boyd Hafen
"Shy Poke" ......Gerald Marx
"Ichabod" ......Alan Burnside
That's enough for today, we'll save more for another day.
Saturday, March 7, 2009

How Mt. Pleasant Celebrated Its First 50 Years?Well, for starters, they sent out a letter to each household with the following statement in the first paragraph, “The labor of opening up a new country amid the vicissitudes of pioneer life surely draws upon the admiration of everyone who appreciates integrity. The pioneers made habitable for us this uninviting land and laid the foundation for all the comforts that we enjoy; and that too, under conditions of extreme poverty and constant fear of attack from the Indians. These facts place us who enjoy the fruits of their labor, under a debt of gratitude to which all will acknowledge by taking a part in the erection of a suitable monument to their honor.”
The monument to which reference was made is the very one that stands in front of the Mt. Pleasant Carnegie Library today. The names inscribed on the base of the monument are the original heads of families who settled here in 1859. The money raised to erect the monument came from the families of those original pioneers. Each family was assessed $35.00 to have their pioneer ancestor included on the monument. That $35.00 sum in the year 1909 would be the equivalent of today’s $850.00, according to Consumer Price Index of 2009.
The names that follow are the names found on the base of the monument:RIGHT PLATEWm. Seely
Neils P. Madsen
Rasmus Frandsen
M. C. Christensen
Nathan Staker
Jens C. Jensen
John Tidwell
Henry Wilcox
Peter Mogensen
John Carter
Orange Seely
George Coates
George Farnsworth
Jens Larsen
Peter Hansen
Svend Larsen
Rudolphus R. Bennett
Christian Brotherson
Daniel Page
Back Plate
Niels Widergreen Anderson
Andrew Madsen
Mads Madsen
Neils Madsen
Christian Madsen
John Meyrick
Jens Jorgensen
Jens Jensen
Peter Johansen
Neils Johansen
Justus Seely
James K. McClenahan
John Waldemar
Christian Hansen
Henry Ericksen
Andrew P. Oman
C.P. Anderson
Christian Jensen
James Harvey Tidwell
Martin Aldrich
Left Plate
Jefferson Tidwell
Paul Dehlin
Mortin Rasmussen
Hans C.H. Beck
Peter M. Peel
Erick Gunderson
Alma Zabriskie
Soren Jacob Hansen
John F. Fechser
Andrew P. Jensen
Wm. Morrison
Hans Y. Simpson
George Frandsen
Peter J. Jensen
Jacob Christensen
Frederick P. Neilson
John L. Ivie
Christian Neilson Christensen
Isaac Allred
Andrew Johansen
And the endeavor itself did not take years to complete. The proposal letter was sent out March 1st of 1909. The monument was in place and unveiled on July 5th, 1909, less than 6 months later. One can only imagine how long a similar endeavor would take today, not to mention the money that would need to be raised.
And what about the celebration itself? Who was there, who spoke at the unveiling of the statue? Joseph Fielding Smith, President of the Latter Day Saint Church, dedicated the monument. President Smith delivered an eloquent and impressive Dedicatory speech and prayer. President Smith began by saying “ it was rather out of his line to attempt to address on any subject except church work ; that to this discourse he would have to deal principally with the Church or he would not talk of the pioneers of Utah, but he did not wish any nonmember to take offense to his remarks or think that he considered no one else worthy of mention as he estimated all men by the lives they lived and their value as loyal, useful citizens”.
A three day celebration on the 5th 6th and 7th of July was held. According to the book of Mt.Pleasant, authored by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf. The following are excerpts from her book. The celebration was the greatest in the history of the town. People in the hundreds came from far and near. A non-resident described it as “ an unsurpassed success, without any unpleasant incident to mar the pleasure of the occasion under skies bright and blue – with stirring strains of music from martial and military bands, with salutes from canon and cracker; with eloquent oration and sweet singing, pleasing the large audiences; and to those inclined towards athletics, sports were provided daily”.
The monument was unveiled by Mrs. Sarah Borg, who was the second girl born in Mt. Pleasant. When the veil released by her from its fastenings, the flag with which the monument was covered, fluttered slowly to the ground, and amid the cheer of the vast crowd gathered, the beautiful shaft was revealed in all its splendor and glory; a splendid fitting tribute destined to stand throughout the years to come, to the work, trials and achievement of the Pioneers. A silent but emphatic testimonial of the great appreciation of the present generation for the mission so successfully performed by the brave men and women who settled Mt. Pleasant fifty years ago. (one hundred and fifty years ago in 2009).
This year, we the citizens of Mt. Pleasant have the opportunity to celebrate the founding of Mt. Pleasant with our own style and appreciation for those original brave pioneer families. On March 28th we hold our annual Pioneer Day, which is held at that time because it is significant to the fact that those original pioneers came north from Manti, Ephraim and Spring City in March of 1859 to once again try a new settlement, having been driven south a few years before by hostile indians. Because they recognized there was good ground here to raise crops, and good prospects to raise their families. We honor those families for their faith, courage and perseverance. We indeed owe them a great amount of gratitude whether we personally are a descendant or a newcomer, we reap the many abundant rewards of their unselfish labors.
Friday, March 6, 2009

Not many of you would remember anyone in this group, but maybe you will recognize a name and perhaps they are an ancestor. This is our hope and the reason we post these pictures from the past. You can also help to identify the unknowns. This photo is from the Relic Home Collection.
Here are the names- left to right....
Back Row:Vera Kump, Usher Winters, ? Pehrson, George Nelson, Hettie Mills, Joseph Lund, Sherwood Pehrson, Minnie Rutishauser, Rashel Larsen, Kate Gilbert...
Middle Row: Rheva Scovil (Mower), Stella Olsen, Plumus Boyden, Myrtle Clark (Bagley), J. W. Anderson, S. M Nielsen, Venetta Monsen (Jensen),Francis Ericksen, Maria Anderson....
Front Row: Cloe Lund, ? Anderson, Arnold Swenson, Stella Jensen (Weech), ? Coates, Blaine Watson, Hazel Kump, Inez Dorsie (Rosenlof).
Its only our guess that this is a graduating class because of the diplomas lying in front of the group. Thank goodness we have most of the names.
If nothing else, this should be a reminder to label your precious personal family photos and to include as much information as you can. Future generations will want to know
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Pioneers of the Month ------ March 2009 ------ John and Jane Smith Tidwell

(The following is from his own biography)
From there my father moved to Henry Co., in the same state. And there near the fork of the Kentucky River was called on to go fight for the independence of his country in the War of 1812-13. On his return home he was taken sick from much exposure and died at a place then called Fort Ball. The war was between the United States and England. Soon after the war the news came to mother of the death of my father. After the shock she moved to her father's, who lived in the county of Clay, in the State of Indiana. Her father's name was William Goben. Some little time after my mother moved to Indiana, she married a man by the name of John Conner. He was a half brother to my wife, Jane Smith. I will say here that my mother had five children by her first husband, William Tidwell, my father. Their names were John, Littleton, Nancy, Moriah, and William; all born in the state of Kentucky. After she married John Conner, her second husband, she had eight children, (namely) James, Lewis, Mary, Isaac, Wesley, Alexander, Robert and John.

On Dec. 18, 1838 I was married to Jane Smith at Marysville, Clark Co., Indiana. Sept. 25, 1835, I was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, by Levi Bracken in connection with Uriah Curtis. Those two were on a mission together at that time. I was living at this time in Clark Co., Indiana. On 20 Nov. 1835, I was ordained an elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Siants, and left in charge of a small branch of Saints, about twelve in number, which had been baptized previous to this time. This number increased by about twenty two or twenty three.
On 11 Sept. 1839, I left Clark Co., Indiana to gather with the Church at Nauvoo, Hancock Co., Illinois. I reached there 6 Nov. 1839, where I remained until after the Martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph and his Brother, Hyrum Smith. This took place 27 June 1844. I was ordained a Seventy and organized the ninth quorum of Seventies. I must say in connection with our stay in Nauvoo, which was less than six years, we had a great deal of sickness, also trouble caused by the mobs of outlaws of the State of Illinois, who continually sought to disturb the Saints. On 10 June 1844, The Nauvoo Expositor, a libelous paper edited by the Laws and Fosters was was considered a nuisance by the city council of Nauvoo and was destroyed by the city marshall, John F. Green. Great excitement arose about this time in the County of Hancock, by the mobbers of the State of Illinois, so that the Governor of the state, Thomas Ford, with pretense of protection, came to Carthage, the county seat of Hancock County.
On 27 June 1844, while Ford was in Nauvoo with pretense of friendship, a man broke into the jail, where Joseph, the Prophet, Hyrum Smith the Patriarch, and Willard Richards and John Taylor were confined, and under pretense of the law, martyred the Saints of Hancock Co., Illinois.
On the second day of Feb., 1848 in the City of Joseph, John Tidwell and Jane Tidwell received their Patriarchal blessing by John Smith, brother of the Prophet, who was the Patriarch.
On June 5, 1852, I left Counsel Point, southwest of Kanesville, Iow for Salt Lake Valley, crossed the Missouri River 8 June 1852. The fifth company was organized for crossint the plains the presentseason by Ezra T. Benson. I was appointed Captain of the Fifth Company for crossing the plains. The Journal of the Company will be found in another book kept by the Clerk of the Company. The record of the Fifth company of 1852 shows the rest of that journey. Sept 15, we arrived in Salt Lake City.
After a few days, I moved from there to Utah County to a place called Pleasant Grove.On July 14, 1855, I was ordained a President of Seventies at Provo by Joseph Young, Andrew Moore, Uriah Curtis and David Hunt. Joseph Young took the lead, and afterward I was assigned to the thirty fourth quorum of Seventies and appointed to preside over the (??) quorum, Pleasant Grove, Utah County.
I lived at Pleasant Grove from Sept 20, 1852 until Jun. 3, 1853, when I concluded to go to some place where I could get land enough for farming, so as to provide for my family and also on account of things being in much immoral state that I feared my family would get into bad habits such as I did not wish them to do. I thought I would move to some other place so I moved to Sanpete County, a distance of about eighty miles to Mt. Pleasant, where I arrived June 13, 1859.
On the 19th of June 1859, I was appointed to take charge of the building of the East Wall of the Fort. It was 20 rds. long, 12 feet high, four feet thich at the bottom, and two feet thick at the top. This was completed before the 24th day of July of the same year. This was built to protect the people from the Indians.
John Tidwell died at Mt. Pleasant Jan. 24th 1887. He had the following children: James Harvey, William Nelson, Mary Jane, Jefferson, Lyman, Martha, Margaret, Sarah, John, Emma Jane, and Marion.

Sugar Bowl which belonged to John and Jane Tidwell
(The following is written by Lettie P. Peterson from the things she can remember being told by her mother. )
John Tidwell and his family lived in the Fort until after Chief Black Hawk was killed and the Indian troubles were partly over. Then the people began moving out of the Fort. Each family was allotted a quarter of a city block to have as their home. John Tidwell's place was on Second South and State Street, where John K. Madsen lived for many years and where Grant Johansen now lives. (1960s) The Tidwells lived at that location the rest of their lives.
John Tidwell built a two room adobe house on his place and later added two more rooms built of lumber with a large fireplace in the living room. This was the only way they had of heating their home except with a small cook stove in the kitchen. Grandmother did most of her cooking in the fireplace--baking bread on the red-hot coals in a large iron Dutch oven, boiling water and making soup in a large iron pot hung on heavy iron brackets over the fire.
I was just a small child but I can remember the blue checkered tablecloth on the table, and how good the hot bread would smell and how good it would taste spread with butter and honey! Grandmother would churn butter and sell it for 10 cents a pound and also sell eggs for 10 cents a dozen.
Grandfather engaged in farming and cattle raising--owning land west and south of Mt. Pleasant. He had several beautiful horses which were sometimes used in the parade on the fourth of July by his son, John (or Jack as he was called).
Grandfather and Grandmother had twelve children. They were born at various places from Indiana to Utah. They are: James Harvey, William Nelson, Mary Jane, Jefferson, Lyman, Nancy Ann, Martha, Margaret, Sarah, John, Emma Jane, and Emiline Mariah. (The last named is my mother.) Three of their children died in infancy.
The following is recorded in the book "Mt. Pleasant", "An elderly Englishman by the name of Lee (father of Brig Lee) was working at a shingle mill. In some way he got his arm in the machinery and it was crushed. He was taken to his home and John Tidwell was called. There were no doctors in Mt. Pleasant at that time. Mr. Lee was placed on a table and four men held him while John Tidwell performed the operation of amputating the arm, which took 40 minutes. The only operating tools available were a knife and a meat saw. Brother Lee recovered and lived many years after that incident occurred.
"John Tidwell was good at making tubs and churns and pails out of wood, bound with wooden hoops which were used by the Pioneers.
"Jane Smith Tidwell was in the first dramatic company organized in Mt. Pleasant. They played for some years both in the Fort and after the new meeting house was built outside of the Fort--wheat was accepted as cash for tickets."
Grandfather died January 24, 1887, at the age of 80, and was buried in the Mt. Pleasant City cemetery.

PIONEER OF THE MONTH, APRIL: Caratat Conderset and Mary Napier Rowe
Excerpts taken from histories by Loretta Rowe Burnside and Jennie Allred Brotherson which can be found in "Mountainville History" by Melba Hill.Caratat Conderset Rowe, son of William Niblo Rowe and Candace Blanchard Rowe, was born in Perry Township, Delaware County, Indiana on May 11, 1823. The family had migrated from the northeastern states. He often told his grandchildren that his name was Caratat Conderset Nichols John Rowe. The grandchildren thought this was just another joke that their witty and fun-loving grandfather was telling them. But he may have been named for the Marque de Jean Marie Antione Nicholas Caratat Condercet. Caratat was of medium height and had dark brown hair and brown eyes.
It seemed that the Rowes lived near the Latter Day Saint Church headquarters and were acquainted with the early church leaders whom they respected. As a youngster, Caratat heard the gospel from missionaries. It was not until he realized how much the “Mormons” were being persecuted for their faith that Caratat became interested. He was baptized August 12, 1842. As a young man he married Mary Napier, a lovely blue eyed, red haired Scotch lassie who was a “Mormon” convert immigrant.
Mary Napier was born March 30, 1823 in Kilayth, Lanarkshire Scotland. Her parents were Janette Gillis and John Napier. Mary was descended from the royal family of Scotland and of Ireland. Genealogists have traced her lineage back for many generations; on one line to 1700 B.C. She was of the royal line of Judah through King Zedikiah according to Church records. Many interesting facts are thus brought out concerning her ancestral lines and their history.
When missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints preached the gospel in Scotland, Mary and her sister Isabella were converted. They were baptized, though it is not known if at the same time. Mary and Isabella were the only ones of their family to come to America. It is not known at this time if Isabella ever came to Utah. Elder Franklin D. Richards was one of the missionaries who preached the gospel to Mary.
Mary’s great faith and the friendships she gained kept her happy. She seemed to enjoy the spiritual gift of Vision of Prophecy. Many times she knew of coming events before they actually occurred.
Shortly after their marriage came the call for enlistments in the Mormon Battalion. Caratat joined with his two cousins, William and Manning Rowe. The Battalion left Fort Leavenworth, Kansas and marched toward the southwest to prevent further trouble between the United States Government and Mexico. The trials and hardships the men endured are well known. A sick detachment of men were sent to Pueblo, Colorado to spend the winter of 1846-47.
During the journey William Rowe became very ill and was unable to walk. The officer in charge thought this poor sick man would die. He advised the company to leave him there and move on. Caratat sat cross-legged on the ground beside his sick cousin. With his musket across his lap, he refused to leave. Finally, the officer in charge gave an order and William was lifted into a wagon. He recovered and was able to endure the journey into Utah.
Bound for Utah with the sick detachment, which included 140 members of the Batallion, were 40 Saints, 29 wagons, one carriage, 100 horses and 300 cattle. This company arrived in Utah just five days after the arrival of the first company of pioneers. (July 29, 1847).
Caratat traveled east to meet his family. He left Salt Lake Valley on August 26, 1847. During the journey his feet were frozen.
While Caratat had been away with the battalion, his wife, Mary, lived with Caratat’s parents in Iowa. Caratat Conderset Rowe, Jr. was born in Iowa on August 10, 1848/49. Candace Blanchard Rowe was born July 24, 1851 while the family was still in Iowa.
The family were members of a wagon train company which left Kanesville, Iowa in 1853 headed by Henry B. Jolley. They arrived in the Salt Lake Valley on September 15, 1852. Caratat and his family settled in Payson in Utah County.
Here three children were born: William Napier, born 15 September 1853; Jennett Sterling, born 24 August 1855; and a son, Ilinian (called Allen, Lin or Leen) born 12 July 1858.
When the Walker War was raging, Caratat served under the rank of Second Lieutenant. He was a member of Company “B” of the Payson Post of the Nauvoo Legion and also a member of the “Silver Greys”.
In 1860 the family moved to Sanpete County and settled at Mt. Pleasant. On April 23, 1861, a daughter Mary was born.
For several years Caratat and his sons did farming and stock raising in Thistle Valley at Indianola. Here they were active in defense of this summer settlement when Indians were on the war path. Both Caratat and his son “Con” were active in the Blackhawk War. Whenever possible, they tried to remain on friendly terms with the Indians. “Con” learned to speak the Indian language and had many friends among them.
A more detailed description of those early days is given in the history of Indianola from Centennial History of Sanpete County, “These Our Fathers”.
Indianola, originally called Thistle Valley, is located in the northern end of Sanpete County on Highway 89. As the name indicates, it was once the home of a tribe of Indians. They settled in a protected cove in the southeast part of the valley, called “Indian Hollow”. Here their horses and stock could feed throughout the winter among the cedars and in the ravines of the canyon. A large part of the valley consists of grass meadow land. It was for this reason that the early colonists of Fairview and Mt. Pleasant, among them Caratat Conderset Rowe, used this valley and Milburn Valley as summer pasture for their beef and dairy heads, their sheep and pigs.
They constructed small movable buildings called “herd houses” or “dairy houses”. The roofs of these buildings were somewhat in the manner of our sheep wagons of today and were covered with canvas. They could easily be moved about on wheels and follow the herds. In those the “herd boys” lived.
One year a herd of pigs had been brought to Thistle Valley for the summer. When they were being driven back to town, the men who were driving the pigs tgried to make them travel a little faster. As a result they all died from becoming overheated. The particular spot on the road about half way between Indianola and Hilltop is still known as the “Hog Dugway”.
Peter Gottfredsen, Caratat Conderset Rowe, Coderset Rowe Jr., Nathan Staker and his sons, Aaron and Joseph, were some of the herders of these flocks. Peter Gottfredsen in his book, “Indian Depredations in Utah” notes that after the close of the Tintic War in 1856, the Indians were comparatively peaceful until 1863. They again became dissatisfied, thinking that their hunting grounds were being taken from them by the white settlers.
In June 1866, Captain Albert P. Dewey of Colonel Kimball’s command was ordered to establish a key post in Thistle Valley. There were 22 cavalry and 35 infantry, the latter under Captain Jesse West. A few days later, they were attacked by a band of Indians under “Chief Black Hawk”. The battle lasted all day and Charles Brown of Draper was killed. If help had not arrived from Mt. Pleasant, there is no doubt that the Indians would have taken the camp.
The mountain now known as “Blackhawk” was used by Chief Black Hawk and his warriors as a signal point. Just east of this peak, in the Red Cliffs, is an old Indian burial ground. Undoubtedly, the Indians killed during the Blackhawk War were buried there. Many of the older Indians were buried here after they made peace with the whites.
One of the most horrible deeds committed during the Blackhawk War by the Indians was the massacre of the John Given family in the Thistle Valley on the morning of May 26, 1865. John Given, his wife, son and three small daughters were killed instantly. Two men, Charles Brown and Charles Wager Leah, who lived with the Givens, were able to escape and go down the canyon to a small settlement and report what had happened. After the massacre, the Indians gathered up the possessions of the family and killed or crippled the calves, and drove off with between one hundred and two hundred head of horses and cattle into the mountains.
While Caratat was living in Indianola, he built a wagon. The wheels were sawed off log ends reinforced with pieces of iron nailed around the outside edge of the wheels. Later, Caratat, his sons, Con and Allen moved their families to a valley east of the “Round Hills” in Sanpete County. They acquired farming land. The little settlement became known as Mountainville. Caratat was presiding Elder of this branch of the Mt. Pleasant North Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for many years.
An Indian whose name was James Onumph usedto come to the home of Mary and Caratat Rowe quite often when they were living at Mountainville. Once when he was visiting with them, "Indian Jim" as he was called was talking with Mary. He asked her a question pertaining to a principle of the gospel and Mary was attempting to answer the question. She started to speak and then said, "I wish that I could answer your question so that you couyld understand. I would like to have the language to explain it to you, and to make it clearer to you". Then the Indian said to her, "Stand Up" She began to speak. Again he said "Stand Up". Mary stood up, began to speak to him. Onumph nodded his head because he understood what she was saying. She continued to speak and Onumph again nodded his head. It was plain that he knew what she meant. But no one else in the room could understand, even her sons and daughter-in-law. She spoke a language which her children did not understand. But "Indian Jim" clearly understood what she said. Grandma Mary Napier Rowe had spoken with the spiritual gift of tongues. Later, "Indian Jim" became a second counselor to Bishop John Spencer of Indianola
Caratat Conderset Rowe died February 10, 1904
Mary Napier Rowe passed away March 4, 1902. She is buried in the Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery
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